All Industry News articles – Page 363

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    Commission moves to protect sharks


    In early February, the European Commission adopted the first ever EU Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks.

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    EMS strengthens presence in North America


    Eitzen Maritime Services ASA has announced that the company’s offering on the North American continent is being significantly strengthened.

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    Strategic contract in Malaysia


    AKVA Group has been awarded a contract together with the Malaysian based construction company Erat Semarat Sdn Bhd for the building of a marine hatchery for the Malaysian Authorities.

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    English fishing industry gets £1.2m grants boost


    Almost £1.2 million in grants has been awarded to the English fishing industry from the European Fisheries Fund. This follows the £1m awarded in November 2008.

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    Marine and Fisheries Minister opens Appledore Fish Dock


    The UK Minister for the Natural & Marine Environment, Wildlife and Rural Affairs Huw Irranca-Davies opened Appledore’s new £3.6m fish dock facility on Monday 9 February in an opening ceremony attended by representatives from all the funding partners, as well as Torridge District Councillors, local fishermen and fish processors.

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    First French fishery moves into full MSC assessment


    Southern Brittany’s purse seine sardine fishery has entered full assessment in order to obtain the Marine Stewardship Council''s (MSC) certificate for sustainable and well-managed fisheries. It is the first French fishery to engage in the MSC programme.

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    Official presentation of World Fishing Exhibition - Vigo '09


    At 7pm tonight, Abel Caballero, Mayor of Vigo and President of the Organising Committee of the World Fishing Exhibition - Vigo''09 and Alfonso Paz-Andrade, President of the Executive Committee, will launch the 2009 exhibition.

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    New marketplace for buying and selling vessels

    2009-02-05T15:31:00Z aims to become a leading European marketplace for buying and selling professional vessels and larger leisure craft.

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    Sharks get lifeline through new EU action plan


    The Shark Alliance is celebrating today''s release of the European Commission''s ''Plan of Action for the Conservation of Sharks'' which sets the stage for sweeping improvements in European Union shark fishing and protection policies.

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    New Icelandic Minister of Fisheries


    Steingrímur J. Sigfússon became Minister of Finance, Fisheries and Agriculture for Iceland on 1 February 2009.

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    WWF: Too much to whalers and not enough to conservation


    Two “compromise packages” to end the deadlock on so-called scientific whaling are too much of a compromise, according to WWF.

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    Maldives: Government will present fishing vessel to develop fishing in Gaadhiffushi


    The government has decided to present a fishing vessel to the people of Gaadhiffushi to develop fishing in the island. President Nasheed made the announcement last week during his meeting with the people of the island.

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    MSC celebrates 10 years


    This year, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) celebrates 10 years of operations.

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    Planned treaty will close ports to fish pirates


    Representatives of over 80 countries have made significant progress in negotiating a binding international agreement aimed at closing ports to ships involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

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    SFF underlines the huge challenges facing fishing as interim effort control scheme is announced


    Responding to the Scottish Government’s announcement of details of the interim days-at-sea scheme (Conservation Credits II) on 3 February, Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, said:

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    An ocean of information


    Natural England heralded this week''s launch of ‘Ocean in Google Earth’, the newest version of Google Earth.

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    Research project to boost European fish farming


    European fish farms are to be globally competitive and produce the best fish in terms of ethics and quality. That is the aim of the LIFECYCLE research project, which is directed from the University of Gothenburg. A total sum of SEK 130 million is being invested in the project, of ...

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    EC drops access rights proposals


    Following strong pressure by the Dutch dominated Pelagic Freezer trawler Association (PFA), the European Commission has dropped its controversial proposals to grant access rights to former East Block and Soviet Union countries such as Poland and Latvia to the jack mackerel fishery in the South Pacific., reports Pieter Tesch.

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    NOAA to address IUU fishing


    NOAA has submitted the first ever report to Congress identifying nations – France, Italy, Libya, Panama, the People''s Republic of China, and Tunisia – whose fishing vessels were engaged in illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in 2007 or 2008.

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    Fishing generates more than two million jobs in US


    US commercial and recreational saltwater fishing generated more than $185 billion in sales and supported more than two million jobs in 2006, according to a new economic report released by NOAA’s Fisheries Service.