All Industry News articles – Page 388

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    Commission proposes 2008 fishing opportunities for the Black Sea


    For the first time since the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union on 1 January 2007, the European Commission is now proposing fishing opportunities for fish stocks in the Black Sea.

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    New fish quotas will not resolve discards 'disgrace'


    Fishing quotas, included in European Commission proposals on annual fishing possibilities for 2008 adopted last week, will set the scene for the annual Fisheries Council meeting later this month.

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    Oceana concerned about the high cath limits for sharks


    Oceana, the international organisation dedicated to the conservation of the world’s oceans, is disappointed by the European Commission’s proposals for the 2008 shark quotas, writes in a statement.

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    EP proposes pilot scheme to tackle by catches


    The Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament (EP) adopted today a report reacting to the Commission communication "A policy to reduce unwanted by-catches and eliminate discards in European fisheries". According to the Members of the European Parliametn (MEPs), the most sensible way to proceed is by choosing a number ...

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    Spanish version of goes live


    In reflection of the thriving professional fishing industry and fishery research community in Spain, Simrad has implemented a Spanish version of its website to ensure its Spanish speaking customers have complete access to the wealth of information that the company offers online

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    EC urges Japan to stop whale hunting


    The European Commission (EC) is deeply concerned by Japan''s plans to kill up to 1000 minke, fin and humpback whales in a South Pacific whale hunt that will run until mid-April 2008.

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    Aquaculture only way to fill the coming "fish gap"


    Ministers debate the future of fish farming - By 2030 an additional 37 million tonnes of fish per year will be needed to maintain current levels of fish consumption for an expanded world population.

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    Bluefin tuna recovery plan: EP opposes derogations and favours compensation


    Bluefin tuna fishermen must get financial compensation during closed seasons and derogations relating to specific fishing areas and minimum size are not justified, since the Mediterranean and the Atlantic are populated by a single tuna stock, says the European Parliament in a consultative report adopted yesterday on a multi-annual recovery ...

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    UK Fisheries Minister hears views of North East fishermen


    UK’s Fisheries Minister Jonathan Shaw has vowed to do what he can to help the region''s inshore fishing fleet overcome quota pressures, says a press release from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

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    Porpoise deterrent wins UK Smart Gear Award


    An innovative device which could significantly reduce the number of harbour porpoises and other cetaceans caught in fishing nets has won the UK prize in the International Smart Gear Competition, organised by WWF

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    Birds Eye to launch sustainable fish finger


    Birds Eye today announced that it is to launch a fish finger made entirely from sustainable fish, a move it is calling the most significant fish marketing initiative since the launch of the first fish finger.

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    Commission consults net makers on how to improve technical measures


    The European Commission recently held a meeting with European fishing net makers to discuss the problems they encounter in the practical application of some technical measures under the Common Fisheries Policy.

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    Brown not so green after all


    According to WWF, Gordon Brown has ignored one of the key environmental issues facing the UK by not including a UK Marine Bill in his proposed legislative programme for next year, and the organisation is now questioning the UK’s new Prime Minister’s commitment to the environment.

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    WSC 2007 programme unveiled


    The complex challenge of balancing a spiralling worldwide consumer demand for seafood with the development of sustainable global fisheries is one of the key ‘green marine’ issues driving the timely and topical IAFI World Seafood Congress programme which organisers unveiled recently.

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    North Sea herring TAC reduction beyond “painful”


    The danger of another reduction of North Sea herring TAC for 2008 cast a shadow over the successful end of the 2007 maatjes herring season, reports Pieter Tesch.

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    Two new MSC offices


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has opened two new offices – one in Tokyo, Japan, and the other in The Hague, Netherlands.

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    Control measures to save North Sea cod


    In mid-July, the Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA) adopted an operational plan for joint multi-national fishery controls in the North Sea and adjacent areas. This marks the start of an innovative and coordinated effort to combat overfishing and save endangered cod stocks.

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    Increased testing of Australian seafood imports


    Seafood imported into Australia will now be tested for a range of antibiotics, including flouroquinolones, quinolones and penicillins, under additional measures announced by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Peter McGauran, today.

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    Global aquaculture and fisheries market to exceed 123 million tons by 2009


    According to a new report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. about 1.0 billion human beings worldwide depend on fish as their primary means of animal protein, particularly in coastal areas where reliance on fish is normally higher.

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    Morocco cracks down on illegal fishing


    The Moroccan government has brought into force a tough law that will punish fishermen who continue to use driftnets in its waters, reports WWF.