All Industry News articles – Page 395

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    UK backs tracking system to net pirate fishermen


    A new system to beat illegal fishing around the world by tracking fish from the moment they are caught to when they arrive on consumers'' plates will get the backing of the UK Government on 30 April.

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    Sad loss of two industry figures


    Last month sadly saw the loss of two industry figures who have been familiar faces at trade exhibitions and within the fishing industry for many years, Morgére’s Jean-Gabriel Podeur, 59, and Sicor’s Oscar Rodrigues, 75. They will both be greatly missed by the World Fishing team and no doubt by ...

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    Countries agree to strengthen port state control measures


    All 131 countries attending a high level FAO meeting on world fisheries in Rome agreed to start a process leading to the adoption of a legally binding international agreement establishing control measures in ports where fish is landed, transhipped or processed in order to combat illegal fishing. The decision came ...

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    Oceana: Discard statistics


    According to Oceana, discarded fish constitutes 8% of the total weight of the world’s captures, or more than 7.3 million tonnes of fish that are thrown away at sea.

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    “Atlantic Dawn” goes Dutch


    The arrival of “Atlantic Dawn”, the world’s largest trawler, in the Dutch port of Velsen in March to join the Dutch fleet marked the end of Irish involvement in pelagic freezers and the strengthening of the Pelagic Freezer trawler Association’s (PFA) position, reports Pieter Tesch.

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    A shipload of cod


    It is now clearer than ever before that bad scientific data has unnecessarily poisoned and devastated the lives of tens of thousands of fishing families across Europe, and sent the careers of many young and older professional fishermen into terminal decline.

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    WWF: Companies rally to save Mediterranean bluefin tuna


    Major companies and organisations have joined WWF in a commitment to healthy oceans by signing an open letter appealing to the European Commission and Member States to take action, before it is too late, for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean.

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    Canada: six new Coast Guard vessels for Pacific Region


    The Canadian government yesterday announced details of six new vessels to be based in British Columbia as part of the Canadian Coast Guard’s modernisation of its fleet.

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    UK barramundi farm sold


    Acting for Napier Brown Holdings, the Southampton office of Edward Symmons has sold the UK’s only barramundi farm, one of the largest farms in Europe.

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    Some Icelandic fish linked to whaling


    The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) has said that the whaling industry in Iceland is inextricably linked to parts of its fishing industry.

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    Norwegian seafood exports set new records


    The value of exports of Norwegian seafood in the first quarter of 2007 totalled NOK 9.8 billion. This is an increase of NOK 1.4 billion or 16.5 per cent compared to the same period last year, according to the latest figures from Statistics Norway and the Norwegian Seafood Export Council ...

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    New marketing chair for Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre


    John Browne T.D., Irish Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources has announced that he proposes to appoint Kevin Bonnar, the former Secretary General of the Department of Enterprise and Employment, to chair a Steering Group of key officials of State Agencies to develop a ...

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    EU/Ivory Coast partnership agreement


    The European Commission, on behalf of the Union, and the Ivory Coast has initialled a new fisheries partnership agreement which will cover a renewable six-year period, and will replace the current framework agreement in place since 1990, due to end on 30 June 2007.

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    Commission: improvements still needed in fisheries control


    The European Commission has adopted a report on the monitoring of the Member States'' implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) over the period 2003-2005.

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    Illegal fishers get new fishing gear


    Sixteen fishermen from the 11 coastal barangays of Cagayan de Oro City (Philippines) each received one unit of Bottom Set Gill Net (BSGN) from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-10.

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    Coral reef collapse spells danger for millions


    Island communities that depend on coral island fisheries could face a hungry future, according to new research from the University of East Anglia, the UK Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas), and Simon Fraser University in Canada, published in Current Biology.

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    Seafish publishes 2005 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - short report


    Seafish has published the ''2005 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Short Report''. This publication highlights the main results from the survey in an easily digestible format.

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    Fish and Nephrops Stocks Information: 2007


    The UK Fisheries Research Services (FRS) has produced a booklet providing the latest detailed information on Fish and Nephrops Stocks for 2007.

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    Greenpeace: NZ government’s bottom trawl ban doesn’t go far enough


    The New Zealand Government’s announcement to close 32% of the EEZ to bottom trawling does little to stop the destruction of vulnerable deep-sea life threatened by the practice, says Greenpeace.

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    NZ bans bottom trawling in significant areas


    A groundbreaking fishing industry initiative will see some of New Zealand’s most significant and exciting underwater habitats protected from bottom-trawling and dredging, Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton recently announced.