All Industry News articles – Page 350

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    Learn to SALSA with Seafish and SFQC


    Seafish, the UK authority on seafood, has teamed up with Scottish Food Quality Certification (SFQC) to offer free pre-audit Safe and Local Supplier Approval (SALSA) mentoring and support for seafood businesses in Scotland.

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    Defra funding puts MSC on the Menu


    The Marine Stewardship Council eco-label will be a much more common sight on menus in England thanks to £400,000 new funding from Defra’s Greener Living Fund.

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    Germany supports ban on international trade of bluefin tuna


    Greenpeace has welcomed the announcement by Germany that it supports Monaco’s proposal for international trade of bluefin tuna to be banned under the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

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    France joins Monaco in call for international trade ban for endangered bluefin tuna


    President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has announced his country’s support for a ban of international trade in endangered Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna, joining a growing call to list the overexploited fish under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) – before it ...

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    NOAA issues request for proposals for new fisheries survey vessel


    NOAA has issued a Request for Proposals for construction of NOAA’s newest fisheries survey vessel, the fifth in its state-of-the-art Oscar Dyson vessels class designed for 40-day mission science deployments.

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    Iceland's Parliament votes in favour of applying for EU membership


    The Parliament of Iceland voted last week in favour of applying for membership of the European Union.

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    New investments to support aquaculture projects in Quebec revealed


    Entrepreneurs involved in Quebec’s aquaculture sector are receiving additional federal funding to help them innovate their operations, boost their productivity and improve their economic performance.

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    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department receives 'Special Achievement in GIS' Award


    The FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, in recognition of its vision, leadership and innovation in geographic information system (GIS) technology, received a ''Special Achievement in GIS'' Award from ESRI (a GIS software developer).

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    Commission to host seminar on state of Europe's fish stocks


    The European Commission has announced a one-day public seminar on the current state of fish stocks in European waters, to be held on 23 July in Brussels.

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    Danish Pelagic Producers get second and third fisheries MSC certified


    Following the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification of the Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation (DPPO) North Sea herring fishery at the beginning of the month, the DPPO has now received MSC certification for its North East Atlantic mackerel and Atlanto-Scandian herring fisheries.

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    Swansea showcases aquaculture research for global sustainable development


    Swansea University’s Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture Research (CSAR) is aiming to further its global links after hosting Embassy Officers from 15 countries keen to tap into CSAR’s research and technology transfer capabilities.

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    Aqua Nor 2009 expecting many foreign visitors


    Aqua Nor has been a meeting place for the aquaculture industry for 30 years. From year to year the international participation has increased, and the organisers say that 2009 is not set to be an exception.

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    New research vessel handover at Seawork


    A search which began three years ago culminated in the handover of a new research vessel on the floating pontoon at Seawork 2009 in Southampton last month.

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    Introducing an evolved MSC ecolabel


    The Marine Stewardship Council has announced the first outcome of its partner support marketing programme – the introduction of an "evolved and improved" MSC ecolabel.

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    New Harbour Master for Shoreham Port


    Shoreham Port, UK, has announced the appointment of a new Harbour Master.

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    Seafish “Early Day Motion” gains support


    An Early Day Motion (EDM) tabled in the House of Commons by Austin Mitchell in support of a responsible British fishing industry has secured the support of more than fifty Members of Parliament, it was revealed last week.

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    Cod farming breakthrough!


    Marine research consultant, Diobas Ltd, has just completed its 16 year Freshwater Research Program and claims to have found a completely new way to rear cod in freshwater at any location in the world in a controlled environment, at approximately one third below current market price.

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    AQA conference programme released


    World Trade Exhibitions, the organisers of the first AQA Conference, is pleased to announce that the full programme has been released.

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    New black fish scam ruling in Crown Court


    A Crown Court judge ordered Newlyn fish auctioneers W. Stevenson and Sons to pay nominal fines of £1 each for 45 specimen charges this week - replacing the conditional discharges he imposed at a sentencing hearing last month.

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    Bycatch education programme for the ETBF


    A series of voluntary training workshops for Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF) operators about bycatch handling, reporting and mitigation is under way. The program is a key initiative under the Australian Tuna and Billfish Longline Fishery Bycatch and Discarding Workplan, which came into effect on 1 November 2008.