All Industry News articles – Page 391

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    EU Council decisions


    Unhappy France and Spain compromised at the 12 June meeting so ministers could vote in a framework for tuna and sand eel recovery.

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    USA: NFI completes merger with US Tuna Foundation


    The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) announced today the completion of the association’s merger with the US Tuna Foundation (USTF). The combined organisation, led by NFI President John Connelly, will continue its mission to educate the public about the importance of increasing fish consumption, including canned and pouched tuna.

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    Australia: Overwhelming response to fishing assistance programmes


    There has been an overwhelming response to the second round call for applications for Onshore Business Assistance and Fishing Community Assistance provided under the Australian Government’s $220 million Securing our Fishing Future package.

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    Oceana criticises Ministers for failing to stamp down on illegal driftnet fishing


    Oceana calls for urgent measures to be taken to halt this fishing method and welcomes the intervention by the UK Fisheries Minister urging his European colleagues to take action.

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    EU legitimises overfishing for tuna but gives a break to eels


    On 11 June WWF released a statement saying that European Fisheries Ministers had legitimised the overexploitation of bluefin tuna stocks, while eels just slipped through the net thanks to a CITES listing.

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    Bradshaw calls for urgent action on drift net "scandal"


    Britain has called on the European Commission to take urgent action to stop the use of illegal fishing nets in the Mediterranean that are decimating endangered bluefin tuna and responsible for indiscriminate slaughter of dolphins and turtles.

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    Yrjö Julin new CEO of Aker Yards


    Yrjö Julin has been appointed President & CEO of Aker Yards. He succeeds Karl Erik Kjelstad who has served as Aker Yards CEO since January 2003. Kjelstad will leave Aker Yards to join the executive management team of Aker ASA.

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    Ireland demands equal payback rules on illegal fishing


    At today''s Fisheries Council in Luxembourg, Irish Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, John Browne, voted against a plan for bluefin tuna management that ignores illegal fishing by several countries in the Mediterranean.

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    Important agreement for the recovery of eel stocks


    "We have reached a great achievement. We managed to bring the lengthy negotiations, which lasted for almost two years, to a successful conclusion during the German Presidency.

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    WWF: Not many fish left in Europe


    The European Commission and EU Fisheries Ministers will have to seriously consider the warning and address management of the stocks accordingly before the end of the year, said WWF in a statement last Friday after the release of the latest ICES report.

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    Commission: State of fish stocks “rather bad”


    The European Commission welcomed the latest ICES report released last Fridayon the state and perspectives of certain fish stocks and says that it looks forward to studying this report in detail with a view to making the necessary proposals for action over the coming months.

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    SFF meets Minister


    Constructive talks were held today in Edinburgh between Scottish Fisheries Minister Richard Lochhead and a delegation from the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, representing fisheries from all round Scotland.

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    Commission presents its approach to 2008 fish quotas


    Today, the European Commission adopted its annual policy statement setting out its views on fishing opportunities for 2008.

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    Attack on whale protection fails again


    Japan and Iceland have once again failed in their attempts to lift regulations protecting whales, as their proposals to the regulatory body responsible for international trade in endangered species were yesterday resoundingly defeated.

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    ICES stock report and advice


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has released its report on the status of North East Atlantic fish stocks in the Barents Sea, around Iceland and the Faroe Islands, in the North Sea and in the Baltic Sea.

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    Native oysters set to flourish after decades in decline


    The native European oyster, which was once abundant in UK coastal waters, is on the verge of making a comeback in the South East - thanks to Defra scientists and the CSL (Central Science Laboratory).

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    EC proposes autonomous tariff quotas for some fisheries products


    Today, the European Commission tabled a proposal for autonomous Community tariff quotas for a number of fisheries products.

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    Ireland announces 2007 Coastal Protection Programme


    John Browne, Irish Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources, yesterday announced that he has allocated more than €3.52 million for important coastal protection works around the country in 2007.

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    Four Antarctic krill-licenses awarded


    According to the Norway Post, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries has awarded a total of four licenses for krill-fisheries in the Antarctic.

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    Canada announces $1.75m for Queen Charlotte Islands' harbours


    Randy Kamp, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, announced on Friday that Canada’s New Government will invest $1.75 million for improvements at two small craft harbours in B.C.’s Queen Charlotte Islands.