All Industry News articles – Page 375

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    Seafood as medicine, not just dinner


    The July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports on evidence that fish and its omega-3 fatty acids should be considered more than just a healthy part of a diet, but among the most important treatments for coronary heart disease (CHD) and sudden cardiac death (SCD).

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    EC package proposed to tackle fuel crisis


    The European Commission has adopted a package of emergency measures to help tackle the fuel crisis.

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    Fuel help for fishing


    Scottish Fisheries Minister Richard Lochhead will today meet industry representatives and pledge to work with the sector to produce a three year plan to achieve a sustainable and profitable industry that has adapted to high fuel costs.

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    NEAFC adopts recommendation on bottom fishing activities


    At an Extraordinary Meeting in London at the beginning of July, the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission, NEAFC, considered the issue of protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems in response to an UN General Assembly Resolution.

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    SFF keeps pressure on government over fuel


    Scottish Fisheries Minister Richard Lochhead will meet representatives of the Scottish Fishing Industry on Friday to review the work of the Fuel Task Force that he established.

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    First herring to HB Grandi's fishmeal plant


    HB Grandi''s fishmeal production plant in Vopnafjördur yesterday took delivery of 1,100 tonnes of herring from Ingunn AK.

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    Changes to the MSC Board


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is welcoming a new member to its Board of Trustees, adding further expertise, balance and capacity to its non-executive leadership. At its meeting on 11 June 2008 the MSC Board accepted the following changes to its membership:

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    Commission approves block exemption for state aid


    The European Commission approved today a block exemption Regulation for fisheries, according to which certain types of national aid to the fisheries sector will no longer have to be notified to and approved by the Commission before Member States can implement them.

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    DSCC welcomes NEAFC deep sea protection agreement


    The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) welcomes the agreement adopted by the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) today to protect deep-sea corals and other sensitive ecosystems from high seas bottom fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic.

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    Icelandic cod quota unchanged


    The Icelandic Minister of Fisheries has decided to keep the cod quota unchanged for the coming fishing year. However, Icelandic bank Glitnir says that he has ignored advice from the Marine Research Institute for most other species, opting for higher quotas than recommended by the MRI.

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    Eastern Pacific fishing nations fail to conserve tuna


    Rodney McInnis, Southwest Administrator of NOAA’s Fisheries Service and U.S. Commissioner to the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), today expressed disappointment that a few countries blocked the Commission’s plan to conserve depleted tuna stocks.

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    Researching Europe correctly?


    Norwegian body Nofima is heading a research project to establish whether fisheries scientists in Europe are carrying out the best and most useful research.

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    IUU – up to €500,000 fines


    A public blacklist and fines up to €500,000 to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, are part of a tough new EU regime proposal which swept through the European Parliament (EP) on 5 June by 624 votes in favour to 12 against with 8 abstentions.

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    Little oil for stormy waters


    The fishermen and farmers of Europe were the first high-profile group to take action on fuel prices in what has become a deepening worry for every citizen in the EU.

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    WWF: No justice, chance for cod recovery is lost


    While today scientists from the International Council for the Exploitation of the Sea (ICES) have announced that cod stocks continue to be chronically overfished in almost all European waters and recommended again zero catches, the Council of the European Union has been given further reign to ignore scientific advice and ...

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    NOAA: 7 stocks removed from overfishing lists, none added


    NOAA has announced that seven stocks have been removed from the overfishing list and no new stocks added in their annual report to Congress on the status of fishing stocks.

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    NOAA report highlights sustainability successes


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) today released its 2007 Status of US Fisheries report and it contains “good news.”

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    New Protocol to the EC - Mauritania Fisheries Agreement


    The Fisheries Committee adopted today with 19 votes in favour and 2 against a report on the conclusion of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and Mauritania for the period 1 August 2008 to 31 ...

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    First Minister attends commissioning of "FPV HIRTA"


    "FPV HIRTA" will join Scotland''s fleet of fisheries protection vessels in their vital role of safeguarding our seas, sustaining our coastal communities and helping grow the economy, First Minister Alex Salmond said today.

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    UK support vital for fuel aid package


    Following today’s EC Council of Fisheries Ministers in Luxembourg where fuel was one of the key issue’s for discussion, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation is urging the UK and Scottish Governments to take the lead in supporting the fishing industry.