All Industry News articles – Page 346

  • News

    MSC appoints Pacific Fisheries Manager


    Bill Holden has joined the Marine Stewardship Council''s (MSC) Asia Pacific office as the new Pacific Fisheries Manager. Mr Holden has a commercial fishing background, extensive experience in fisheries extension work and is the director of a tuna fishing company based in the Kingdom of Tonga.

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    New electronic net gauges


    New electronic net measuring gauges will be in use by UK Marine and Fishery Agency (MFA) officers from 1 September.

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    Irish meetings on CFP review


    Tony Killeen, Irish Minister of State with responsibility for Fisheries in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, has begun a series of meetings with fishermen on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

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    Canada orders five new search and rescue vessels


    Canada has awarded a contract valued at $19.6 million to a shipbuilding company in Victoria, BC to build five new 47-foot motor lifeboats for the Canadian Coast Guard. The new vessels will be used by the Canadian Coast Guard for search and rescue operations across the country.

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    Seafood leaders unite in Canberra


    Seventeen future seafood leaders will meet in Canberra from 8-10 September to speak with current leaders as part of the National Seafood Industry Leadership Program.

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    GOFish to go live


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority''s (AFMA) online business facility, GOFish, is due to go live on 21 September. GOFish will enable concession holders and their authorised agents to conduct most of their licensing business with AFMA online, and at a reduced cost.

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    Greenpeace confiscates illegal tuna fishing device


    Activists from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza have confiscated an illegal fish aggregating device (FAD) floating in international waters between the maritime borders of Micronesia and Papua New Guinea.

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    Petition shows demand for sustainable Pacific skipjack tuna


    Over 70 million tins of sustainable, pole-and-line-caught Pacific skipjack tuna have been pre-ordered as part of a Greenpeace online campaign to promote the development of sustainable and equitable pole-and-line skipjack fisheries in the South Pacific.

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    Free WFE registration extended until 6 September


    Following the large number of registrations submitted on the closing day by companies planning to visit the World Fishing Exhibition, organisers have announced that the free online registration period has been extended until 6 September.

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    Greenpeace's response to port state agreement


    Greenpeace has said that the FAO agreement to shut ports to pirate vessels is a welcome step forward but must be implemented without delay.

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    Borg's response to port state agreement


    The European Commission says that it welcomes the FAOs agreement on port state measures. This is the first major international agreement on fisheries management since the UN Fish Stocks Agreement was established in 1996.

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    New port state treaty to stop IUU fishing


    A new treaty aiming to close fishing ports to IUU fishing vessels has been agreed upon by 91 countries. The "Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing" is the first ever global treaty focussed on IUU fishing.

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    All Danish fisheries to be MSC-certified


    The Danish Fishermen''s Association (DFA) plans to have all Danish fisheries MSC certified by 2012. At a recent meeting the DFA began the MSC assessment of North Sea plaice, saithe and Eastern Baltic cod. If all goes to plan, fish from these three fisheries will be sold with the MSC ...

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    Consultant in fisheries projects


    Cotecno Consultants S.L.P. is an engineering and architecture firm with more than 35 years of experience. Cotecno has several branches in Spain that supports and advises clients in international projects.

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    Patagonian toothfish producer


    Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, a company wholly owned in the Falkland Islands, is the sole quota holder for Patagonian Toothfish in the Falkland Islands Fisheries and Conservation Zone. Toothfish, also known as Chilean Seabass and Merluza Negra, is a fish well known for its distinctive white flesh, even texture and abundant ...

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    Sustainable fisheries = lasting business


    At WFE, CeDePesca (Center Development and Sustainable Fisheries) will share some methodologies and tools such as Fishsource, a space created by partner SFP (Sustainable Fisheries Partnership), to provide reliable information on the state and tendencies of fisheries from South America and the world.

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    Commission plans to protect Bay of Biscay anchovy


    The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a long-term plan to manage the anchovy stock in the Bay of Biscay.

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    Aqua Nor 2009 came to a successful close


    Aqua Nor 2009 came to a close last Friday afternoon, and exhibitors and visitors alike agreed that it had been a very successful exhibition, said the organisers.

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    Secretary of Commerce approves fisheries plan for Arctic


    U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke has approved a plan to prohibit the expansion of commercial fishing in federal Arctic waters until researchers gather sufficient information on fish and the Arctic marine environment to prevent adverse impacts of commercial harvesting activity on the ecosystem.

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    Seafish influences scope of Animal By-Products Regulation to benefit shellfish sector


    Seafish, the UK authority on seafood, has announced that the shellfish sector will benefit from the current review of the Animal By-Products (ABP) Regulation now that pressure from industry, facilitated by Seafish, has ensured the removal of clean shell from its scope.