All Industry News articles – Page 345

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    Greenpeace calls on governments to support ban on Bluefin tuna trade


    Last week Greenpeace activists onboard the Rainbow Warrior demanded immediate action to protect endangered Mediterranean bluefin tuna from commercial extinction by deploying buoys marked ‘Crime Scene’ around cages holding bluefin tuna being fattened up for harvesting and then sold for export.

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    Greenpeace: Action needed by Japan to protect Pacific tuna


    Activists from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza last week unfurled banners saying “Marine Reserves Now” and "No Return from Overfishing” after witnessing Japanese purse seiner Fukuichi Maru fish tuna in a pocket of international waters in the Pacific where key tuna stocks are threatened with collapse.

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    The countdown begins - one week until WFE 09


    The 2009 World Fishing Exhibition and AQA Exhibition will be the most internationally diverse event yet in the series. Participants from more than 105 countries will be in attendance which will make Vigo, Spain the business centre of the commercial fishing and aquaculture industry from the 16-19 September 2009.

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    Greenpeace EC tuna trade ban response


    The European Commission yesterday supported a ban on the international trade of bluefin tuna.

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    WWF EC tuna trade ban response


    The European Commission yesterday gave its backing for a suspension of international trade in endangered Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna. WWF welcomes the decision and now urges European Union national governments to follow this lead.

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    World’s largest fishery angles for sustainability


    Peruvian anchovy fishers – who pull in 10% of the total fish catch in the world – for the first time will be independently monitored, ensuring the sustainability of stocks.

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    NOAA to pursue national policy for sustainable marine aquaculture


    NOAA has announced its intent to develop a comprehensive national policy for sustainable marine aquaculture in the coming months, providing a framework for addressing aquaculture activity in federal waters.

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    EC and Norway agree on implementation of IUU Regulation


    A European Community and Norwegian delegation met in Brussels on 3 September to sign a ''record of conclusions of fisheries consultations'' between the European Community and Norway on the implementation of the EU''s IUU Regulation.

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    Net Gain project launched


    The Net Gain project has been launched - a new project that has been set up to identify Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in the English North Sea. Net Gain, hosted by the Yorkshire and Humber Seafood Group in The Deep Business Centre, in Hull, will be working to establish an ...

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    Fishing Vessel's Crews and Stability seminar


    The Spanish Association of Naval and Oceanic Engineers (AINE) has organised a seminar on "Fishing Vessel''s Crews and Stability" to take place on 16 September within the scope of the World Fishing Exhibition in Vigo.

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    Alaska fishermen: “SOS-Ocean Acid”


    More than 100 fishing boats, sail boats, skiffs and kayaks took to the waters of Homer Alaska recently as commercial fishermen, mariners and others from coastal communities spelled out an urgent message to protect jobs and fisheries from the threat of ocean acidification.

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    AKVA group signs Fishtalk agreement


    AKVA group have signed a Fishtalk agreement with Gratanglaks AS, Kleiva Fiskefarm AS and Astafjord Smolt AS. Gratanglaks and Kleiva Fiskefarm have used the production control software, Fishtalk Control, for a number of years. An extension of this agreement, which now also covers Astafjord Smolt, was recently signed.

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    Norway: Seafood exports top 3 billion in August


    Seafood exports in August topped NOK 3 billion, an increase of NOK 635 million or 26% compared to August last year. This is the 8th month in a row in which the total value of seafood exports has topped NOK 3 billion, according to figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export ...

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    Accelerating Norwegian salmon exports


    Exports of Norwegian salmon in August totalled NOK 1.9 billion, an increase of NOK 529 million or 39% compared to the same month last year. The volume of exports increased by 14,600 tonnes (round weight) or 29%. The export price for fresh Norwegian salmon in August was NOK 30.29 per ...

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    Fishing opportunities for the Baltic Sea for 2010


    The European Commission has tabled its proposal on fishing possibilities for fish stocks in the Baltic Sea for 2010. Scientific advice has shown that cod stocks are recovering, but that the Western herring stock still gives rise to serious concern.

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    Pew urges NMFS to ban longlining in Gulf of Mexico


    The Pew Environment Group last week joined 14 fishing and conservation organisations and more than 55,000 members of the general public in urging the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to reject its current proposal to allow commercial longline fishermen to catch and sell more Atlantic bluefin tuna.

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    Franche Terre reaches Indian Ocean


    In July 2007, SAPMER, based in La Reunion, ordered three tuna purse seiners from PIRIOU. Franche Terre, the first of these new generation tuna purse seiners, built in France, was launched end of February. Fitting out and sea trials were completed before delivery in July and the vessel arrived in ...

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    Taiwanese ships caught illegally transferring tuna at sea


    Two Taiwanese longline tuna fishing vessels have been caught illegally transferring fish at sea by Greenpeace. Fishing vessels Her Hae and Jia Yu Fa were carrying tuna and shark fins, and were photographed while transferring tuna from one ship to another in a pocket of international waters between Papua New ...

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    Fifteen commits to MSC


    The global restaurant brand Fifteen and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) have received a grant to have all four Fifteen restaurants certified to sell MSC ecolabelled fish. The grant, from the Dutch Stichting Doen Foundation will also fund a training project which will see Fifteen’s chefs join with the MSC ...

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    Morocco still using banned driftnets


    Despite being banned in the Mediterranean since 2003, a large fleet of driftnets continues to operate in Morocco, targeting swordfish for the European market. This illegal fishing is likely to have caused the accidental deaths of as many as 20,000 dolphins and more than 100,000 sharks in the past five ...