All Industry News articles – Page 31

  • Fishing sector’s equality shortfall

    Fishing sector’s equality shortfall


    Ahead of the FAO Fisheries Responsibility Symposium which brought together 800 experts in Rome earlier this month, Meryl Williams and WSI, the International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry, prepared a summary of their latest understanding of marine resource mismanagement.

  • Protection and support for Maldives’ tuna

    Protection and support for Maldives’ tuna


    An important Memorandum of Understanding has been finalised between the International Pole & Line Foundation and the Maldives Seafood Processors and Exporters Association, defining significant long-term objectives on joint sustainability initiatives

  • Alexa Cole

    NOAA appoints director


    NOAA Fisheries has appointed Alexa Cole as director for the Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection.

  • Illegal fishing and child labour are rampant in the Vietnamese fishing industry according to the EJF Photo: EJF

    Rampant illegal fishing by Vietnam, says EJF


    Child labour and illegal practices are rife in the Vietnamese fishing industry according to an investigation by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF).

  • TNC is building a second large-scale reef system to revive native oyster populations Photo: TNC

    Oyster reef to revive South Australian waters


    A second large-scale reef system will be developed in South Australia’s Gulf St Vincent to improve water quality and revive wild native oyster populations.

  • WA octopus gets MSC blue tick

    WA octopus gets MSC blue tick


    Western Australia’s seafood industry has achieved another milestone with the MSC certification of its octopus fishery.

  • Waterdance adds workboat to fleet

    Waterdance adds workboat to fleet


    UK fishing company Waterdance Ltd has added a former trawler converted to operate as a workboat to its expanding fleet.

  • SFF seeks support for December 2020 CFP exit

    SFF seeks support for December 2020 CFP exit


    According to Scottish Fishermen’s Federation chief executive Elspeth Macdonald, it is clear to representatives of all political parties that the fleet would prosper when control over who gets to catch what, where and when in UK waters is restored to the country’s governments.

  • Natural capital refers to the resources that support human life Photo: BIM

    BIM convenes natural capital seminar


    Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) and the Irish Forum on Natural Capital have co-hosted a breakfast seminar ''Exploring Natural Capital Solutions for the Marine Environment'' in the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin.

  • The suspected illegal fishing vessel, apprehended by MBC and AFMA Photo: AFMA

    Suspected illegal fishing detected off Darwin


    An Indonesian fishing vessel has been apprehended northeast of Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory, for suspected illegal fishing in the country’s waters.

  • Anne Mette Bæk Photo: IFFO

    IFFO appoints management board presidents


    IFFO, the Marine Ingredients Organisation, has announced the names of its new president and vice president, effective from 1 January 2020.

  • Samherji in bribery allegation storm

    Samherji in bribery allegation storm


    Icelandic fishing company Samherji is at the centre of explosive allegations that over an extended period it paid bribes to prominent figures in Namibia, including two now former Ministers, to ensure access to quotas for horse mackerel in African waters.

  • Natural eel recruitment increasing

    Natural eel recruitment increasing


    A new independent report states that the recruitment of the depleted European eel has been increasing since 2011 at a statistically significant rate. The ICES Advice on Fishing Opportunities, Catch, and Effort for European Eel report revealed that the number of glass eels entering European waters is no longer falling, ...

  • tuna longliner

    Three new longliners for Navimon


    Navimon is due to receive three tuna longliners from Piriou by the end of the year.

  • The EFCA has adopted the document outlining plans for 2020 – 2024 Photo: EFCA

    EFCA outlines plans for next five years


    The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) has adopted the single programming document for 2020 – 2024, comprising a complete overview of the agency’s resources and its plans for the coming years.

  • Sigríður Olgeirsdóttir Photo: Valka

    Valka appoints new head of service division


    Icelandic seafood company, Valka, has appointed a new head of its rapidly growing global service division.

  • 'Zephyr'

    Zephyr features Vónin blue whiting package


    New pelagic vessel ‘Zephyr’ has been supplied with a full package of Vónin gear for blue whiting.

  • BRIM has finished herring fishing for the year Photo: BRIM

    Herring season draws to a close


    Icelandic seafood company, BRIM, has finished herring fishing for the year.

  • The Joint Demersal Fisheries in the North Sea has been awarded MSC certification

    North Sea fishery awarded MSC certification


    A collaboration of fisheries from Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands have met the requirements for sustainable fishing set by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • Dr Darian McBain receives the 2019 Freedom Award from Dr David Cooke, chief executive of Konica Minolta Australia Photo: Thai Union

    Anti-slavery award for Thai Union director


    Thai Union Group’s global director of corporate affairs and sustainability has been among those recognised for their outstanding contribution to combating modern slavery at the Anti-Slavery Australia Freedom Awards.