All Industry News articles – Page 352

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    Sri Lanka considers surveillance system


    Sri Lanka is considering acquiring a surveillance system from Austria''s Frequentis AG to better monitor its Exclusive Economic Zone and fight illegal fishing.

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    Contract for world-leading supertrawlers


    Bergen Group has, through its subsidiary Bergen Group BMV, signed a contract for delivery of two of the world''s most advanced pelagic trawlers and research vessels to Aqueda Shipping Limited and Mariora Shipping Limited.

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    EC discusses phasing out discards


    Joe Borg, European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime affairs, welcomed the "frank and open discussion" held in the Ministers for Fisheries meeting in Council in Brussels recently, which demonstrated the support of the Council to take courageous steps to have a real and meaningful reform of the Common Fisheries Policy ...

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    Norway helps endangered eel wriggle from fish nets


    Norwegian fisheries regulators in a landmark decision have banned all fishing of the critically endangered European eel starting in 2010 and cut 2009 catch quotas by 80 per cent.

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    Secretary of Commerce names 30 to Fishery Management Councils


    The Commerce Department has announced the appointment of 30 new and returning members to the eight regional fishery management councils – important partners with NOAA’s Fisheries Service in determining how ocean fisheries are managed.

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    Simplification of fisheries rule is a success


    The European Commission has presented to Council its Communication on the implementation of the 2006-08 Action Plan for simplifying and improving the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

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    NAFC launches new lobster study


    The NAFC Marine Centre is launching a new study into the diets of stored lobsters to find out whether storage has an effect on appearance, as well as the weight and quality of flesh.

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    Fisheries Council launches pilot project on 'Salmon Strongholds'


    The Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (PFRCC) has announced that it will sponsor a pilot project to begin implementing the Salmon Stronghold approach to salmon habitat conservation in Canada.

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    New online search tool for sustainable seafood suppliers and buyers


    The MSC has launched a new online search tool which allows suppliers of sustainable seafood to be easily found and contacted. The search is at

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    North Sea Stocks Survey 2009


    The NFFO, in collaboration with the North Sea Regional Advisory Council and other Fishermen’s representative bodies, is again running the North Sea Stocks Survey that invites fishermen to contribute their knowledge on the status and trends in stocks subject to TACs.

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    New science reveals 40% increase in North Sea cod stocks


    New data released by ICES reveals that numbers of cod in the North Sea sufficiently mature to reproduce are now 40% higher than their average since the turn of the 21st century.

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    Welsh scallop fishermen call for evidence before ban


    Welsh Scallop Fishermen have joined forces with their colleagues around the UK and marine biologists to prevent the closure of the Cardigan Bay Scallop fishery, and are calling on the Welsh Assembly Government to undertake rigorous scientific research before attempting to ban scalloping.

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    Danish herring fishery gets MSC certified in 10 months


    The Danish Pelagic Producers’ Organisation (DPPO) North Sea herring fishery has passed its MSC assessment in just 10 months.

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    Pew and EU Transparency launch


    The Pew Environment Group and EU Transparency have launched, a website which presents detailed data of the European fisheries subsidies paid between 1994 and 2006.

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    Ekofish Group North Sea twin rigged otter trawl plaice MSC certified


    MSC certification of the Ekofish Group North Sea twin rigged otter trawl plaice fishery was announced on 4 June 2009. The Group is the first in Europe to obtain independent certification for plaice as a well managed and sustainable fishery.

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    Bristol Channel bass boats seek blue ecolabel


    The Bristol Channel’s sea bass fishery has started the independent assessment that – if successful – will allow it to carry the blue Marine Stewardship Council ecolabel identifying it as a sustainable and well -managed fishery.

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    Obama establishes Ocean Policy Task Force


    US President Barrack Obama has established an Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force in order to better meet the US'' stewardship responsibilities for the oceans, coasts and Great Lakes.

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    Subsidies contribute to harming Baltic Sea instead of saving it


    The majority of subsidies given to Baltic Sea fisheries and agriculture have a negative impact on the health of the sea, a new WWF report says.

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    Gulf of Maine Atlantic salmon protected to recover imperiled stocks


    NOAA’s Fisheries Service and the US Fish and Wildlife Service have extended Endangered Species Act protection to more Atlantic salmon by adding fish in the Penobscot, Kennebec, and Androscoggin rivers and their tributaries to the endangered Gulf of Maine population first listed in 2000.

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    First fin whales killed in Iceland


    Greenpeace has reported that the whaling boat Hvalur 9 dragged two massive fin whales up to the ancient whaling station ramp at Hvalförður in the early hours of 19 June.