All Industry News articles – Page 281

  • Richard Lochhead

    EU mackerel action 'imminent'


    The Scottish Fisheries Secretary has received assurances that EU plans for mackerel sanctions against Iceland and the Faroe Islands are at an advanced stage.

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    Seafood Prix d’Elite finalists unveiled


    The finalists for the European Seafood Exposition 2011 Seafood Prix d’Elite new products competition have been announced.

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    Funding for Scrabster Harbour


    The redevelopment of Scrabster Harbour has received a funding injection.

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    Scottish funding for fisheries


    Sixty five fishing industry projects across Scotland have been awarded a total of £4.46 million under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) programme.

  • Spiny Dogfish. Credit: NOAA

    33% increase for spiny dogfish quota


    NOAA''s Fisheries Service has announced that it will propose increasing the spiny dogfish quota to 20 million pounds for 2011.

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    MSC and Albert Heijn Netherlands team up


    Dutch shoppers will find it easier to choose certified sustainable seafood during the AH puur&eerlijk (pure&honest) sustainable catch promotion, in Albert Heijn stores throughout The Netherlands this week.

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    Sodexo unveils plan to increase sustainable fresh seafood options


    Sodexo, Inc. in partnership with CleanFish has announced one of the largest initiatives of its kind designed to significantly increase the quantity and availability of sustainable fresh fish options in the US.

  • A Papua New Guinean spear fisherman loading a rifle-style spear gun at the surface. These spear guns are normally hand carved wooden stocks with rubber slings that fire a thin metal rod that has been hand sharpened.

    Fish know to avoid the spear


    Fish are not as dumb as people sometimes think: marine scientists have found that fish that are regularly hunted with spearguns are much more wary and keep their distance from fishers.

  • Gail Shea

    Canada’s fish and seafood exports grow by more than 7% in 2010


    The Government of Canada has officially released 2010 fish and seafood export figures and re-launched a new and improved website.

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    Scottish National Marine Plan


    A plan that will shape the national objectives and policies surrounding Scotland''s coastal and marine management is now out for consultation.

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    Fish figures underline importance of fishing industry to Scottish economy


    Commenting on the provisional statistics for fish landings in 2010 released by the Scottish Government, Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation said:

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    NOAA raises butterfish catch


    A new emergency increase to the butterfish fishing limit will enable squid fishermen off the northeast, who often catch butterfish unintentionally, to continue working.

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    $68.9 million seafood processing and distribution centre for Boston


    The BRA board has approved the tentative designation of the American Seafood Exchange (ASE) project for the redevelopment of the Marine Industrial Park’s in Boston.

  • Jamie Fitzgerald with the trousers that saved his life, standing beside his father, Noel. After the accident, Jamie got his father a jacket and pair of the trousers with the built-in buoyancy.

    Trousers save lobsterman from drowning


    Irish lobsterman, Jamie Fitzgerald, had a very lucky escape at the end of January.

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    Chip Shop Mackerel hits supermarkets


    Young’s Chip Shop Mackerel has been on shelves from 14 March 2011, thanks to the support of two major supermarkets.

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    Senator John Kerry to support New England's fishermen


    Amidst the dispute soaring over NOAA''s catch-shares policy and management regulations considered scientifically unjustified and socially unacceptable among New England''s fishery industry, Sen. John F. Kerry stepped in, saying that he''s going to convene Congressional hearings on this issue, reports Menakhem Ben-Yami.

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    Sustainable aquaculture can be beneficial to Jamaica


    Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Donovan Stanberry says the aquaculture sub-sector can be beneficial for Jamaica, if it is adequately sustained, and made competitive.

  • "Scottish and European fishermen are determined that no Faroese mackerel will be landed into our ports," said Gatt

    Anger at Faroes mackerel decision


    Scottish fishermen have expressed their anger at the decision by the Faroe Islands to unilaterally set itself a “massively increased” quota for mackerel this year of 150,000 tonnes.

  • A Sailor assigned to Naval Air Facility Misawa carries debris to a dumpsite during a cleanup effort at the Misawa Fishing Port. Credit: US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Devon Dow

    Japanese tsunami hits fisheries


    Japan’s devastating tsunami on 11 March has been reported to have driven fish away.

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    Fish farm upgrade progressing well


    The latest phase of a major modernisation of fish farm sites belonging to Scottish Sea Farms is now well underway in a partnership agreement with Fusion Marine, which has seen more than £4m invested since the rolling upgrade programme began four years ago.