All Industry News articles – Page 34

  • EUfishmeal 2019 Conference in progress

    EUfishmeal 2019 Conference in progress


    The European fishmeal and fish oil industry is in the lead in terms of sustainability, traceability, production processes and high-quality products, and EUfishmeal, the association representing the European producers of fishmeal and fish oil, is currently hosting its biennial conference.

  • UK fishing industry profits remain robust Photo: Seafish

    UK fishermen weather the challenges


    The UK fishing fleet has seen a turnover of £1 billion for a second year, although external factors such as fuel cost, weather and the political landscape mean its profits have fallen slightly.

  • Kim André Gabrielsen Photo: Valka

    Valka hires Nordic countries sales manager


    Icelandic fish processing company, Valka, has appointed a new sales manager for the Nordic countries.

  • MEP threatens sanctions over mackerel dispute

    MEP threatens sanctions over mackerel dispute


    The chair of the European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee, Chris Davies MEP, has threatened sanctions against Iceland and Greenland unless they back down over increased mackerel quotas.

  • NOAA is funding a number of marine debris clean-up projects Photo: NOAA

    NOAA funds marine clean-up projects


    NOAA has announced a total of US$2.7 million in grants to support 14 projects aimed at addressing the harmful effects of marine debris on wildlife, navigation safety, economic activity, and ecosystem health.

  • EU fishing profits are robust thanks to sustainable fishing initiatives

    Sustainable fishing key to high EU profits


    The 2019 annual economic report on the EU fishing fleet shows that the high levels of economic performance in 2016 have continued into 2017, thanks to the use of sustainable fishing methods.

  • Australia fines Indonesian poachers

    Australia fines Indonesian poachers


    Four Indonesian fishermen who pleaded guilty to fishing offences in Australian waters have been fined and will spend time in prison due to outstanding warrants from unpaid fines due to previous offences.

  • World Ocean Council

    WOC actively involved in BBNJ negotiations


    The World Ocean Council (WOC) aims to keep stakeholders informed and engaged regarding the UN negotiations to expand the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to include a new legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine life in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ).

  • HB Grandi becomes Brim

    HB Grandi becomes Brim


    HB Grandi’s shareholders approved a proposal by the board of directors to change the company’s name to Brim, as well as too acquire sales companies Icelandic Japan KK, Icelandic Hong Kong Ltd .and Icelandic China Trading Co. Ltd., for US$34,9 million.

  • Seafish is asking the public to give feedback on its revised responsible fishing vessel standards

    Have your say on fishing vessel standards


    Stakeholders across the seafood industry are being asked to respond to a public consultation by providing feedback on the draft standard criteria for the next iteration of the Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS), to be called the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS).

  • RFC and Agama build second Murmansk factory

    RFC and Agama build second Murmansk factory


    The Russian Fishery Company (RFC) and the Agama Group have signed a co-operation agreement as part of the project to build the Russian Haddock onshore processing plant for cod and haddock in Murmansk. Construction is scheduled to begin in late August this year, with commissioning scheduled for next year.

  • Qu Dongyu takes up post as FAO head

    Qu Dongyu takes up post as FAO head


    The UN Food and Agriculture Organizaton’s new Director-General vows to build on UN agency''s strengths, making it more dynamic, transparent and inclusive.

  • Scottish summer herring

    Time for a UK herring resurgence?


    The growing trend for local and sustainable produce could be the key to UK consumers adopting a penchant for herring, the chairman of the Scottish Pelagic Processors Association has suggested.

  • Thai Union reports profits up 13%

    Thai Union reports profits up 13%


    Thai Union has reported a 13.1% increase in gross profit in the second quarter of the year, with stronger performances from the frozen seafood and PetCare and value-added product businesses.

  • BIM training

    BIM supports safety training in Ireland


    Sufficient safety training is “essential” for those working in the Irish fishing industry, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) has stressed.

  • ?35,000 lobsters V-notched every year

    ?35,000 lobsters V-notched every year


    Each year as many as 35,000 adult female lobsters caught by Irish inshore fishermen have a V-shaped notch removed from their tails.

  • Tri Marine's Renato Curto Photo: Tri Marine

    Silver Bay's acquisition of San Pedro halted


    Silver Bay Seafoods and San Pedro plant owner, Tri Marine Fish Company, have mutually agreed to cease further discussions regarding Silver Bay’s acquisition of the coastal pelagic processing plant in San Pedro, California.

  • ABPmer delivering seal deterrent project

    ABPmer delivering seal deterrent project


    Seals are notorious for eating catches from fishing gear in areas throughout English waters, resulting in costs to the industry in terms of loss of catch and damaged gear, and impacts on seals that might become entangled in the gear.

  • Europêche is concerned that windfarms are being planned without considering environmental impact Photo: Frans Lemmens via Hollandse Hoogte

    Fishing sector slams growth in windfarms


    Representatives from the fishing sector have warned against using the sea as a source of energy, claiming the marine environment is being put at risk.

  • AFMA has approved recommendations for the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery Photo: AFMA

    Outcome of Bass Strait scallop survey


    Following a biomass survey of stocks earlier this year, a total allowable catch (TAC) of 3,897 tonnes of commercial scallops has been set for the 2019 Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery season.