All Industry News articles – Page 309

  • Four finfish and two shellfish projects will receive the aquaculture funding.

    Canadians invest in BC aquaculture


    Gail Shea, Canadian minister of fisheries and oceans (DFO) has announced CAD 637,678 (€474,935/$600,830) in funding to support innovation and sustainability in the aquaculture industry in British Columbia.

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    Record returns on Fraser River’s MSC salmon


    Fraser River sockeye salmon returns could reach between 20 million and 25 million fish this year, making it the second, possibly even the largest run in 60 years, according to independent fisherman and Pacific Salmon Commission Fraser Panel member Mike Griswold.

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    Clearwater Q2 profits dip


    Clearwater Seafoods has reported second quarter EBITDA of $7.1 million (€5.5 million) on sales of $65.2 million (€50.6 million), a decrease on comparative figures for the same period of 2009 of $8.5 million (€6.6 million) and $70.2 million (€54.5 million).

  • Salmon prices are expected to remain strong in 2010 and into 2011.

    Salmon prices boost Cermaq bottom line


    Aquaculture giant Cermaq has reported an EBIT pre fair value of NOK 215 million (€22.7 million/$35 million) for the second quarter of this year based on strong results in all parts of the company’s operations.

  • Harbour commissioners will devise a new plan to overhaul the Cornish port’s facilities.

    Newlyn mothballs fish market upgrade


    Plans to regenerate Newlyn Harbour have been put on hold after £3.2 million (€3.9 million/$5 million) of European Fisheries Fund cash was turned away by the harbour commissioners.

  • Name change: Morrisons will sell ‘Coruna’ for up to six weeks while it is in season.

    Retailer renames Cornish tuna as Coruna


    UK supermarket chain Morrison’s is to sell Cornish albacore tuna under a new name in an attempt to make it more appealing to customers.

  • Created by Seafish and the seafood industry in 2006, RFS promotes good operational and environmental practices.

    Sri Lankans adopt UK responsible fishing scheme


    More than 20 Tuna King boats in Sri Lanka have achieved certification in the Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS). All of the certified boats are longliners catching tuna and mid-water species out of the port of Beruwala.

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    Marport introduces new products at Nor-Fishing


    Sonar technology company Marport Deep Sea Technologies introduced its latest software defined sonar products at the Nor-Fishing 2010 exhibition in Trondheim, Norway.

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    Irish shellfish processor signs up to Prawnfresh


    Waterford shellfish processor Erin Isle Seafood Ltd has become the latest Irish company to switch from sodium metabisulphite to Prawnfresh treatment for prawns.

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    Climate change impacts SE Australia fish species


    Scientists are reporting significant changes in the distribution of coastal fish species in south-east Australia which they say are partly due to climate change.

  • Scottish Skipper Expo 2011 will be held on 24 and 25 June 2011 at the Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre (AECC).

    New fishing show for Scotland


    Mara Media Ltd, owner of the Irish Skipper publication and the Irish Skipper Expo, have announced the launch of a new fishing exhibition for the Scottish fishing and processing industry.

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    Shetland seafood firm goes into administration


    Shetland-based seafood company Isle of Shuna has gone into administration.

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    Faroese fisheries chief urges continued joint management of mackerel


    Fisheries minister Jacob Vestergaard has underlined the continued commitment of the Faroe Islands to finding a new and lasting solution for joint management of the northeast Atlantic mackerel stock.

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    Pew opposes MSC certification of surface longline catches


    The Pew Environment Group has criticised a proposal asking the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) to certify as sustainable a fishery that threatens vulnerable marine species including bluefin tuna, blue marlin, short-fin mako sharks and loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles.

  • The popularity of farmed salmon continues to grow despite high market prices.

    Norwegian seafood export growth continues


    Except for October 2009, when figures were flat, Norway’s seafood exports have enjoyed uninterrupted growth for the last 22 months.

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    Greenpeace calls for seafood industry to help save Ross Sea, Chilean seabass


    Greenpeace has released a new report detailing what it describes as “the destructive fishing practices used to catch Antarctic toothfish”, also known as Chilean seabass, and exposes how the fishing industry is engaged in a “gold-rush” for toothfish in the remote waters of the Southern Ocean.

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    Scots urge Faroes to reverse decision to set own mackerel quota


    Responding to the news that the Faroe Islands has decided to follow Iceland’s lead and declare an increased mackerel quota for this year, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation has called on the Faroese to reverse their decision and rejoin the previously operated international regime of fisheries management.

  • Reopened fishing area (in hashmarks) as of 6pm (EDT) 10 August 2010. Closure area may be updated daily as necessary.

    NOAA reopens further 5,000sq miles of Gulf


    NOAA has reopened 5,144 square miles of Gulf waters to commercial fishing. The move was announced after consultation with the FDA and under a reopening protocol agreed to by NOAA, the FDA, and the Gulf states.

  • Pictured in NUI Galway at the launch of the seaweed cultivation project are minister of state Sean Connick, Lucy Watson (BIM), Astrid Werner (Queen's University) and Maeve Edwards (NUI, Galway).

    Ireland unveils seaweed research project


    Irish researchers have embarked on a project aimed at providing essential data on the cultivation of three popular seaweed species to assist in the growth of the country''s seaweed industry.

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    Eighty percent of Taiwan's grouper farms back in operation after Morakot


    Taiwan''s grouper industry has mostly recovered from the damage caused by Typhoon Morakot last August, with an average of 80% of grouper aquaculture farms having resumed operations, the Fisheries Agency said.