All Industry News articles – Page 389

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    Commission adopts new Regulation on state aid for fisheries


    The European Commission yesterday adopted a Commission Regulation increasing the ceiling of the so-called ''de minimis'' aid to the fisheries sector.

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    New MSC office opens in The Netherlands


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has opened a local office in The Hague in response to the strong Dutch demand for seafood sourced from MSC-certified fisheries.

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    Mozambique: Tax on diesel for fishing vessels to be reduced


    According to Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique (AIM), the Mozambican government is studying ways to reduce the tax on diesel used by vessels fishing for prawns.

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    Ice Fresh Seafood established


    A new sales company called Ice Fresh Seafood has been set up for Samherji and is fully owned by the company. By establishing Ice Fresh Seafood, Samherji says that it is reinforcing its emphasis on sales activities and increasing the service both for suppliers and customers. In addition, the company ...

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    Independent verification for Young's sustainability approach


    Young’s unique ‘Fish for Life’ approach – and within this its ‘Ten Principles for Responsible Fish Procurement’ - have received independent validation.

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    Socialist Republic of Vietnam seeks sustainable seafood market clam fishery to be assessed for seafood eco-label


    The Ben Tre clam fishery of Vietnam is the first fishery in South East Asia to seek assessment against the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) environmental standard for well-managed and sustainable fisheries.

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    US seafood consumption rose in 2006


    The US National Fisheries Institute (NFI) has released its ‘Top 10’ list of the most consumed seafood in the United States for 2006.

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    MSC opens Japanese office


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has opened an office in Tokyo and appointed Mr Kozo Ishii as Programme Director for Japan, to increase awareness of the role of fishery certification and eco-labelling in securing sustainable fisheries in Japan and the wider Asia-Pacific region.

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    Icelandic cod quota reduced by one third


    The Icelandic Fisheries Minister has decided to abandon the 25% catch rule for cod and that the cod quota in the next fishing year shall be 130 thousand tonnes, in line with recommendations by the Marine Research Institute. The cut represents a reduction by one third from the current fishing ...

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    Aker Seafoods strengthens its processing in Norway


    Aker Seafoods has entered into an agreement to purchase 50 per cent of the shares in Norwegian Fish Company Export AS (NFC). The transaction gives Aker Seafoods ownership of several processing plants and landing facilities in North Norway and thereby increases the company’s access to raw material and finished products.

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    Kiotech joint venture


    Kiotech International, the supplier of high performance natural feed additives to the aquaculture and agriculture markets has said it is in the final stages of agreeing a joint venture in China, in which the company will have a majority stake.

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    Australia: MPAs balance jobs and the environment


    Australian Minister for Fisheries and Conservation, Senator Eric Abetz, hailed the South East Region Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) network to come into effect today as a sensible balance between jobs and the environment.

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    Canada at Aqua Nor 2007


    More than 20 Canadian companies and numerous representatives of regional and fishery authorities will be in Trondheim in August for Aqua Nor.

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    WWF: EU vessels seen fishing for Mediterranean tuna after season closed


    In defiance of international regulation, European vessels have been seen illegally fishing for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean – after the 1 July closure of the fishery, reveals WWF.

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    New CFO for Marine Harvest ASA


    Jørgen K. Andersen has been appointed as the new CFO at Marine Harvest ASA.

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    ‘Securing our Fishing Future’ package delivers on promise to tackle over-fishing


    A new snapshot of Commonwealth-managed fisheries released today shows that the Australian Government’s landmark $220 million ‘Securing our Fishing Futur’e package has delivered on its promise to decisively tackle over-fishing.

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    NZ: Greater fisheries protection with Project Protector


    “The new Project Protector fleet will allow New Zealand to more effectively patrol the fisheries in our Exclusive Economic Zone, which at 4.4 million square kilometres is one of the largest in the world,” New Zeland Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton said, welcoming the arrival of the multi-role vessel “Canterbury”, which ...

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    New Commissioner to ICCAT


    Loyola Hearn, Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, has announced the appointment of Troy Atkinson as a Canadian Commissioner to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

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    Oceana welcomes step to eliminate driftnets in the EU


    The EU has agreed a new Regulation which introduces a driftnet definition into EU law. The Regulation’s main effect should be to finally halt the use of illegal French driftnets, often called thonaille, which are used in the Mediterranean despite being banned since 2002.

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    New Seafish appointments


    A new Chair, Charles Howeson, and two new members, Iain MacSween and Michael Park have been appointed to the board of the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish).