All Industry News articles – Page 296

  • News

    Seafish appoints new deputy chair


    Marine ecologist, professor Michel Kaiser, has been appointed to the role of interim deputy chair of the Seafish board until March 2012 by the UK seafood authority.

  • Rope-grown mussels produced by SSMG this year became the first farmed seafood in the UK to achieve Friend of the Sea certification.

    Sales of Scottish mussels to soar


    The Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) has predicted a 15% increase in the volume of mussels sold over Christmas compared with the same period last year, saying consumers have become increasingly adventurous in their tastes.

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    Fusion Marine pens installed at new Ghanaian tilapia farm


    Fusion Marine has completed the installation of a fish farm in Ghana for tilapia. Production on the farm on the Volta River is envisaged to be in the region of 275 tonnes of fish per year with output expected to increase further in a couple of years’ time.

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    Norway’s north east Arctic coldwater prawn fishery enters MSC assessment


    Following the certification of some of Norway’s saithe, cod and haddock fisheries, the Norwegian Seafood Export Council has entered the north east Arctic coldwater prawn fishery into assessment for MSC certification.

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    Welsh mussel fishery secures MSC certificate


    The Bangor Mussel Producers fishery has been certified as a sustainable and well-managed fishery by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • Oregon’s Dungeness crab harvest for the 2009-2010 season was 10,521 tonnes, valued at $44.8 million.

    Eco-label for Oregon's Dungeness crab


    The iconic Oregon Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fishery operating off the US west coast has secured Marine Stewardship Council certification following independent assessment to the NGO''s standard for sustainable fisheries. Products from the fishery are now eligible to bear the eco-label.

  • There has been a 20% reduction in the cod quota and a 5% cutback in the haddock total allowable catch.

    SFF: bleak outlook for whitefish fleet


    There was mixed fortunes for the Scottish fishing fleet following the conclusion of talks between the EU and Norway to settle the total allowable catches of seven shared stocks including North Sea haddock, cod, whiting and herring, said the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation.

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    EU commissioner dismayed by bluefin tuna decision


    European environment commissioner Janez Potocnik has said he was very disappointed with the attitude of Mediterranean member states over bluefin tuna quotas for 2011.

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    Umami Sustainable Seafood completes Baja Aqua Farms acquisition


    Umami Sustainable Seafood Inc has completed the acquisition of Baja Aqua Farms, Mexico''s leading producer of bluefin tuna.

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    Scots ministers hail EU fishing deal


    The Scottish government said the new EU deal struck over North Sea fishing will help safeguard the industry and stocks, despite cuts in quotas. Scots fishermen will be able to land more cod in 2011, rather than having to discard the fish when they reach the limit, said SNP ministers.

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    North Sea fish management deal signed


    A new deal for the management of shared fish stocks in the North Sea has been signed.

  • Every year about 25,000 tonnes of fish is sold at Billingsgate, generating £200 million (€235.8 million/$311.9 million).

    Nervy times for Billingsgate fish porters


    Changes to the running of Billingsgate fish market in London, UK, have been approved, despite a 20,000-signature petition against the proposals. The City of London Corporation said it will now scrap "outdated" bylaws, which include a requirement for about 120 porters to be licensed.

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    No China import ban for Australian rock lobster


    Australia''s agriculture, fisheries and forestry minister Joe Ludwig has confirmed there is no ban on imports of Australian rock lobster into China.

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    NZ oysters die from herpes outbreak


    Puzzled scientists are battling to identify why millions of Pacific oysters are dying in New Zealand waters. Up to half of the juvenile Pacific oyster stocks in the North Island are thought to have died, and up to 10% of the adults, according to Oyster Industry Association chairman Callum McCallum.

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    Argentina scores last minute squid catches


    Eleventh hour Illex squid landings in Argentina saw this year’s catch reach 79,947 tonnes, up 10% from 2009 (71,415 tonnes), easing pressure on the industry following three consecutive years of poor seasons.

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    Stakeholders move a step closer to protecting the Celtic Sea


    Major sectors operating in the Celtic Sea area have moved a step closer to developing a unified approach to managing their activities more sustainably thanks to a workshop delivered by Pisces, a marine project funded by EC LIFE+.

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    New website offers ex-demo, second-hand processing equipment


    The Netherlands-based CFS has launched a new website to provide customers with a complete overview of all its machines that are available on short notice. The stock listed on includes secondhand, ex-demonstration and ex-rental equipment as well as some new machines.

  • In 2011, the UN General Assembly will review the actions taken by EU and other high seas fishing nations to implement the 2009 resolution.

    EU slammed for retaining deepsea quotas


    Deep Sea Conservation Coalition has voiced its disappointment with the EU’s Council of Fisheries Ministers decision to set TACs and quotas for deepsea fisheries in the northeast Atlantic in contravention of United Nations General Assembly resolutions.

  • News

    High Liner commits to eco-labelled fish


    High Liner Foods Inc, a leading North American processor and marketer of seafood, has made a commitment to only source seafood from certified sustainable or responsible fisheries and aquaculture farms by the end of 2013.

  • NOAA closed the re-opened royal red shrimp fishery after it received a report from a fisherman who caught tarballs.

    BP oil spill: NOAA closes shrimp fishery


    NOAA has closed 4,213 square miles of the Gulf of Mexico to royal red shrimp fishing following the discovery of tarballs. This area had previously opened to all fishing, and fishing for finfish or penaeid shrimp species is still allowed.