All Industry News articles – Page 415

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    Agreement on Norwegian–Russian quotas for 2006


    Measures to stop illegal fishing of cod in the Barents Sea were the main topic at the 34th session of the Joint Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Commission. “I am very pleased that the Fisheries Commission has decided to give priority to this work and that Norway and Russia have agreed to implement ...

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    Fisheries Council adopts long term recovery plan for hake and Norway lobster


    The Fisheries Council has adopted a long-term recovery plan for southern hake and Norway lobster stocks off the Iberian Peninsula

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    Oz puts half million into seafood future


    The Australian government is putting $480,000 (Euro300,000) into a new project which aims to boost the long-term profitability, sustainability and competitiveness of Australia''s multi-million dollar seafood industry.

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    Bottom-trawling row goes global at UN


    An international group of non governmental organisations (NGOs) is rolling out a major lobbying operation at the UN and worldwide for a ban on bottom-trawling. The General Assembly is debating the future of regulations for the deep oceans for seven weeks to end in November, reports Peter O''Neill.

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    Bass-dolphin bycatch: Greenpeace fails in court


    Pair trawls catching bass will continue to remain outside the 12 miles of the Southwest coast of the UK after a Greenpeace judicial review of the regulation was dismissed by the courts.

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    Europarl demands facts before driftnet ban


    The proposed total ban on driftnets in the Baltic from Jan 2008 has effectively been blocked for the time being by the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament (EPFC) until there has been “an assessment of the effects of using driftnets and other entangling gear on the sea mammal population”, ...

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    Taiwan to scrap longliners


    Taiwan will be scrapping a total of 120 large-scale tuna long line vessels between 2005 and 2006 to follow the International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity adopted by the FAO in 1999 that called for a reduction of large-scale tuna longline fishing vessels by 20% to ...

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    Iceland's robots to challenge globe on price and labour


    Iceland''s Marel says it believes it can introduce full robotics into food processing factories and beat the competition from cheap labour in low-cost countries.

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    Icelandic Fisheries Awards Review 2005


    What an exhibition and what a country! - Last month, at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition (7-10 Sept), Iceland demonstrated once more it still remains at the forefront of the fishing industry. Fishing is still a major contributor to the country''s GDP and people are well aware of that. Currently 64% ...

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    New Minister for Iceland


    Einar K Guðfinnsson (pictured) has been named the new Minister of Fisheries of Iceland after the appointment of former Minister Árni M. Mathiesen to Minister of Finances last month.

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    NOAA puts to sea Hurricane Katrina impact


    The research vessel Nancy Foster of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an agency of the US Department of Commerce, has begun working off the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama to study the effects of Hurricane Katrina on marine resources and the ecosystem.

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    New Marine Fisheris Agency in the UK


    The executive agency has been created to deliver the Government''s services to the fishing industry and a number of marine environmental interests

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    Weather eye on Mauritania after August coup


    World Fishing is monitoring developments in Mauritania after Colonel Ely Ould took power on August 3 in a bloodless coup.

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    Europe - Anchovy under the hammer


    The emergency closure of anchovy fishing in the Bay of Biscay (from July to October) was extended to 31 December by a decision of the EU Commission in mid-September and came up for intense debate at the fisheries council of ministers (19-20 September) reports Peter O''Neill.

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    NAFO starts reforms


    The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) has launched a review of the NAFO Convention, especially with a view to incorporating more integrated oceans management approaches, reforming decision-making processes, and examining the current structure of NAFO. The decision was made at the 27th Annual Meeting of NAFO held in Tallinn, Estonia, ...

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    The Government is considering how the risk of pollution from submarine wreck can be eliminated


    The Government is initiating field studies concerning the wreck of the submarine U-864, which was sunk off Fedje in Hordaland County in 1945. The purpose of the studies is to determine the best way to eliminate any future risk of pollution from the wreck. The Government will fund this effort ...

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    Swordfish satellite tagging study under way


    Scientists with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) are working with the Nova Scotia Swordfish Harpoon Association in a first-ever Canadian high-tech tagging study of swordfish to determine their migration patterns in the Atlantic Ocean. The three-year study is funded under DFO''s International Governance of High Seas Fisheries Program.

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    Australia and Indonesia Tackle illegal fishing


    Australian and Indonesian officials met in Jakarta last week (24-26 August) to discuss a better working relationship on marine and fisheries issues.

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    Practical 'good practice' guides on WEB


    The Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) and Seafood Scotland are developing a series of good practice guides to aid workers on fishing vessels and in onshore seafood businesses to comply with food hygiene requirements.