All Industry News articles – Page 418

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    Seal hunt draws protests


    The progress of Canada''s seal hunt has once again raised the complex scenario of fishermen trying to make up their income from out-of-season work and some long-term, unemployed Canadians hit by the cod stock collapse trying to make some money to help make ends meet.

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    New Zealand to scan the massive deep


    New Zealand has announced it will be launching Ocean Survey 20/20, an ambitious survey, over the next 15 years to build up a comprehensive picture of its oceanic resources and ecosystems, reports Paul Prince.

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    Sri Lanka wants to have its own building capacity restored


    Differences have arisen between aid agencies about the need to transport new and second hand fishing vessels to Sri Lanka to restore its fishing fleet following last Christmas tsunami disaster.

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    International interest grows in the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 2005


    Great interest from the industry''s global manufacturers and suppliers has been growing in the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 2005 as Iceland is one of the few remaining nations in the European zone that is not ruled under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

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    At the initiative of the social partners in the European fisheries sector (Europêche and the E.T.F. ) representatives of the sector, training centres and competent national authorities met in Brussels for a Round Table aimed at setting up REFOPE, the European Network for Fisheries Training and Employment.

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    New Clyde fisheries partnership launched at Fishing 2005


    A major new cross-sector partnership aimed at building a sustainable future for the Clyde inshore fishery has been launched today by the Clyde Fisheries Development Project at the Fishing 2005 exhibition in Glasgow.

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    The Australian seafood industry has again mounted a dominant presence at this year’s European Seafood Expo in Brussels.

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    European Fishermen’s Leaders meet to agree Action Plan


    European fishermen’s leaders from France, Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Belgium and the UK have met on April 21 and 26, in Brussels, to agree an action plan to address the fuel price crisis in fishing.

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    EU to invest in Fiji


    The European Commission is reported to invest $7.5 million to develop tuna fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, one of the world''s largest tuna fisheries which accounts for 1.8 million tones worth $3.5 billion in annual landings.

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    India ponders duty-free treatment for equipment imports


    With tsunami damage to the Indian fisheries sector now estimated at more than 10 billion Rupees (Euro200 million) the government is looking at easing customs'' duty on some imported equipment, as part of a strategy to help boost seafood export figures.

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    FAO report calls for more reductions


    The FAO has called for a reduction or ban on fishing in fully or over-exploited stocks.

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    Latest seafood technology to be unveiled in Brussels


    More than 240 exhibitors from all over the world will meet at Seafood Processing Europe, which takes places in Brussels together with the European Seafood Exhibition between April 26-28.

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    North Atlantic's largest fish fair gets bigger and better


    The North Atlantic Fish Fair (3-5 May 2005, will take place under much better circumstances than the two previous fairs because it will be held in Tórshavn and the organisers says this will bring everything under the same roof in the largest hall in the Faroes. The improved quality ...

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    New members join the ASIC


    The Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA) and Southern Rock Lobster Ltd (SRL) have now full membership in the Australian Seafood Industry Council (ASIC).

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    Top seafood businesses in the UK announced


    The best seafood businesses in the industry gathered at an awards ceremony in London last month where the winners at the first ever Seafood Awards, organised by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish), wer

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    Asian tuna exports to EU to continue to have commercial advantages


    Philippines, Indonesia and Tailand will continue to receive commercial tariff advantages with the EU, the EU Court of Justice established last month.

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    EU causes outrage


    The EU decision to implement safeguard measures to protect Scottish and Irish Salmon farmers is facing strong opposition from Norway, Chile and the Faroe Islands.

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    Good and bad times for NZ fishermen


    Strong demand and good prices for fish provided a good start for 2005 in New Zealand in spite of a rising Kiwi dollar, spiraling oil costs, and some operators in the local industry fearing they could be forced out of business, reports Paul Prince.

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    Australian Seafood Industry support Tsunami aid relief


    Australia''s seafood industry has announced that it has access to a registration system for offers of support to rebuild the counterpart industries in tsunami devastated regions. Federal agencies will match offers from Australia to requests for assistance from countries including Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

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    Agadir Fish Morocco gears up


    North Africa''s premier international fisheries exhibition AGADIR FISH MOROCCO, will be staged for the third time from April 14-16 2005. The 2003 exhibition, the organisers say, was a real success for the many companies who struck business deals with local operators and suppliers.