All Industry News articles – Page 40

  • The seafood industry is making progress in tackling ghost gear Photo: World Animal Protection

    Industry starting to tackle ghost gear


    Seafood companies are making progress in stopping lost fishing gear killing fish and other marine animals according to a new report by the World Animal Protection.

  • Rahim Hoosen

    New trustees join IPNLF


    Two new trustees have joined the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) to help guide its future progress, oversee its governance and inform its strategic direction.

  • The Spanish tuna fleet is helping distribution and processing companies to gain AENOR certification for responsibly fished tuna Photo: AENOR

    Spanish tuna sustainable from sea to can


    The Spanish tuna fleet has begun the process of enabling canned tuna distribution and processing companies to earn the label of responsibly fished tuna from certification company, AENOR.

  • Australia Post has released three stamps to promote sustainable fishing Photo: Australia Post

    Stamps promote sustainable fishing


    Coinciding with Sustainable Seafood Week 2019, Australia Post has released three stamps featuring sustainable fish species.

  • Tri Marine has achieved Fair Trade certification for its Solomon Islands yellowfin and skipjack tuna fishery Photo: Tri Marine

    Solomon Islands tuna now Fair Trade


    Global tuna supply company, Tri Marine, has achieved Fair Trade certification for the Solomon Islands yellowfin and skipjack tuna fishery.

  • A Chinese tuna fishery has already received MSC certification for its yellowfin tuna (above) and, for the first time, its bigeye tuna is also certified Photo: NOAA

    Bigeye tuna MSC certified for the first time


    A Chinese owned longline yellowfin and bigeye tuna fishery in the Federated States of Micronesia has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its bigeye tuna catch, the first time that bigeye has received MSC certification.

  • Stock levels of striped bass and summer flounder have been assessed Photo: NOAA

    Flounder and striped bass stocks assessed


    New stock assessments of summer flounder and Atlantic striped bass are ready for use by fishery managers and show that whilst summer flounder is overfished, stock levels of striped bass are healthy.

  • squid

    Squid sustainability better but goal remains


    The global squid sector has made notable progress towards sustainability goals in the past year, but much work remains to be done, a new report has found.

  • Prestige Oysters in the US is hoping to be the first oyster fishery in the Americas to be granted MSC certification Photo: Prestige Oysters

    US oyster fishery MSC certification hopes


    The first oyster fishery in the United States has entered the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries standard assessment.

  • NOAA Fisheries has implemented final measures to protect the Atlantic shortfin mako shark from overfishing Photo: NOAA

    New NOAA measures to tackle mako overfishing


    NOAA Fisheries has implemented final measures to help end overfishing of the Atlantic shortfin mako shark whilst ensuring fishing opportunities for recreational and commercial fishermen.

  • Orkla Health has gained the MSC blue fish label for its Möller’s cod liver oil Photo: Orkla Health

    Möller’s cod liver oil gains MSC label


    Norwegian cod liver oil producer, Orkla Health, will display the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) blue fish label on all bottles of cod liver oil sold under its internationally renowned Möller’s brand.

  • The new report, released today on International Women’s Day, highlights the powerful roles of women in Ghana’s fisheries

    Ghana’s fishing industry needs women’s voices


    Women play a crucial role in Ghana’s fisheries and the current crisis in the country’s fish stocks cannot be fully solved without their input in decision making, says a report released by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and partner Hen Mpoano.

  • Puertto Montt’s female welders

    Puertto Montt’s female welders


    More than twenty women in Chile’s 10th region are working in Norwegian aquaculture industry supplier AKVA Group’s workshops. Their training for this work is due to a programme of feminine inclusion that has been successfully in place for a year, promoting sustainable development.

  • The APPG on fisheries has announced a new programme of activity beginning in the spring

    Westminster promotes UK fishing


    MPs and peers with a keen interest in the UK fishing industry have announced a new programme of activity for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on fisheries to encourage discussions about the future of the industry and to promote UK fishing.

  • Cefas has been designated a reference centre by the FAO in acknowledgement of its expertise in bivalve mollusc sanitation Photo: Cefas

    Cefas expertise recognised by FAO


    UK expertise in shellfish safety has been recognised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the designation of the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) as a reference centre for bivalve mollusc sanitation.

  • Aboriginal Guardian certificates presented

    Minister Wilkinson presents completion certificates to Aboriginal Fishery Guardian trainees


    Canada’s Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard Jonathan Wilkinson has presented completion certificates for 23 Aboriginal Fishery Guardian trainees from around British Columbia at a ceremony in Squamish.

  • Thai Union reports strong 4Q2018 growth

    Thai Union reports strong 4Q2018 growth


    Thai Union has reported 4Q2018 record quarterly sales of THB 36 billion, driven by strong volume growth with a very strong free cash flow performance which prompted debt repayment of THB 3.5 billion during 2018.

  • Cibel

    Friend of the Sea certifies Cibel fishmeal


    Complexe Industriel Bel Hassan (Cibel) has obtained Friend of the Sea international sustainability certification for its fishmeal and fish oil production.

  • American lobster is the most valuable single species harvested in the US with Maine landings accounting for approximately 80% of the value Photo: NOAA Fisheries/Jerry Prezioso

    Maine's commercial harvests net US$600m


    The value of Maine’s 2018 commercially harvested marine resources increased by more than US$60 million from the previous year, and for only the third time in history exceeded US$600 million.

  • Alda Hlín Karlsdóttir will manage the sales and marketing team at Skaginn 3X Photo: Skaginn 3X

    Iceland’s Skaginn 3X boosts management team


    Icelandic food processing company, Skaginn 3X, has made changes to its management team to focus on the company''s continued growth.