All Industry News articles – Page 383

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    Whale hunt ends


    After five months at sea, the "Nisshin Maru" arrived in Japan this week having taken 551 whales from the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary - around half the number planned. However, Greenpeace says that this is 551 too many.

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    Meeting on alternative feeds for aquaculture


    NOAA, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), has organised the NOAA-USDA National Stakeholder Meeting on Alternative Feeds for Aquaculture to be held on 30 April 30 at NOAA Headquarters.

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    Record low salmon fisheries adopted


    The Pacific Fishery Management Council last week adopted the most restrictive salmon fisheries in the history for the West Coast, in response to the unprecedented collapse of Sacramento River fall Chinook and the exceptionally poor status of coho salmon from Oregon and Washington. The recommendation will be forwarded to the ...

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    Congress takes aim at IUU Fishing


    Today the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans heard testimony about illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and considered efforts to reduce the worldwide shark catch.

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    Results of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting


    The 2862nd Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting was held on Monday in Luxembourg. The main results of the meeting were:

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    Farmed salmon demand outstrips supply


    Demand from US buyers for farmed BC salmon is outstripping supply and the situation is expected to continue, says an industry spokeswoman.

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    NOAA says herring in Lynn Canal not endangered


    Herring in Lynn Canal, near Juneau, Alaska, should not be listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act as they are similar to other herring populations in the area that are being considered for listing, according to NOAA’s Fisheries Service.

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    Council votes to ban purse seining around American Samoa, Guam and CNMI


    The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council upheld its vote on Monday to close federal waters around American Samoa, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI) to purse seine fishing.

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    Commission sets out position on ecosystem-based approach to fisheries


    The European Commission published a communication last week on the role of fisheries management in implementing an ecosystem approach to marine management.

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    Illegal fishing in Arctic waters


    Alaska pollock is at threat from illegal fishing says a new report by WWF.

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    Marine Harvest closes Chile processing plant


    Marine Harvest Chile has closed one of its three processing plats (Chinquihue) in Puerto Montt.

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    New Faroes fish info brochure


    ''Faroe Islands Fisheries & Aquaculture – Responsible Management for a Sustainable Future'' is a new information brochure presenting an up-to-date overview of Faroese policies and approaches to the management of fisheries and aquaculture.

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    WWF: Greek seas threatened by new trawling decision


    A decision to allow trawl fishing close to the shoreline in Greece risks endangering fragile marine life on the coastal seabed, says WWF. A coalition of national conservation organisations, including WWF Greece, is calling for the immediate reversal of this decision.

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    Wärtsilä's Jaakko Eskola appointed president of EMEC.


    At the end of March, the European Marine Equipment Council (EMEC) appointed Mr Jaakko Eskola, as President, replacing Mr Pim van Gulpen who has come to the end of his term.

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    Fish conservation measures announced


    A £500,000 two year observer programme that will deliver independent verification of ground-breaking fish conservation measures were announced last week.

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    Fish farming exhibition returns to its roots


    The Scottish aquaculture industry is set to come under the spotlight next month at a major showcase exhibition and conference in Aviemore, Scotland.

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    Aker Seafoods increases supplies to Europe


    With all formalities in place, Aker Seafoods finally concluded the acquisition of the seafood company Viviers de France on 31 March. This strengthens Aker Seafoods further in the competition to deliver self-produced consumer packed fresh fish to the world’s largest food retail chains.

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    New round of Partnership projects to be announced at Fishing 2008


    A new range of innovative research projects to ensure the sustainable harvesting of fish stocks will be launched at Fishing 2008 in Glasgow tomorrow (4 April) under the second phase of a partnership initiative between Scottish fishermen and scientists.

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    SFF response to EC measures for cod recovery


    Responding to the release yesterday (3 April) of the first detail on the European Commission’s review of measures to hasten cod recovery, Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, said:

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    Commission proposes review of cod recovery measures


    Yesterday the European Commission adopted a proposal to amend the cod recovery plan which has been in place since 2005. Recent scientific advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) concludes that the current measures have been inadequate to reduce fishing pressure on cod to the ...