All Industry News articles – Page 412

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    Baltic Sea Regional Advisory Council formed


    In the middle of March the Baltic Sea Regional Advisory Council (BS-RAC) was officially founded.

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    New agent for Trefjar


    Iceland’s Trefjar Ltd, builder of the Cleopatra Range of fast fishing, charter angling, harbour launches, survey vessels and general workboats, has signed an exclusive agreement with Devon-based WaterMota Ltd to look after its interests in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

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    No EU Fishing in Western Sahara


    Campaigners from 19 European countries came together late in February to stop the European Union ratifying an Agreement which would violate international law and see European boats fishing in the waters of Africa’s last colony.

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    Intended acquisition of Radio Holland Group by Imtech


    Radio Holland Group B.V. has announced that Imtech N.V. intends to acquire its shares subject to the approval of the NMA (Dutch competition Authority) and the German Bundeskartellamt (German Federal Cartel office). The acquisition will almost double the revenues of Imtech in the maritime market and place it in the ...

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    Marorka’s management system approved


    Iceland’s Marorka has received certification of its quality management system from classification society Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Last year, the company implemented a quality management system built on the ISO 9001:2000 standard which was successfully audited by DNV last December. In order to receive certification, Marorka has demonstrated that work ...

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    Australia and New Zealand support IUU


    Senator Eric Abetz, Australia’s Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation, announced, early in March, his country’s involvement in nine multilateral initiatives to accelerate the global fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

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    World's largest fish farming company formed


    Norway’s Pan Fish ASA has acquired all the outstanding shares in Marine Harvest for E1,325 million (enterprise value). The combination of Pan Fish-Marine Harvest will become the world''s undisputed leader in the fish farming business, with an annual salmon production of 346,000 tonnes (wfe) in 2006. In addition, Pan Fish ...

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    Bumper US highlights Europe’s woes


    Exports of US seafood continue to grow dramatically in value and volume, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

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    Live fish carrier from and for Norway


    Norway’s Aas Mek Verksted has delivered the live fish carrier M/V Ronja Pioneer to Sølvtrans AS of Ålesund on the west coast of Norway, and says this is the sixth such vessel it has built for Sølvtrans.

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    High support for NF


    Approximately 80% of stand space has already been sold for the 21st edition of Nor-Fishing equating to more than 300 international exhibitors so far.

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    Unilever chill for workers in €2bn selloff


    Unilever’s plans to sell off most of its European frozen food business is the latest writing on the global wall for embattled European fishermen and processors short of raw material.

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    Danish Inspectors use fish DNA to prosecute


    The Danish Directorate of Fisheries used a DNA test of cod in a trial in January about illegal fishing and this helped the successful prosecution of the offender. The accused’s logbook stated that the cod had been caught in the Baltic Sea. But the DNA test showed that ...

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    Fixed penalties for fisheries offences


    Fishermen charged with some fisheries offences could face fixed penalty fines rather than a court appearance, a consultation from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) suggested last month.

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    Anti-whaling vessels arrested in CT


    The detention of the Canadian anti-whaling vessel Farley Mowat in Cape Town harbour was being dealt with through “diplomatic channels”, according to spokesmen for the South African Department of Foreign Affairs and the Canadian High Commission in Pretoria, writes Jean Le May in Cape Town.

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    Ireland and Spain top illegal catch league


    The EU Court of Justice has ruled against Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Finland and Sweden for “overshooting their quotas”, making illegal overfishing still the main cause of law infringement committed by EU Member States.

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    Wal-Mart to source fish from MSC certified fisheries


    Rupert Howes, Chief Executive of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), welcomed the recent announcement by Wal-Mart that the company is seeking to source all of its wild-caught fresh and frozen fish for the North American market from fisheries that meet the MSC’s independent environmental standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries.

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    Danes refurb Russian factory-ship engines


    MAN B&W Diesel Service Center Denmark says it has completed the refurb of engines on the factory-freezer trawler ship ‘Lazurnyy’, one of four large fishing vessels owned and operated by Westrybflot in Kaliningrad, Russia.

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    China’s wild crackdown


    More than 70 per cent of all fish eaten by the Chinese will be from land, not sea, by 2010. Vice-Minister of Agriculture Niu Dun said China’s land production would rise to 60 million tonnes from 51 million now.

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    Japan urged to stop scientific whaling


    Sixteen countries worldwide presented a formal diplomatic representation to the Japanese Government urging it to stop its Antarctic whaling programme last week.