All Industry News articles – Page 359

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    Australia: Hefty fines for shark fin offences and logbook failure


    A concession holder and skipper in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF) have paid a heavy price for breaching fishing permit conditions by retaining shark fins and failing to complete fishing logbooks.

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    Seafish warns of new aquatic animal health regulations


    New aquatic animal health regulations came into force on 27 March in England, Wales and Scotland, which will affect all aquaculture production businesses (APB’s) in the UK, warns Seafish.

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    NOAA announces interim groundfish rules


    NOAA announced interim fishing measures last week that protect the Northeast groundfish stocks most in trouble, while still allowing the fishing industry to target some healthy stocks as the fishery rebuilds.

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    Proposals to 'weaken' Indian Ocean shark finning ban defeated


    Proposals from the European Community (EC) and Australia that threatened to create new loopholes in the Indian Ocean ban on shark finning were defeated recently at the annual meeting of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), says the Shark Alliance.

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    EU shows full commitment to bluefin tuna conservation


    This week the Council adopted a Regulation to transpose into Community law the new multi-annual recovery plan for Eastern bluefin tuna adopted by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) at its annual meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, in November 2008.

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    North East Atlantic: Limited progress made to protect VMEs


    The European Commission has welcomed with mixed feelings the outcome of the meeting of Heads of Delegation of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) held in London recently, attended by the European Union, Iceland, Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland, Norway and the Russian Federation.

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    Commission concerned about Iceland's unilateral mackerel quota


    The European Commission has expressed its serious concern at the recent action by Iceland to declare a unilateral mackerel quota of 112,000 tonnes for 2009.

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    SPSG enters third fishery for MSC assessment


    The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG), which manages the recently-certified SPSG mackerel fishery and last summer’s MSC-certified SPSG North Sea herring fishery, has entered a third fishery for MSC assessment.

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    Business improvement training techniques for the industry


    Seafish, the UK''s authority on seafood, has brought pioneering Lean Sigma techniques to the UK seafood industry for the first time – with the first two companies to receive training reporting excellent benefits for their businesses.

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    Aqua Trøndelag large joint stand at Aqua Nor 2009


    The two mid-Norway counties of Trøndelag are joining forces at Aqua Nor 2009 to create a large stand under the banner ''Aqua Trøndelag''.

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    UK: Brighton magistrates seize catch of Belgian beam trawler


    The total catch of the Belgian beam trawler Pieter Z56 – worth about £5,500 - was confiscated by Brighton Magistrates on 1 April after its owners and skipper admitted fishery control offences, in a case brought by the UK''s Marine and Fisheries Agency.

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    Australian 'Pyrmont Pact' to promote strong future for commercial fishers


    A new era in economic and environmental sustainability for New South Wales'' commercial fishing industry has been reached following the adoption of the ''Pyrmont Pact'', Primary Industries Minister Ian Macdonald said this week.

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    NFFO and SFF agree joint approach


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation and the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations have agreed to work together to secure immediate and long term changes to the effort management regime.

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    EC official gets the message on effort control concerns


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation has underlined to a top EC fisheries official that the new effort control regime agreed at the December Fish Council is causing extreme anger on the quayside and threatens to destroy trust between the fishing industry and EC and UK governments unless urgent moves are made ...

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    Australia: Positive results from NPF pre-season survey


    During February and early March, CSIRO completed its pre-season stock survey of the Northern Prawn Fishery.

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    Australia: New scientific permit policy


    The AFMA Commission has approved a new policy for processing and granting scientific permits under the Fisheries Management Act (FMA).

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    New guidelines on blackspot treatment


    Melanotic blackening (melanosis) or blackspot is a common problem affecting the langoustine (nephrops) catch of UK fishermen, and can be more of a problem in warmer weather when water temperature rises.

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    Commission confirms unannounced inspections in North Sea shrimps sector


    The European Commission has confirmed that on 24 and 25 March 2009 Commission officials carried out unannounced inspections at the premises of companies active in the North Sea shrimps and related products industry in several Member States.

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    The trouble with sea cucumbers


    According to a new FAO report, sea cucumber stocks are under intense fishing pressure throughout the world.

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    Australia: New study shows sanctuaries will save Nemo


    World-first research has found that protected areas for marine life play a major role in rebuilding numbers of threatened fish and other species, the Save Our Marine Life alliance said this week.