All Industry News articles – Page 414

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    Proposed Baltic Sea TACs for 2006


    The EU Commission says that “While the state of most Baltic fish stocks is fairly good, allowing for stable or even increased fishing possibilities to be proposed, the cod stocks continue to give cause for concern. The objective is therefore to rebuild these cod stocks and protect those in a ...

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    Blue Whiting deal - at last


    The EU, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands have reached an agreement on blue whiting quotas. The deal, struck in late November, signals the end to years of failed negotiations.

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    Proposed Baltic TACs for 2006


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    Baltic cod stocks: Quotas up, fishing effort down


    The European Commission has launched its proposal on fishing possibilities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks in the Baltic Sea for 2006.

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    ICCAT imposes biggest sanctions ever for overfishing


    The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) has imposed sanctions of about USD$100 million on Chinese Taipei for overfishing bigeye tuna according to a press note from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans of Canada

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    Spanish trawlers arrested in Norway


    Two Spanish trawlers and their crew are being held in Norway after allegedly being illegally fishing in waters of the archipelago of Svalbard in the Artic last weekend.

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    Oslo: capital of aquaculture


    Oslo could become the trade center of the farmed fish industry if plans from Marine Harvest to be listed on the capital’s stock exchange next year go ahead.

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    Climate changes put fish populations at risk


    A new report by WWF reveals that fish populations are increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change as temperatures rise in rivers, lakes and seas. The report claims that hotter water means less food, less offspring and even less oxygen for marine and freshwater fish populations.

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    UK urges Japan to scrap its scientific whaling programme


    UK''s fisheries minister Ben Bradshaw has condemned Japan''s decision to go ahead with its whaling programme in the Southern Ocean.

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    NOAA Fisheires Service and Maryland Department of Natural Resources seize striped bass


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office for Law Enforcement and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Police seized 2,702 pounds of striped bass from the commercial fishing vessel (FV) Rita Diane in West Ocean City, MD. The vessel operator, George Topping, was allegedly fishing for striped bass ...

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    Funds for scientific research in Canada


    Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans announced that two of the department’s scientific research facilities, St. Andrew’s Biological Station and the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, will receive $203,000 this year to improve the scientific understanding of highly migratory species in the Atlantic Ocean.

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    Commissioner Joe Borg visits Ireland


    Commissioner Borg accompanied Marine Minister of Ireland Pat the Cope Gallagher to several venues around the country to gain a first hand view of the Irish Fishing Industry and meet the various stakeholders in the sector.

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    New Fisheries regulation in Denmark


    Denmark has adopted a new fisheries regulation to strengthen the framework for Danish fishery in the years ahead. The agreement marks a significant departure from the policy pursued so far according to which fishermen were allocated vessel rations for merely two weeks or one month at a time. Instead, the ...

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    Historic Agreement on Blue Whiting in Copenhagen


    For the first time ever, the EU, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands have reached agreement on the allocation of blue whiting

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    Fishermen have their say on EU legislation


    Fishermen are being asked to help the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for the UK (Defra) simplify fisheries legislation.

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    Canada appoints new ICCAT Commissioners


    James Douglas Fraser has been appointed as Canadian Commissioners to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and Sam Elsworth will continue in the position.

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    Toothfish crew found not guilty


    Five men detained after a 7,000km (4,350 mile), 21-day chase across three oceans have been found not guilty of poaching rare fish in Australia, according to the BBC.

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    EU, Faroe Islands and Norway on mackerel agreement


    Norway, the EU and the Faroe Islands have concluded a three-party Coastal States Agreement on mackerel for 2006.