All Industry News articles – Page 285

  • News

    Alfardous believed to have been pirated in Gulf of Aden


    On the 13 February, the Yemeni fishing vessel Alfardous was believed to have been pirated close to Socotra Island in the Gulf of Aden.

  • The panel predicted that there will be fish in 2050 but it will be mainly the smaller variety

    Fishing leaves fewer big fish, more small


    Predatory fish such as cod and tuna have declined by two-thirds over the past 100 years, while small forage fish such as sardine and anchovy have more than doubled, according to researchers.

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    Support Sustainable Seafood Day


    People in Australia are becoming hooked on sustainable seafood, says the Marine Stewardship Council, with more fisheries, suppliers and retailers seeking MSC certification.

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    Clearwater announces BRC certification


    Clearwater Seafoods has announced that two of its processing facilities have been certified under the British Retail Consortium (BRC) standard for food safety.

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    Pew: Japanese whaling statement


    Josh Reichert, managing director of the Pew Environment Group, has issued the following statement in response to the withdrawal of the Japanese whaling fleet from the Southern Ocean one month early:

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    Celtic Sea herring, sprat and sardine fisheries enter MSC assessment


    The Celtic Sea Herring Management Advisory Committee (CSHMAC) has entered its herring, sprat and sardine fisheries for MSC assessment.

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    More MSC success for French fisheries


    Scapêche and the Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo have been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • STX Finland Oy will deliver a fisheries research vessel for Namibia

    Fisheries research vessel order


    STX Finland Oy and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of the Republic of Namibia have signed a contract for the construction of a fisheries research vessel.

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    Trialling ocean temperature forecasts for fish farms


    Marine scientists are trialling the first near-shore water temperature forecasts to assist Australia’s aquaculture farm managers contending with rising ocean temperatures.

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    Anova sets up joint venture


    Vietnam’s Anova Corporation has set up a joint venture with Norwegian fish feed producer EWOS Group, a division of Noway’s Cermaq ASA, to operate and expand a plant in the Mekong Delta.

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    RNLI lifeboat crews assist stricken Eyemouth fishing vessel


    RNLI lifeboat crews from Eyemouth and Berwick-upon-Tweed assisted a stricken fishing vessel after receiving a call from Forth Coastguard.

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    TRAFFIC hosts online fisheries seminar


    TRAFFIC Japan today hosted a seminar, which was broadcast live online, entitled “Towards traceability and sustainable use of marine resources: international trends and activities in Japan”.

  • Scotland is expanding its catch quota trial

    Scotland tackling discards


    Scotland is expanding its catch quota trial in a bid to reduce discards.

  • Cod fishers returning from a day at work near Røst. Credit: EFF/NSEC

    Norway: Export growth continues


    The value of exports of Norwegian seafood in January totalled NOK 4.2 billion - an increase of NOK 684 million or 19% compared to January 2010, according to figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council.

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    Changes at Marine Harvest


    The Marine Harvest Group has decided to change the organisation on group level from a geographic to a functional organisation with two business units; Farming and Global Sales and Marketing.

  • Björn Rosengren

    Wärtsilä appoints new president and CEO


    Wärtsilä''s Board of Directors has appointed Björn Rosengren M.Sc. as the new President and CEO of Wärtsilä Corporation.

  • Aquaculture needs better management to ensure sustainable and responsible growth. Credit: Stephen Ausmus

    FAO: Action on responsible fisheries


    Countries are making progress in implementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, which is now 15 years old, but still extremely relevant.

  • Paolo Bray FOS Director and Inaki Artetxe, AZTI Head of Monitoring, Data Bases & GIS System, Marine Research Division

    Observers board Pevaeche’s tuna seiners


    On 9 February, 15 fishery observers boarded tuna purse seiners owned by Spanish shipowners Atuneros Vascos, Inpesca, Pevasa and Seabreeze Ventures – all part of the Pevaeche group.

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    Novartis to develop vaccine to prevent Pancreas Disease in farmed salmon


    Novartis Animal Health, Inc. has entered into an agreement with Intervet/Schering-Plough that grants exclusive rights to Novartis to potentially commercialise a new Pancreas Disease (PD) vaccine for use in farmed salmon.

  • News

    SPSG enter 4th fishery for MSC assessment


    The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) has entered its West of Scotland herring pelagic trawl fishery into MSC assessment.