All Industry News articles – Page 378

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    Greenpeace educates tuna industry on how to make more money


    Last week Greenpeace challenged the world''s tuna industry to prevent its own self-destruction, to ensure not only healthy fish stocks but to increase the long-term profitability of the industry.

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    Commission issues statement on fishing sector emergency


    Responding to the grave difficulties currently faced by the European fisheries sector as a result of massively increased fuel costs, Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg has renewed his call for the restructuring of the sector before it is too late.

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    UK fishermen’s federations to meet UK fisheries minister Jonathan Shaw to discuss fuel crisis


    A joint delegation from the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation and the English based National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations will meet UK fisheries minister Jonathan Shaw today.

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    First meeting of Fuel Task Force


    Urgent work to help the fishing industry cope with rising fuel prices gathered pace at the first meeting of the Fuel Task Force, last Friday.

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    Fuel price protest


    Fishermen are demonstrating at the Fisheries Ministry in London today to highlight the lack of Government support on fuel prices.

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    Ocean Trawlers ventures into Antarctic krill fishery


    Ocean Trawlers says it is taking necessary steps to assume a firm position in the Antarctic krill fishery.

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    Big Tick award for Young's Seafood


    Young’s Seafood has today been awarded a ‘Big Tick’ for its sustainable sourcing approach in the UK''s annual Business in the Community Award (BITC) awards.

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    New fishing vessel contract


    Voyager Fishing Company Ltd, Northern Ireland, has signed a building contract with Danish shipyard Karstensen Skibsverft for construction of a combined purse seiner/trawler.

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    NZ minister announces new measures to protect dolphins


    Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton has today announced a package of measures to protect New Zealand’s threatened Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins.

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    New aquaculture venture between Fusion Marine and Stellenbosch University


    Scottish based fish farm equipment supplier Fusion Marine has forged a new partnership with Stellenbosch University to supply fish farm cage kits, ancillary equipment and support services for a series of aquaculture pilot projects in South Africa.

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    Oceana urges caution in response to fuel crisis


    As fishermen continue to hold demonstrations across Europe, demanding an increase in fuel subsidies, Oceana encourages governments to resist pressure and to instead develop long term solutions to help the sector adapt to the crisis.

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    Friend of the Sea to give sustainable seafood awards


    Tomorrow, at the Infofish Conference in Bangkok, Friend of the Sea will award two main tuna producers – Vito Gulli, CEO of Generale Conserve and Hagen Stehr AO Chairman of Clean Seas - for their efforts in sustainable seafood production.

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    NFI says group pushing shrimp story chooses accusations over action


    According to a statement from The US National Fisheries Institute (NFI), in testimony during a public hearing at the US Department of Labor yesterday, the AFL-CIO backed Solidarity Center again voiced accusations of ongoing abuses in the Thai and Bangladesh shrimp industry, without providing specifics.

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    UK fishermen’s federations unite to tackle fuel costs


    The two main UK fishermen’s federations have joined forces to press for immediate government action to alleviate the sky-high high price of fuel which is threatening the future of the UK fishing industry.

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    More sharks in danger because of a soup


    With more sharks added to the list of threatened species, Oceana reiterates the EU’s opportunity for establishing responsible conservation measures for these vulnerable species.

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    MSC celebrates a 100 fisheries milestone


    Fisheries committed to demonstrating their sustainability through the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) independent certification programme welcomed their 100th member last week.

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    Fuel Task Force members announced


    The membership of the Fuel Task Force, set up to look urgently at what more can be done to help Scottish fishermen cope with fuel price increases, was announced last week by Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead.

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    Salmon industry to invest £400k in research & development


    Salmon farming is to benefit from £400,000 investment in research and development projects over the next three years to help secure the long-term socio-economic and environmental sustainability of the industry.

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    Close tuna fishery now, says WWF


    Since the Mediterranean tuna fishing season opened at the beginning of May, over 10,000 breeding bluefin tunas are being caught every day by the industrial fishing fleet, according to WWF calculations.

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    SFF responds to fish quota management review


    Responding to the announcement by Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead of the Scottish Government''s intended changes to the management of fish quota in Scotland, Bertie Armstrong, Chief Executive of the Scottish Fishermen''s Federation said: