All Industry News articles – Page 402

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    WWF: Manage tuna or lose it!


    WWF has issued yet another warning that tuna stocks are rapidly disappearing, this time ahead of a tuna management organisations’ meeting.

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    2007 fish quotas agreed


    At the December Fisheries Council the 2007 fish quotas were decided.

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    Fishing possibilities for Atlanto-Scandian herring


    The European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, and the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway and the Russian Federation have agreed on the fishing possibilities for the Atlanto-Scandian (Norwegian spring-spawning) herring stock in the north-east Atlantic.

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    New meaures to protect Med fish stocks


    A group of over 50 countries has agreed at a UN conference on protection measures to protect fish stocks, especially bluefin tuna, in the Mediterranean Sea.

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    World catch statistics 2004


    According to Statistics Iceland, the world catch in 2004 totalled 95 million tonnes, an increase of 4.8 million tonnes from 2003.

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    UK marine 'hotspots' highlighted


    A WWF report out yesterday identifies the key UK marine locations in need of protection.

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    Italy bans driftnets


    The Italian Minister of Agriculture and Fishing, Paola de Castro, has recently announced a ‘zero tolerance’ policy on driftnets, a policy that has also been backed by the Italian Legislative Department.

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    All M&S fish to be certified as sustainable by 2012


    UK retailer Marks and Spencer has announced that by 2012 it will only sell fish certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or another independent source.

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    17 found guilty of catch under-reporting


    Liverpool Crown Court found 17 people guilty of falsifying catch records worth an estimated £1.25 million on 12 January.

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    Does "ethical cod" = better fish meat?


    A project collaboration between research institutes in Norway, The Netherlands, Denmark and Iceland aims to find out if cod that is ethically farmed leads to better fish quality.

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    Australia and France sign treaty to combat IUU fishing


    A cooperative treaty between Australia and France has been signed to protect fisheries resources in the Southern Ocean.

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    Oceana: Moroccan fleets using illegal driftnetters to catch swordfish


    Oceana has published a report this week claiming to include evidence that swordfish caught illegally by Moroccan vessels is being sold in Spain.

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    UK squid fishery project


    Seafish has announced that it is managing a project examining the potential of developing a sustainable squid fishery in UK waters.

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    Australia: progress in the war against illegal fishing


    New figures out show that illegal fishing in northern Australian waters is significantly down since 2004.

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    Fisheries protection deal extension


    VT Support Services has been awarded an extension to the charter of three offshore patrol vessels to the UK Ministry of Defence for a further five years.

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    WCPFC control and conservation measures agreed


    The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)’s annual meeting finished at the end of December, with agreements on a range of new conservation and control measures.

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    New FPA for EU and Mozambique


    The European Commission has initialled a Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the European Union and Mozambique. The period of the agreement is five years and began on 1 January.

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    Climate change has little influence on cod


    Research published online in a paper at the end of December suggests that climate change has had little influence on adult cod movements in the North Sea.

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    Lidl offers MSC-labelled products


    Lidl, one of the largest German retailers, has introduced a range of seven frozen and one smoked fish products carrying the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) blue eco-label.

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    New Irish Authority


    Noel Dempsey T.D., Minister for Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Ireland, formally announced last week the establishment of the new independent statutory Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (S-FPA) as of the 1st of January 2007.