All Industry News articles – Page 302

  • News

    First tilapia farm becomes compliant with aquaculture dialogue standards


    Regal Springs Tilapia farm Aquafinca in Honduras was the first aquaculture operation to be audited by the Institute for Marketecology (IMO) for compliance with the International Standards for Responsible Tilapia Aquaculture (ISRTA), which were completed last December by the Tilapia Aquaculture Dialogue.

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    NZ plan to boost trawling profitability


    Queensland''s largest commercial fishery - the trawl sector – has become the first to finalise a development plan in conjunction with the Queensland government to boost industry profitability.

  • The world's largest sushi mosaic (Photo: Norwegian Seafood Export Council).

    New world record: largest sushi mosaic


    To mark the arrival of the 10 millionth Norwegian salmon to China, the Norwegian Seafood Export Council (NSEC) created a sushi mosaic featured 8,374 pieces of sushi made from different types of seafood, primarily salmon, but also cod, mackerel and shrimp - setting the new world record for the largest ...

  • Ian Hagg of the Findus Group receives the FDF Special Award for the Environment from Jim Paice MP, UK minister of state for agriculture and food.

    Fish for Life wins sixth award


    The Findus Group received a Special Award for Excellence from the UK’s Food & Drink Federation (FDF) for its ‘Fish for Life’ sourcing approach at last week’s annual Community Partnership Awards in London.

  • With the new CFP set to take effect on 1 January 2013, commissioner Damanaki pledged to present proposals in the first half of 2011.

    EU chief wants five-pronged CFP reform


    Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) must aim to ensure sustainable exploitation of resources and contribute to the ‘Europe 2020’ strategy by working on robust economic performance, inclusive growth and enhanced coastal cohesion, EU fisheries commissioner Maria Damanaki told the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries (PECH) this week.

  • Crabco has secured a permit to land over 1,000 tonnes of king crab.

    NZ trials king crab industry


    The government of New Zealand has given the go-ahead for an exploratory permit to find out if it is possible for its fishermen to commercially catch deepwater king and red crab.

  • Tonnes of tuna worth tens of millions of baht have been stolen from Songkhla port, Thailand.

    Thailand beefs up tuna security


    The governor of Thailand''s Songkhla province has ordered that security must be improved around the deepsea port, following complaints from foreign shipping companies they have been robbed of tonnes of their tuna worth tens of millions of baht.

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    Tasmania to send mussel spat to South Australia


    South Australia''s mussel industry is to trial a programme in which hatchery-raised mussel spat will be imported from Tasmania.

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    Trawl fishing to close in area of Kodiak


    Two key Kodiak-related fisheries decisions came out of the latest North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) meeting in Anchorage, Alaska.

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    Seafish offers advice on using seafood nutrition and health claims


    Advice on making authorised nutrition and health claims in line with new European legislation is now available on the Seafish website

  • By the time the Deepwater Horizon well was finally plugged on 15 July, some 750 million litres of crude oil had spewed into the Gulf.

    Bluefin tuna hit hard by BP oil disaster


    Numbers of juvenile Atlantic tuna at a major spawning site in the Gulf of Mexico probably fell by at least 20% this year as a result of the BP oil spill, according to the European Space Agency (ESA), whose satellites are assessing the disaster''s effects on the fish’s habitat.

  • HB Grandi has processed 17,000 tonnes of pelagics at its Vopnafjörður plant. (Photo: HB Grandi/Jón Sigurðarson)

    Pelagic production record for HB Grandi


    A total of 17,000 tonnes of products from pelagic species have been processed this year at HB Grandi’s Vopnafjördur factory, smashing the company''s previous production record of 12,700 tonnes set in 2004.

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    US looks for new law enforcement chief


    The US government is looking to hire a new chief for its fisheries law enforcement arm after the former head of enforcement, Dale Jones, was reassigned to monitoring international seafood trade.

  • The CBD’s actions to address impacts to marine and coastal biodiversity have the potential to affect all commercial ocean users, including fishing and aquaculture operations.

    Summit tackles ocean industry impacts


    International governments will decide on measures to minimise the impacts of human activities on the marine environment at the UN summit on biodiversity - the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - which has opened in Nagoya, Japan.

  • News

    NOAA seeks comments on proposed reduced harvest of gag


    NOAA Fisheries Service is seeking public comment on a proposed rule that would decrease the commercial quota of gag, suspend the use of red grouper multi-use individual fishing quota (IFQ) commercial allocation, and temporarily set the gag bag limit to zero.

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    More carp for the Bengali plate


    Three species of freshwater fish dear to the Bengali palate may soon be bred throughout the year through an aquaculture ‘trick’ that could help boost fish production.

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    US approves Mexico shrimp imports


    The US Department of State has certified Mexico under Section 609 of United States Public Law 101-162, which prohibits the import of shrimp and shrimp products harvested in ways that may adversely affect some sea turtle species.

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    Maine lobstermen to aid herring research


    Ten lobster boats will use sonar to survey populations of the fish in coastal waters next summer and autumn, with the help of a grant from the Maine Technology Institute.

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    Salmon group changes name to reflect region


    The New Brunswick Salmon Growers'' Association has changed its name and focus to better reflect the industry''s spread out of southwest New Brunswick.

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    Tonka Seafoods looks into shrimp processing


    Tonka Seafoods Inc is interested in restarting shrimp processing in Petersburg, Alaska, and last week approached the Petersburg Harbor Board seeking permission to build a two-story warehouse close to the Petersburg Community Cold Storage facility.