All Industry News articles – Page 267

  • The Baja California red rock lobster fishery has been re-certified

    Red rock lobster fishery re-certified


    The Baja California red rock lobster fishery off the coast of Baja California, Mexico has been re-certified following an independent assessment.

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    Newfoundland and Labrador: Fisheries science results


    The Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research (CFER) has been effectively addressing the need for increased capacity in fisheries science in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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    Philippines shares innovative aquaculture ecosystem at Macau forum


    The Congressional Commission on Science Technology and Engineering (COMSTE) presented a locally developed farm-to-market ecosystem for aquaculture at the 8th Asia Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum in Macau, China.

  • Codfarmers ASA and Atlantic Cod Farms AS plan to merge. Credit: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    Cod farming companies to merge


    Codfarmers ASA (COD) and Atlantic Cod Farms AS (ACF) have entered into a letter of intent for the two companies to merge.

  • SAGB has produced the London Oyster Guide

    New guide to oysters in London


    In partnership with Graffeg, the Shellfish Association of Great Britain (SAGB) has produced the definitive guide to where to buy and eat oysters throughout London.

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    Seafish Damage Control Box wins award


    Seafish won the training category at the Safety at Sea International Awards 2011 for its Damage Control Kit and accompanying seminar.

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    Greenpeace targets Korean company


    An animation depicting the trail of Pacific tuna destruction was projected this week onto the office building of Sajo Industries in Busan, home to Korea’s distant water fishing fleet, by Greenpeace activists.

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    Margarita Lizarraga Medal award 2010-2011


    FAO has awarded the Margarita Lizárraga Medal to the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) in Thailand.

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    EFF grants working to reduce discards


    The European Fisheries Fund (EFF), Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and Defra are providing over £300,000 towards two projects which aim to help reduce fish discards in England.

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    Scientists warn of flaws in New Zealand bycatch framework


    Concerned that the proposed framework for managing the incidental mortality of seabirds in New Zealand fisheries is flawed, 50 seabird biologists, including many from BirdLife Partners in the Pacific region and beyond, have written to the country’s Fisheries Minister, Phil Heatley.

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    Faroe Island North East Arctic cod and haddock fisheries enter MSC assessment


    The Faroe Island North East Arctic cod and haddock fisheries have entered full assessment for MSC certification.

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    Seafood consultant to visit Scotland


    Seafood Scotland has launched an export programme to help companies respond to market changes and maximise opportunities to develop or expand trading links with France, Spain and Italy.

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    APROMAR and Ctaqua collaborate


    The Spanish Association of Marine Aquaculture Producers, APROMAR, has commissioned the Andalusian Aquaculture Technology Centre, Ctaqua, to complete a study on the production and market for meagre in Spain, focused on developing proposals to promote the consumption of the species in Spain.

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    Project Ocean raises over £96,000


    Since its launch last month, Project Ocean has raised over £96,000 towards setting up marine reserves in our oceans.

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    New traceability option for BAP Certification


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance is introducing a new option for achieving the traceability required for Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.

  • Maria Damanaki has said she will bring through proposals for trade sanctions against Iceland and the Faroes in October

    Mackerel: No immediate action agreed


    The European Commission have once again promised action over mackerel, but not quickly enough, Scotland''s Fisheries Minister Richard Lochhead has warned.

  • EU Ministers met to discuss the Commission's Communication on the Consultation on Fishing Opportunities for 2012

    EU meets on 2012 fishing opportunities


    Yesterday, the EU Ministers met in the framework of the Council, in Luxembourg to discuss the Commission''s Communication on the Consultation on Fishing Opportunities for 2012, published on 25 May.

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    Melbourne Fish Market: Business as usual


    The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) has welcomed the news that the Melbourne Fish Market will continue to trade as usual.

  • AFMA Senior Management Officer David Power displays the line cutter and de-hooker that will be handed out to operators during port visits in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery

    AFMA to provide line cutters and de-hookers


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) plans to implement statutory fishing right conditions for longline fishing in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF) that will make it compulsory for vessels to carry fishing line cutters and de-hookers.

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    Regional cooperation to stop IUU fishing


    Fisheries officers attended a workshop in Jahor Baru, Malaysia from 7 to 10 June 2011 to discuss ways of stopping IUU fishing.