All Industry News articles – Page 337

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    UK cod quota draw


    The UK Marine and Fisheries Agency is to hold a random draw to allocate an extra 18 tonnes of east Channel, V11d, cod quota to the south coast 10 metre and under inshore fleet.

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    Trawler owners to pay £34,000 after SFC called in police helicopter


    Two UK owner skippers, who were filmed by a police helicopter as they illegally pair-trawled inside the three-mile limit, were ordered to pay £17,000 each in fines at costs by Chichester Magistrates on 20 November.

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    Marport wins 2009 technology innovation award


    Marport Canada Inc. has announced that the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters in partnership with National Research Council Canada has named Marport as Winner of the 2009 Award for Innovative Excellence in New Technology for the Atlantic/Nunavut Region.

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    Commonwealth fisheries programme offers 'from hook to plate' report free


    “From Hook to Plate”, an expert, up-to-date report on the state of marine fisheries from a Commonwealth perspective, is now available to download online.

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    Marel appoints Managing Directors of Industry Centers


    Marel has appointed a team of Managing Directors who will head the four new Industry Centers that make up the spine of the company’s operations.

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    Calbuco's fishing and aquaculture exhibition a success


    The First Technologic Fishing and Aquaculture Exhibition, held in the fishing port of Calbuco, Chile from 6-7 November was a complete success, reports Peter Nielsen.

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    Pew calls for countries to implement new illegal fishing treaty


    The Pew Environment Group has welcomed an announcement by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization that the new treaty to address illegal fishing is open for signature and called on governments to ratify and implement this treaty.

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    SFF anger at ‘lost opportunity’


    The initially encouraging decision by the EC Fish Council not to rush through a new set of technical conservation rules for EU fishing vessels – by sending the worst of the proposed technical measures back to the drawing board - has been seriously damaged by the failure to create a ...

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    Fisheries Council moves forward on sustainability agenda


    At their recent Council meeting in Brussels, fisheries ministers addressed several issues.

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    New Japanese Prime Minister urged to recall whaling fleet


    The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is urging Japan''s new government to recall its whaling fleet which is heading to Antarctica to hunt almost 1,000 whales.

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    New processing plants certified to BAP


    Consumers now have access to more fish from Best Aquaculture Certified (BAP) facilities after the certification of several new processing plants in Ecuador and the United States.

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    FAO and Norad to undertake value-chain analysis of fish sector


    FAO and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) have signed an agreement to undertake a comprehensive value-chain analysis of international fish trade with an impact assessment of the small-scale sector.

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    Offshore Mariculture 2010 – date change announced


    Mercator Media, organiser of the Offshore Mariculture Conference 2010, has announced new dates for the conference to avoid a clash with another European event. Offshore Mariculture 2010 will now be held from the 16-18 June 2010 at the Hilton Imperial Hotel, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

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    New Zealand tops global fisheries research


    A comprehensive international fisheries science assessment has rated New Zealand the world’s top performing country for managing its marine and fishery resources, Fisheries Minister Phil Heatley announced recently.

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    STX Finland polar supply and research vessel


    STX Finland Oy and the South African Department of Environmental Affairs have signed a contract for construction of a polar supply and research vessel. The ship with a value of approximately EUR 116 million will bring some 600 man-years of work. The ship will be built in the Rauma shipyard ...

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    Norwegian court revokes Scanmar sensor patents


    Marport Canada Inc. has announced that it has received a decision from the Oslo District Court in Norway on its patent litigation with Scanmar AS. The Court’s ruling gave Marport a clear victory in its defense against Scanmar’s claims of patent infringement and ruled in favor of Marport’s pleading of ...

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    EPAX AS Omega-3 oils Friend of the Sea


    Leading omega-3 supplier EPAX AS was awarded Friend of the Sea (FOS) certification for its sustainable marine sourcing and production methods and will soon offer its Omega-3 oils as having a documented and traceable origin from sustainable fisheries.

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    Deepwater set gillnets banned in the South Pacific Ocean


    A ban on the use of deepwater set gillnets was announced at the close of a meeting to establish a regional fisheries management organisation that will have legally-binding control over fishing in the South Pacific Ocean.

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    NOAA's statement on ICCAT meeting


    NOAA issued the following statement about the outcome of the annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

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    NOAA releases expanded World Ocean Database


    NOAA has released the World Ocean Database 2009, the largest, most comprehensive collection of scientific information about the oceans with records dating as far back as 1800. This product is part of the climate services provided by NOAA.