All Industry News articles – Page 381

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    Why fishing magnifies fluctuations in fish abundance


    In a recent Nature article, Dr Christian NK Anderson of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and colleagues found that fished populations can fluctuate more than unharvested stocks. While they are unsure as to why, they have ruled out some possible explanations through this study.

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    New management proposals for Irish lobster industry


    Irish Minister of State with responsibility for Fisheries at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, John Browne, T.D., has recently launched a consultation document proposing changes in the way in which access to the Irish Lobster Fishery is managed.

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    UK holds 7 ships under detention in March


    The Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) has announced that five foreign ships were under detention in UK ports during March 2008 after failing Port State Control (PSC) inspection.

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    New polar research vessel


    Rolls-Royce has been selected to design a research vessel to carry out significant environmental research at both the North and South Poles.

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    FTA with China opens opportunities for NZ seafood industry


    The signing of a FTA (free trade agreement) with China will create further market development opportunities for the New Zealand seafood industry, says New Zealand Seafood Industry Council''s general manager of trade, Alastair Macfarlane.

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    Scotland's seas report


    The first ever report on the state of Scotland''s seas was published early April, to help lay the groundwork for the new Scottish Marine Bill.

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    Remembering Harry Winsor (1917-2008)


    Harry Winsor, a Newfoudlander was one of the founders of the FAO’s Fisheries Department.

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    More local management and local rights?


    The European Parliament’s (EP) Fisheries’ Committee has pushed the door wider open for the growth of local stock management and traditional rights for small operations to fish and earn a decent living.

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    NOAA scientists train African team to be fisheries observers


    A team of NOAA scientists recently travelled to Ghana to teach 40 government officials and university students to become trained marine resource observers, able to provide scientific data needed to manage their fish stocks.

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    Ghana to process tuna in large quantities


    Ghana''s Minister for Fisheries, Gladys Asmah, has said that from the middle of this year, Ghana will harvest and process tuna in large quantities for export to European markets under the Phenegan Project.

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    Australian company creates artificial breeding regime for SBT


    Australian aquaculture pioneer Clean Seas Tuna Limited has become the first organisation in the world to create an artificial breeding regime for Southern Bluefin Tuna.

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    Mediterranean tuna fleet in race for the last bluefin


    The most comprehensive analysis yet of the Mediterranean bluefin tuna fleet shows it conservatively having twice the fishing capacity of current quotas and more than three and a half times the catch levels recommended by scientists to avoid stock collapse, states a WWF release.

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    5 die in Sydney as boat collides with trawler


    Five people were killed in the early hours of Thursday morning when their overcrowded boat collided with a fishing vessel.

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    SSPO bids farewell to Michael Gibson CBE and welcomes new Chairman


    Salmon farming’s trade organisation is to bid farewell to Michael Gibson CBE and welcome a new Chairman, Professor Phil Thomas.

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    New filleting lines for Scottish Sea Farms


    Scottish Sea Farms is to install new filleting lines at its premises in Argyll and Shetland, with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

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    Canadian company receives $100,000 from New Opportunities Programme


    A Canadian company has become one of the many to benefit from the Provincial Government’s efforts to support the development of the fishing and aquaculture industries through unprecedented funding and programming.

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    100 Japanese MSC products now available


    The 100th Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) eco-labelled fish product in Japanese stores is announced this week. 80g packs of smoked salmon from the Alaska salmon fishery is now on sale at CO-OP NET stores. CO-OP NET is supplied by Matsuoka Suisan.

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    Advances recorded in new landmark book


    Sustainability, climate change, biodiversity and marine issues generally are becoming increasingly important as society faces up to the impact humans have on the environment.

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    Researcher receives grants for ship stability research


    Saving lives and ships by improving the stability and safety of sea-going vessels is the goal of Virginia Tech College of Engineering researcher Leigh McCue, who has won two highly competitive grants to support her research.

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    Seafish launches SIN


    Seafish, the UK Sea Fish Industry Authority, has announced the launch of the Seafood Information Network (SIN), the most comprehensive single database of information available to the global seafood industry at