All Industry News articles – Page 293

  • News

    South Korea secures greater pollock quota


    South Korea has secured the right to catch 47,001 tonnes of pollock in Russian waters in 2011, a 201-tonne increase compared with 2010.

  • The new law will require all sharks caught in US waters to be landed with their fins still naturally attached.

    America bans shark finning in its waters


    US Congress has banned the practice of shark finning in all US waters in a move environmental advocates say international regulators should emulate.

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    India ramps up shrimp exports to US, Japan


    Indian seafood exports increased 15.4% in rupee terms and 21.5% in dollar terms during the April to October period on the strength of higher demand for shrimp from the US and Japan.

  • US fishery managers have set the 2011 BSAI pollock harvest at 1.27 million tonnes.

    Alaska pollock re-certified under MSC


    The Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Alaska pollock fishery (BSAI) has earned Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) re-certification having been independently assessed and again found to be sustainable and well-managed.

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    A further boost for sea lice research


    EWOS Innovation, will be a key partner in a new innovation centre for sea lice research, the headquarters of which will be based at the University of Bergen. It will be supported by significant grant funding from the Norwegian Research Council as part of the SFI programme (Senter for Forskningsdrevet ...

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    Thai Union: 30% profit rise in 2011


    Thai Union Frozen Products Pcl, the world''s largest canned tuna producer, expects its 2011 net profit to rise 30% in line with sales growth, boosted by its acquisition of French-based MW Brands Holdings SAS.

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    Aquaculture NZ welcomes Advisory Panel


    Aquaculture New Zealand has welcomed the establishment of an Aquaculture Ministerial Advisory Panel to consult with the public on a proposal to establish a new marine farming zone in Coromandel.

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    GEA snaps up Convenience Food Systems


    GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft has expanded the share of food process technology in its portfolio through the acquisition of Convenience Food Systems (CFS) from funds managed by AEA Investors LP.

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    Friend of the Sea-certified pangasius from DKSH, Bakker Vis


    DKSH, a leading market expansion services provider with a focus on Asia, has partnered with Bakker Vis in the Netherlands to supply Friend of the Sea-certified pangasius fillets to the Dutch market.

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    Pangasius off WWF’s red list


    Vietnam and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) recognising both sides'' commitment to ensuring that tra (pangasius) fish is globally recognised as a sustainable aquaculture product.

  • The pollock catch limit for 2011 has been set at 1,252,000 tonnes in the Eastern Bering Sea, and 96,215 In the Gulf of Alaska. (Photo: NOAA)

    Pacific cod, pollock limits increased


    The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) has approved its advice for next year´s Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) groundfish total allowable catch limits. The pollock and Pacific cod catch limits have both been ramped up as a result of those stocks´ growth and will come into effect next ...

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    Alaska sues government over Aleutian fishing ban


    Alaska is suing the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to try to overturn a rule meant to restrict fishing in the Western Aleutian Islands. Designed to defend the western population of Steller sea lions, which are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, the regulation is set to go ...

  • According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Sitka Sound herring stock is at the highest level seen since the department began record-keeping in 1964.

    Sitka herring quota up to 19,000 tonnes


    Herring fishermen in Sitka, Alaska, will target their highest quota ever next year after the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) announced the guideline harvest level (GHL) for the 2011 Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery is 19,490 tonnes.

  • The adoption of EU Directive 1077/2088 requiring skippers to migrate from paper logbooks to an electronic recording and reporting system has been slow.

    EU failing on electronic fishing records


    The European Union has one of the largest, most advanced fishing fleets in the world but the compliance with its regulation requiring member states’ vessels to introduce electronic fishing records is well short of where it should be, said a leading satellite communications expert.

  • Dr Marc Pinto joins Marport as chief sonar scientist.

    Marport appoints chief sonar scientist


    Marport Deep Sea Technologies Inc, a leading developer of software defined sonar technology, has appointed Dr Marc Pinto as its chief sonar scientist.

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    Extra time for UK Marine Conservation Zone project


    The Marine Conservation Zone project board has agreed to allow more time for the four regional MCZ projects in UK waters to deliver their responsibilities.

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    Co-operative sanctioned for Pacific cod fishery


    US Congress has passed legislation that would rationalise the Pacific cod fishery in the Bering Sea and Aleutians Islands. The Longline Catcher Processor Subsector Single Fishery Cooperative Act will create a Bering Sea co-operative for freezer longline fleet.

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    Scots slam Iceland for mackerel quota rise


    Scottish mackerel fishermen have condemned the decision by Iceland to increase their unilaterally declared mackerel quota from 130,000 tonnes to 147,000 tonnes for 2011 branding it as political posturing that could result in serious harm to the health of the stock.

  • Vietnam exports between 600,000 and 700,000 tonnes of pangasius fillets annually.

    Cermaq enters pangasius feed industry


    Norwegian aquaculture giant Cermaq has signed a joint venture agreement with the local partner, Anova Corporation, in Vietnam. Through its feed operations, EWOS, Cermaq is entering operations in the Vietnamese feed market.

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    UK plans drastic cut in Coast Guard


    The UK government has announced plans to cut reduce the 18 Coast Guard stations now operating to 10, with only three running 24 hours a day.