All Industry News articles – Page 341

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    Africa's fish safety goes continental


    Africa’s national fish inspectors and researchers have formed the first ever African Network for Fish Safety and Technology. It will ensure closer collaboration across the continent on issues from health controls to catching fish pirates, according to French-speaking countries coordinator Dr Khalifa Sylla of the Université de Dakar.

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    Southern Bluefin quota cuts could be “too little, too late”


    A 20 per cent cut in the Southern Bluefin Tuna take could still be too little, too late for the species which is on the brink of collapse, WWF and the wildlife trade monitoring TRAFFIC have warned today.

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    Coral Triangle summit to focus on business opportunities, environment protection


    Business and policy leaders will get together in Manila next year to debate how to protect the Coral Triangle, the world’s most diverse marine environment.

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    Genetic tuna tracking opens new options


    A new method that uses gene sequencing to accurately distinguish between tuna species has the potential to support fisheries management and possible trade restrictions for endangered tuna species.

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    NOAA and FDA to combine resources on seafood inspection


    NOAA and the US Food and Drug Administration unveiled an interagency agreement this week to strengthen seafood inspection and improve seafood safety and quality.

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    NOAA and partners announce South Atlantic Alliance


    Representatives from NOAA and the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, announced the formation of a partnership to better manage and protect ocean and coastal resources, ensure regional economic sustainability, and respond to disasters such as hurricanes.

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    EU is ready to combat illegal fishing


    On 22 October the European Commission adopted a Regulation establishing the implementing rules for the 2008 Regulation to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

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    New fisheries commission for Central Asia and the Caucasus


    FAO''s governing Council has unanimously approved the creation of a new regional fisheries management body for the Central Asia and Caucasus region.

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    EU fisheries industry blasts Commission’s Green Paper


    Two of the main industry organisations in EU fisheries have presented a positioning document on the Commission’s CFP reform Green Paper, calling it “provocative” although “interesting”, but “painting too bleak a picture of the situation, in a pessimistic or even alarmist manner”, says The Fisheries Secretariat in Sweden.

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    Exhibitors call for World Fishing Exhibition to be held more frequently!


    As was previously announced at the closure of the World Fishing Exhibition Vigo 2009, the Organising Committee is studying the possibility of holding the exhibition at shorter intervals at the request of exhibiting companies.

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    TUNA 2010 to re-assess whole industry


    The various sub-species of tuna comprise one of the world’s “big three” fish trades. Along with salmon and prawns (or shrimp), the tunas totally dominate the global seafood market, therefore representing one of the world’s most important sources of protein.

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    Pacific hake fishery MSC-certified


    The US Pacific hake fishery has recently been independently certified as well-managed and sustainable according to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) sustainability standard.

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    Hat trick for Stornoway fishery


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification gained by Stornoway Western Isles Langoustine Fishery in April this year has directly resulted in a hat-trick of good news for the fishermen - with exports up 50 per cent, a new product launch and a deal with a major supermarket.

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    Europe agrees to new control regulation


    A radical overhaul of the fisheries control regulation that meets Scotland''s requirements has been secured by Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead.

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    NOAA won't list two seal populations as endangered or threatened


    NOAA’s Fisheries Service has announced that two of three populations totalling more than 200,000 spotted seals in and near Alaska are not currently in danger of extinction or likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future. The announcement follows an 18-month status review.

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    Atlantic fisheries ministers agree to collaborate on sustainability


    The Atlantic Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers (ACFAM) last week reaffirmed the importance of a coordinated response to the growing sustainability trends in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

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    Commission's proposal for TACs for 2010


    This week the European Commission proposed the new levels of total allowable catch (TAC) and fishing effort for fish stocks available to Community fishing vessels mainly in the Atlantic and the North Sea.

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    Report finds future of global seafood supply at a turning point


    Global prospects for securing a sustainable seafood supply and protecting ocean ecosystems are improving, thanks to a growing consensus on how best to manage fisheries and fish-farming operations, and new commitments by consumers, major buyers and the fishing community.

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    Lisbeth Berg-Hansen is new Norwegian minister


    Lisbeth Berg-Hansen was yesterday appointed the new Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs following Helga Pedersen.

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    Fisheries Council: statement on fisheries agreement with Guinea


    Statement by Commissioner Borg on 20 October on the withdrawal of the Commission''s proposal for a fisheries agreement with Guinea.