All Industry News articles – Page 403

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    World’s largest aquaculture company


    The UK competition authority, the Competition Commission, has authorised Pan Fish` acquisition of Marine Harvest.

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    Cuts in catching opportunity to be fiercely resisted


    With the crucial EU Fish Council talks beginning on the 19 December, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) is warning that any move by the European Commission to cut the catching opportunity for fisheries with a by-catch of cod by 25% would ‘crucify’ the North Sea whitefish fleet and have serious ...

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    Fisheries Council prepares to ignore scientific advice for the 5th year in a row, according to WWF


    The annual December Fisheries Council starts in Brussels this week, and WWF says “Fisheries Ministers from EU Member States traditionally ignore independent scientific advice and make a mockery of sustainable fisheries management”.

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    The fate of spiny dogfish and porbeagle shark


    Populations of two species of shark, used for their meat and consumed mainly in the EU, are on the verge of collapse, according to a WWF release.

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    Fighting illegal fishing around Antarctica


    The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Living Marine Resources (CCAMLR) has recently adopted measures to fight illegal fishing in the waters around Antarctica.

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    Commission proposals agreed


    On 21 November the Council of Fisheries Ministers reached political agreement on three important Commission proposals.

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    Are environmentalists becomming irrational?


    A prominent Dutch fisheries scientist has accused environmentalists of waging a ‘holy war’ against the European fishing industry, reports Pieter Tesch.

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    Irish research projects announced


    John Browne T.D., Irish Minister for Communi-cations, Marine and Natural Resources has announced that he has secured funding to launch a major new collaborative research prog-ramme between the Irish fishing industry and Marine Institute scientists.

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    Latest ICES stock advice


    On 20 October, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) released a report on the status and perspectives of some of the most important Northeast Atlantic fish stocks.

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    Mixed reaction to seafood report


    A new study stating that current trends project the collapse of all currently fished seafood before 2050 has sparked a great debate between the world’s fishing authorities.

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    Icelandic Group to close plant


    Icelandic® USA, Inc, subsidiary of Icelandic Group plans to close the company’s Cambridge, Maryland production facility by year end 2007.

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    Oceana warns that deep-sea gillnet fishery of the northeast Atlantic needs consistent and effective management


    The European Commission has proposed to reopen the Northeast Atlantic (NEAT) deep-sea gillnet fishery, which takes place in depths between 200 and 1200 metres in waters north and west of Great Britain and Ireland.

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    Canada to modernise Fisheries Act


    A proposed overhaul of the 138-year-old Fisheries Act was tabled in the Canadian House of Commons yesterday by the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

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    NWWRAC progress update


    The North West Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) has released a progress update as it moves into its second year of operation.

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    Protecting cold water corals at Rockall


    WWF and the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) have joined forces today to urge the European Commission and Member States to close an area of Rockall Bank (368 km west of North Uist in Scotland) to all fishing.

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    Survival of discarded velvet crabs


    Research undertaken by staff at the NAFC Marine Centre has shown that there is a high survival rate of velvet crabs discarded from the local fishery.

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    Record breaking marine discoveries


    Scientists intrigued by life around hottest-ever seafloor vent; Manhattan-sized school of fish off New Jersey coast; More new than familiar species on Antarctic seafloor.

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    Scottish Minister meets with fishermen before December Council


    Scottish Fisheries Minister Ross Finnie met with fishermen yesterday for the last time before heading to Brussels for talks with other European Ministers to agree fishing opportunities for next year.

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    First MSC eco-label for scallop fishery goes to Argentina


    The Patagonian scallop fishery is the first scallop fishery in the world to receive certification to the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) environmental standard for well-managed and sustainable fisheries.

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    $1.1 million investment in two Nova Scotia harbours


    Canada’s New Government will provide $1.1 million in funding for major improvement projects at two fishing harbours in southern Nova Scotia. Gerald Keddy, Member of Parliament for South Shore - St. Margaret’s, made the announcement last week on behalf of the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.