All Industry News articles – Page 362

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    First MSC-certified Norwegian cod and haddock


    After successfully completing its Marine Stewardship Council assessment, Domstein Longline Partners cod and haddock longline fisheries have become MSC certified.

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    New EUROFISH director


    Aina Afanasjeva will be joining EUROFISH as director from 1 May.

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    Funding for fish sector


    Fifty projects which will create dozens of jobs and safeguard hundreds more in Scotland''s fishing, processing and aquaculture sectors will benefit from grants totalling more than £5.8 million.

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    Shark Alliance announces launch of EU Member State Challenge


    The Shark Alliance has launched its "EU Member State Challenge", an exercise in tracking and publicising countries'' activities with regard to the European Commission''s new Plan of Action for the Conservation of Sharks.

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    Commission rebuts Ombudsman's recommendation concerning quotas for West of Scotland


    The European Commission has received the Ombudsman''s draft recommendation wherein he asks the Commission to rectify an administrative error concerning fishing quotas in the West of Scotland allocated for the year 2007.

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    French saithe fishery seeks MSC certification


    The EURONOR fleet, based in Boulogne-sur-mer, France, will be assessed by an independent certifier under the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) environmental standard for sustainable and well-managed wild capture fisheries.

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    Responsible Fishing Scheme nets 300th vessel


    Seafish, the UK authority on seafood, has announced the 300th vessel to be certified by the Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS).

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    Peru's 7 year economy boom


    Peru''s fishing exports grew 26% in 2008 to some 2.44 billion dollars, the Peruvian deputy minister of fishing, Alfonso Miranda, has said.

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    Major conference in Indonesia


    As one of the world’s prominent maritime nations, Indonesia has taken the initiative to hold a major conference on climate change and the potential of the planet’s ocean to combat the negative impacts of climate change securing the role of oceans as a source of food and the future coastal ...

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    Sri Lanka to promote fisheries


    Sri Lanka is seeking to promote fisheries as a new export sector, giving incentives and better facilities for local and foreign investors, in an effort to better exploit the county''s ocean resources.

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    Climate change impact on fish


    Scientists have for the first time calculated the likely impact of climate change on the distribution of more than 1000 species of fish around the globe.

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    Shrimp fisheries under scrutiny


    Reducing fishing capacity and limiting access to shrimp fisheries, is likely to mitigate overfishing, bycatch and seabed destruction, some of the major economic and environmental side-effects of shrimp fishing, according to a new report by FAO.

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    SeaZone’s marine mapping eases management of UK Marine Bill


    SeaZone is offering a ready-made information solution to help organisations affected by the UK government’s Marine and Coastal Access Bill.

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    Certification system for aquaculture agreed


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance and GLOBALGAP have signed an agreement "to work cooperatively to develop and harmonise certification systems for the aquaculture sector worldwide."

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    Seafish extends successful guide format


    Seafish can now offer up-to-date advice on the status of 26 of the most popular fish species consumed in the UK.

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    Major lobster breeding deal hatched in Cairns


    Queensland is set to become a world leader in lobster aquaculture with the establishment of a major partnership in tropical rock lobster research and breeding between the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) and Lobster Harvest Pty Ltd.

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    Shrimp bottom trawl fishery in East Indian Ocean not sustainable


    A recent Friend of the Sea audit at the Indian bottom trawling fishery for Metapenaeus species (king, brown and pink prawns) has shown the fishery’s non compliance with Friend of the Sea sustainability criteria.

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    Scientists: Culling whales will not help fisheries


    Culling whales will not increase fisheries catches in tropical waters, according to a new paper supported by the Lenfest Ocean Program and published in the journal Science.

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    World Fishing exhibition officially presented in Vigo


    The official launch of this year’s World Fishing Exhibition-VIGO’09, which will take place from 16th to 19th of September, was held at the Maritime Station of Vigo last week.

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    US plan to legitimise Japanese whaling revealed


    Documents released by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) confirm the United States'' leadership in negotiations to undo the global moratorium on commercial whaling and extend unprecedented authorisation to the government of Japan to kill whales off its coastline and in international waters, says IFAW.