All Industry News articles – Page 408

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    FAO-CITES agreement promotes sustainable fish trade


    International trade of seahorses, whale sharks and Caribbean queen conches is now regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

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    Ban on bottom trawling?


    Informal consultations to begin in the General Assembly today (4 October) concerning the conservation of fish stocks, under provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, were the subject of a Headquarters press conference yesterday, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and given by ...

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    Fisheries Committee approves 2007 budget and amendments to CMO of fisheries and aquaculture products, modifies proposal on alien species in aquaculture.


    The European Parliament Fisheries Committee approved a technical amendment to the CMO of fisheries and aquaculture products yesterday (3 October). It also gave its opinion on the 2007 budget, as well as amending a Commission proposal for a regulation of alien species in aquaculture.

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    Irish mackerel quota reduced


    Mackerel quota reduced following UK police investigations and reporting of undeclared illegal landings into Scottish processing companies by Irish pelagic fishing vessels. - The Irish Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Mr John Browne, T.D. arranged for officials to meet and advise fishing industry ...

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    British and Dutch trawlers fined


    The Master and owner of UK-registered fishing vessel Success III, KY211, has been ordered to pay a total of £8,000 for fishing illegally within British Fishery Limits.

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    SSMG - Grade A certification


    Staff and shellfish farmers at the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) are celebrating after the company’s achievement in gaining Grade A European Food Safety Inspection Service (EFSIS) certification.

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    Bluefin tuna stocks running low


    New data released by WWF, the global conservation organisation, reveal there is almost no more bluefin tuna to be fished in some of the oldest fishing grounds, especially in the western Mediterranean.

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    Sound shellfish science


    The NAFC Marine Centre has issued a release countering comment in the press regarding the Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation, which calls into question the accuracy of the shellfish stock survey.

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    Marel and Scanvaegt join forces


    Marel hf. has announced the acquisition of all shares in the Danish food equipment manufacturer Scanvaegt International AS.

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    Asda: Britain should pull out of CFP


    Supermarket chain Asda has become the latest business to back the UK Independence Party’s demand that Britain should pull out of the EU’s ‘disastrous’ Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

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    Responsible shrimp farming


    A group of 50 countries who attended the 3rd meeting of the FAO Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (New Delhi, 4-8 September) on fish farming welcomed a series of non-binding international principles for responsible shrimp farming, which offer guidance on how to reduce the sector’s environmental impacts, while boosting its contribution to ...

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    The Seafood Awards


    Seafish recently announced the date of its highly successful gala awards dinner which will take place in March next year.

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    ‘First class’ marine seating


    Brödrene Hukkelberg AS has announced its appointment as sole importer and distributor of Recaro Maritime marine seats in Scandinavia, Finland and Iceland.

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    New MSC-approved product ranges


    Retail giant Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has recently announced that 10 products featuring the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) eco-label are now available in Supercenter and Neighborhood Market locations across the US, and German seafood Processor Deutsche See launched its range of MSC approved products in September.

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    Farming – the future for fisheries?


    According to a new FAO (US Food and Agriculture Organization) report, nearly half the fish consumed as food worldwide are raised on fish farms rather than caught in the wild.

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    Marine finfish farming is helping to plug the supply gap


    The farming of marine finfish species such as cod and halibut is playing an important role in helping plug the gap between supply and demand, the annual conference of the British Marine Finfish Association (BMFA) heard on 2 October in Shetland.

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    SFF warning over cod control plans


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) has told Fisheries Minister Ross Finnie that catching opportunities for haddock and langoustine (Nephrops) must not be compromised by the introduction of increased effort controls for cod for next year.

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    Commission evaluates Common Organisation of the Markets in fisheries and aquaculture products


    On 29 September the European Commission presented a report to the Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of the Common Organisation of the Markets (COM) in fisheries and aquaculture products.

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    Commission calls for effective international action against destructive deep sea fishing practices


    On 4 and 5 October, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York will discuss what action might be taken to prohibit destructive fishing practices on the high seas.

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    EP recommends keeping present regulations on shark fins, speaks out for a three-year TAC plan for plaice and sole, and seeks to improve situation in sector


    The European Parliament voted three reports on fisheries issues on the 28 September. The first one asks the Commission to maintain the present ratio of shark fins to bodies on board vessels, the second argues for a 3-year TAC system for plaice and sole, and the third suggests ways to ...