All Industry News articles – Page 409

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    MSC announces 100% consistency with UN guidelines


    The Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) environmental certification and eco-labelling scheme is the first in the world to be fully consistent with the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) ‘Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries’.

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    Sustainable sea fisheries


    The first ever action plan for Scotland''s fishing industry has been drawn up by representatives of all the key interests in the sector, including industry and environmental leaders.

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    Scottish fishing income increases


    The value of fish catches landed into Scottish ports increased by 14 per cent last year according to new figures published 20 September.

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    Commission proposes to introduce definition of driftnets in three regulations


    The European Commission, on 19 September, adopted a proposal to amend three Regulations that relate to the use of drift nets by introducing a definition of these nets.

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    Whole Foods Market® brings back Patagonian toothfish


    Whole Foods Market and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) are pleased to announce that the supermarket is the world''s first retailer to offer Patagonian toothfish, commonly known as Chilean sea bass, from an Antarctic fishery that has been certified to the MSC''s environmental standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries.

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    Commission sets out guiding principles for proposals on fishing possibilities for 2007


    On 15 September, the European Commission adopted a Communication outlining the principles which it intends to follow when setting annual fishing opportunities for 2007. As usual, these proposals will be based on the most recent scientific advice when it becomes available in October.

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    Seafish launches £1,000,000 seafood Industry Project Fund


    Seafish are pleased to announce the establishment of a new Industry Project Fund for the seafood industry. Available to all sectors of the industry, the fund will finance bursaries for students, provide grant assistance for innovative ideas, give funding for projects managed or conducted by Seafish and supply collaborative R&D ...

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    MEPs discuss how to save bluefin tuna


    With bluefin tuna stocks falling in the Mediterranean, fishermen and environmentalists are worried about the future of the species. A public hearing by the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament heard from scientific experts, environmental activists and industry representatives about the situation in the region. All parties agreed that urgent ...

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    Greenpeace claim 30% of cod in the Baltic Sea stolen by pirates


    At least a third of the cod caught and landed in the Baltic is stolen, and pirate fishing is making the recovery of certain populations impossible, according to a new report by Greenpeace.

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    Salmon exports are increasing in both volume and value


    According to the Norwegian Seafood Export Council, salmon exports totalled 1.4 BNOK in August, which is 386 MNOK more than during the same month last year. The volume (in round weight) increased by % to 42,000 tonnes, a record for the month of August.

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    Record growth for Norwegian seafood exports


    According to recent figures from Norwegian Seafood Export Council, seafood exports increased by 3.2 BNOK from January through August.

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    NOAA scientists use new device to improve salmon research


    NOAA Fisheries scientists are using a gentler and more efficient way to capture salmon at sea for tagging and release — a live box.

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    2007 Baltic fish quotas


    On 5 September, the European Commission tabled a proposal on fishing possibilities and associated conditions for a number of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea for 2007.

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    Law change to help prevent illegal fishing


    New powers to help tackle illegal fishing in Scotland come into force from 1 September.

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    North Sea Stock Survey submitted


    The 2006 North Sea Stock Survey (NSSS) report, which has been compiled at the NAFC Marine Centre, has been submitted to the ICES Working Group on the Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak (WGNSSK).

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    Nor-Fishing catches optimistic mood


    Nor-Fishing 2006, held in Trondheim from 8 to 11 August, was blessed with good weather, a large number of visitors and a mood of optimism generated by another successful year for the industry.

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    Permira acquire iglo Birds Eye Frozen Foods


    Permira, a leading international private equity firm, this week announced the acquisition of iglo Birds Eye Frozen Foods from Unilever, by the Permira Funds.

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    Sinaval-Eurofishing 2007


    The International Shipbuilding, Maritime, Port and Fishing Trade Fair takes place between 24th and 27th January 2007 in Bilbao, Spain.

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    Sex life of the Murray cod


    Scientists in Victoria, Australia have revealed that the Murray cod, once-thought to be monogamous, could be playing the field.

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    UK fishermen and the oil and gas industry


    The UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA), working with the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO), has published a code of practice to help prevent conflicts of interest between near-shore fishermen and the offshore oil and gas industry.