All Industry News articles – Page 399

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    Pescanova to build world's largest turbot factory


    Pescanova S.A. will invest €140 million to build a factory to farm and process more than 7,000t of turbot per year in Portugal.

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    45% reduction proposed for Ireland


    Up to half of the 23 strong Irish pelagic fleet may have to find fishing opportunities outside the EU as indicated in a new government report published on 28 January.

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    Sæplast and Tempra factories renamed


    On 1 February 2007, the names Sæplast Dalvík and Tempra became Promens Dalvík and Promens Tempra.

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    Fish Pool gets investment from IMAREX NOS


    Fish Pool ASA, Norway''s only operational market for financial salmon contracts, on 27 February announced that IMAREX NOS ASA is making a strategic investment in Fish Pool ASA, with the aim of helping to build a liquid international market for seafood derivatives.

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    Breaking new ground to bring our seas back to life


    A pioneering project is being launched in the South West during spring 2007 to breathe new life into the coasts and seas around Cornwall, Devon and Dorset - a region where the sea is central to communities and the economy.

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    New species discovered in Indonesian shark and ray survey


    The five-year survey of catches at local fish markets provided the first detailed description of Indonesia’s shark and ray fauna – information which is critical to their management in Indonesia and Australia.

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    Fisheries Committee discusses cod stocks in the Baltic Sea


    The EP''s Fisheries Committee held a public hearing yesterday regarding cod stocks in the Baltic Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks.

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    Morocco to eliminate driftnet fishing


    The King of Morocco has signed an agreement which will subsidise the phasing out of driftnets in Moroccan waters. WWF, the global conservation organisation, welcomes this major milestone in the banning of destructive fishing methods in the Mediterranean.

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    Spain refuses to name vessels licensed for shark finning


    Oceana has said that it is very disappointed with the Spanish General Secretary of Marine Fisheries (GSMF) for refusing to supply the list of Spanish fishing boats that have licenses to cut the fins off sharks on board. The marine conservation organisation says that this information is necessary for Oceana ...

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    Seafish launches Seafood Training Academy


    The Seafood Training Academy is a brand new initiative to enhance training in the seafood sector. This partnership between leading seafood schools in the UK and industry body Seafish will be part of the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink Manufacturing.

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    NAFC finds healthy herring in salmon nets


    The NAFC Marine Centres has recently harvested four boxes of herring from one of its experimental fish farm sites in Clift Sound Shetland.

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    Commission proposes adoption of ICCAT recovery measures for bluefin tuna


    Today the European Commission adopted a proposal to amend the December 2006 Council Regulation on quotas for 2007, so as to include the recovery plan for bluefin tuna recommended by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) last November.

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    MSC invests in traceability for sustainable seafood


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is undertaking a review of the technical traceability requirements and verification procedures for seafood products carrying the MSC eco-label as part of an ongoing project to maximise the robustness and effectiveness of the MSC’s ‘Chain of Custody’ standard and certification programme.

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    Commission opens debate on rights-based fisheries management


    Today, the Commission tabled a Communication on rights-based management tools in fisheries aimed at launching a debate on fishing management systems.

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    World’s largest squid caught in NZ


    Co-operation and care from a commercial fishing crew and a Ministry of Fisheries observer led to the best specimen of an adult colossal squid arriving in New Zealand, the Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton said yesterday.

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    Ban fuel subsidies, say scientists


    Scientists at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference yesterday warned that fuel subsidies that allow deep-sea trawling fleets to destroy fish stocks must be banned.

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    Canada announces $375,000 for three harbours


    Canada’s government is investing an additional $375,000 for maintenance and planning projects at three fishing harbours in Quebec.

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    Two new major initiatives for the Irish marine sector


    Noel Dempsey T.D., Minister for Communications, Marine & Natural Resources has launched two new major initiatives for the Irish Marine Sector. These are a €365 million National Marine Research and Innovation Strategy entitled Sea Change and a new award scheme to support marine research in 3rd level education institutes as ...

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    NOAA begins process to end overfishing by 2010


    NOAA Fisheries Service has begun the process of developing new guidance to assist regional fishery management councils in developing measures to end overfishing in all US commercial and recreational fisheries by 2010.

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    “Normalising” the IWC means business as usual


    According to a Greenpeace release, after three days of meetings in Tokyo, the pro-whaling members of the International Whaling Commission have concluded that the best plan to move forward is to keep hunting more whales.