All Industry News articles – Page 360

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    New Zeland: New types of marine farming


    Environment Waikato (EW), one of 12 regional councils in New Zealand, will proceed with drafting changes to the Regional Coastal Plan to allow new types of marine farming, including fish farming, in current aquaculture management areas in the Firth of Thames.

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    Conservationists oppose proposals that threaten shark finning


    More than 65 conservation, marine science, diving and sport fishing groups from around the world are urging the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) to reject European Union (EU) and Australian proposals that could weaken the regional ban on shark finning, says the Shark Alliance.

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    Riga Shipyard launches fishing trawler


    Riga Shipyard in Latvia has launched its third vessel this year.

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    Ireland announces restructuring of inland fisheries sector


    Irish Minister of State Seán Power has announced that the Government has approved proposals to restructure the inland fisheries sector.

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    Migros sets ambitious goal


    Just in time for Easter, Migros, the largest Swiss retailer, introduces the MSC ecolabel for sustainable fishing to its fresh fish counters in Switzerland.

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    EDF launches nation's first sustainable fishing loan programme


    The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has announced the launch of the California Fisheries Fund (CFF), a $5 million, first-of-its-kind revolving loan programme to rebuild California''s fishing communities and to develop eco-friendly fishing.

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    Gomes da Costa launches Friend of the Sea certified tuna


    Gomes da Costa sources mainly skipjack and some yellowfin tuna from the Brazilian pole and line fishery.

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    Brazil to become major exporter


    Brazil''s President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has signalled his country''s intention to become a player and major exporter in the fishing industry: "In some years, we will become great fish producers," Mr Lula said during his weekly radio show recently.

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    Sri Lanka improves fishing efficiency


    Sri Lanka has begun using satellite data for fish forecasting to improve the efficiency of the island''s fishing industry, reports Chandani Jayatilleke.

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    Spain to support sustainability as a tool to design a new fisheries management model


    Last week the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) informed the Council of Ministers about its involvement in the World Fishing Exhibition, which will take place in Vigo from 16-19 November.

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    Reef fish Working Group formed to assist industry


    Australian Primary Industries and Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin has established a Working Group to assist the commercial fishing industry in the wake of damage caused to reefs and in turn fish populations by Cyclone Hamish.

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    Collaboration set to enhance scientific skills


    Fisheries Research Services (FRS), Aberdeen and NAFC Marine Centre, Shetland, have entered into a joint agreement to combine the skills of the two organisations in the area of aquatic resource management more effectively

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    Financial support for ISA affected companies


    A package of financial support for small and medium-sized fish-farming companies affected by the outbreak of Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) in Shetland has been announced.

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    Talks with fishing fleet


    Scottish Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead is to meet with Scotland''s fishing industry leaders to discuss the impact of the current economic crisis and the implementation of the days at sea regime.

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    Rethink on effort control plans


    A visit by Commission officials to Scotland planned for next week (31 March/1 April) will include a meeting in Edinburgh with an industry/government group, where the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation will press the EC for a rethink on its effort control plans that are threatening the economic viability of large sections ...

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    New investment at Scottish Shellfish


    A major upgrade will shortly get underway at the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group’s processing facility in Bellshill that will greatly enhance production efficiency and capacity.

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    Friend of the Sea deploys international network of onsite monitors


    Friend of the Sea has announced the deployment of an onsite permanent international monitoring program to provide constant lot-by-lot sustainable origin verification and real chain of custody.

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    Fisheries 2030 project takes next step


    New Zealand''s Minister of Fisheries, Phil Heatley, has announced the next stage of Fisheries 2030, a review to establish clear direction and actions necessary to unlock the future economic potential of New Zealand''s fishing sector.

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    Canadian seal hunt open


    The Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, welcomed the opening of the main commercial seal hunt for Magdalen Island sealers on Monday.

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    MSC includes enhanced fisheries in wild-capture certification programme


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has clarified its position on the eligibility of enhanced fisheries to be assessed under its Standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries, opening the way for many forms of enhanced fisheries to be assessed under the programme.