All Industry News articles – Page 374

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    MSC launches new fishery assessment methodology


    After two years of scientific collaboration and consultation, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) last week launched its new Fishery Assessment Methodology designed to improve the quality and consistency of fisheries assessments, without either raising or lowering the ‘bar’ against which the performance of a fishery is assessed.

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    Government response to SFF plea for help


    Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead said:

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    SFF calls on Scottish Cabinet for practical help


    The Scottish Fishermen''s Federation has called for the Scottish Government to make a practical financial commitment at today''s Cabinet meeting in Dumfries to ensure the survival of the Scottish fishing industry.

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    SFF criticises House of Lords recommendations


    While welcoming much of the content of the comprehensive House of Lords committee report on the Common Fisheries Policy, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation has reacted angrily to the report’s contention that no aid should be given to help fishermen survive the fuel crisis.

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    CFCA sets up Vigo office


    On 19 July the Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA) formally took up residence in Vigo, Spain.

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    Emergency aid for European fisheries sector


    European ministers have agreed an emergency aid package for the European fishing industry to help cope with the fuel price crisis.

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    Management of non-tuna species in the Southern Indian Ocean


    The Fisheries Committee yesterday adopted a report drawn up by its chairman, Philippe Morillon, on the conclusion of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement.

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    Dutch demersal fishing fleet aims to be MSC certified by 2012


    The Dutch government, Dutch fisheries industry and NGOs have made a landmark commitment to start the journey towards Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for nearly all Dutch fisheries.

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    Scottish body accredited for MSC certifications


    Food Certification International (formerly FCI Nautilus) has been accredited by independent accreditation body, Accreditation Services International to carry out the assessment and certification of fisheries to the Marine Stewardship Council standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries.

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    Seafish industry project funding to total up to £1m in 2009


    Seafish is inviting organisations and individuals with ideas that could foster growth and innovation in the UK seafood industry, to apply for funding up to £1m that has been allocated for the 2009 Industry Project Fund (IPF).

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    Activists charged for "exposing whale meat scandal"


    Last week two Greenpeace protestors described as "peaceful" were charged with theft and trespass after they exposed what Greenpeace calls "a major scandal around the embezzlement of whale meat from the Japanese government-sponsored Southern Ocean whaling programme".

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    Fisheries changes to boost industry


    Proposed changes to a number of Queensland''s fisheries have been released for public comment, Primary Industries and Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin said last week.

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    Lochhead in Brussels to fight for fish fuel aid


    A package of support for fishermen facing crippling fuel costs will go before the EU Fisheries Council today.

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    UK support vital for EU fuel survival package


    With the European Council of Ministers expected to approve today measures to help EU fishing fleets survive soaring fuel costs, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation is warning that such support will only be effective if the UK Governments are prepared to offer financial help.

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    M&J Seafood helps safeguard British tuna


    M&J Seafood has struck a deal with two Cornish skippers to exclusively supply British albacore tuna to the foodservice industry.

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    Farmed kingfish and mulloway certified sustainable


    Clean Sea''s farmed kingfish and mulloway have been recently added to the Friend of the Sea sustainable seafood range.

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    FRS receives planning permission for new building


    Fisheries Research Services (FRS) today was granted planning permission for a new scientific research facility.

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    Plaice stocks healthy again


    Fishery researchers have seen plaice stocks return to a sustainable level and have adjusted catch advice accordingly.

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    Hake trawl fisheries unsustainable


    Friend of the Sea has refused to certify the Namibian and South African trawl fisheries targeting two hake species in the South East Atlantic due to overexploitation, seabed impact and the by-catch of red-listed sharks and skates.

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    Oceana warns against subsidies for overfishing


    The marine environmental organisation has concerns about the proposal for subsidies package to tackle the fuel crisis in the fisheries sector.