All Industry News articles – Page 263

  • The way forward for most vessels is in a less rushed timetable

    Under 10m pilot quota schemes


    The working group responsible for finding solutions to the quota problems facing some of the under 10m fleet met recently to review responses to the Defra consultation and discuss ways forward.

  • Steve Irwin

    Steve Irwin released


    Thanks to its supporters, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has raised over $735,000 to fund a bond to release the flagship Steve Irwin from detainment.

  • News

    Pew applauds call for shark sanctuary


    An area covering over two million square miles of the western Pacific Ocean is slated to become the world’s largest shark sanctuary and the first one ever created through a regional agreement among governments.

  • Dutch razor clam vessel. Credit: Adri Bout (Seafarm BV)

    Razor clam fishery enters assessment


    The Producers’ Organisation of the Dutch Fishermen’s Association (DFA) razor clam fishery has entered full assessment for Marine Stewardship Council certification.

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    Oceana calls on US to ban shark products


    Oceana has called on the United States government to ban the import of shark products, including fins, cartilage and meat, from countries with insufficient shark protections.

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    Fishermen welcome mackerel statement


    Scots mackerel fishermen have welcomed the joint statement issued by Maria Damanaki and Lisbeth Berg-Hansen that all options are being examined to stop the ‘damaging exploitation’ of mackerel by Iceland and the Faroes.

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    Dutch suspended culture mussel fishery crowned sustainable


    ‘Zeeuwse mosselen’ - mussels from the Dutch province of Zeeland, are now eligible to bear the MSC ecolabel.

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    Fishery withdraws from MSC programme


    Scotland’s Loch Torridon langoustine fishery has withdrawn from the MSC programme.

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    British Columbia pink salmon fisheries awarded MSC certification


    Three British Columbia pink salmon fisheries that were entered into assessment by the Canadian Pacific Sustainable Fisheries Society have been awarded MSC certification.

  • Sealord’s hoki will be sold in McDonald’s

    McDonald’s to serve Sealord’s hoki


    Part of Sealord’s annual hoki catch will be sold through McDonald’s restaurants in a new campaign set to maximise awareness and access to sustainable fish across Europe.

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    Associated Seafoods acquires Moray Seafoods to secure future of company


    Associated Seafoods Ltd has acquired prawn processor Moray Seafoods Ltd in a move that will secure the future of the company and herald the beginning of a new strategy to develop the domestic and export markets for quality langoustine and scampi.

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    English fishing industry gets £1.4m grant


    Over £1.4 million has been awarded to the English fishing industry from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).

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    Research on low trophic level fisheries


    ''Science'', the international weekly science journal, has published online Impacts of fishing low trophic level species on marine ecosystems, a ground breaking scientific analysis.

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    Dutch mussel producers MSC certified


    The Dutch Producers'' Organisation Mussel Culture has been awarded MSC certification following an independent assessment against the MSC standard for sustainable fisheries.

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    Fisheries and Marine Centre to open in Lewisporte


    The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University will open its first regional fisheries and marine centre in Lewisporte thanks to a combined investment of over $470,000 by the Governments of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador.

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    Seafish funds shellfish preparation films


    Seafish has awarded £4,000 from its Industry Project Fund (IPF) to the Shellfish Association of Great Britain (SAGB) to produce five new online videos of how to prepare key shellfish species.

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    Joint statement on mackerel fishery


    Maria Damanaki, EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Lisbeth Berg-Hansen, Norway’s Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs have issued a joint statement on the mackerel fishery in the North Atlantic:

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    Seafish funds consultant for SFF


    Seafish has awarded the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) a total of £40,740 from its Industry Project Fund (IPF) to fund the services of a Marine Environment & Planning Legislation Consultant.

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    NVC III fleet approved by FOC


    Friend of the Sea has announced the certification of Dover sole, plaice, turbot, brill and dab from Noordzee Vissers Consortium III.

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    Fishing industries meet Damanaki to discuss mackerel


    Today the EU and Norwegian fishing industries'' met Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki to discuss the “reckless and irresponsible behaviour” of Faroe Islands and Iceland in “continuing to plunder the mackerel stock with impunity”.