All Industry News articles – Page 42

  • Trond Williksen has been appointed board chairman at Mørenot Photo: Mørenot

    Mørenot appoints new board chairman


    Mørenot, global provider of equipment and services for the fisheries, aquaculture and offshore industry, has appointed a new chairman.

  • The GSSI has welcomed two new funding partners Photo: GSSI

    GSSI welcomes new funding partners


    The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) has welcomed two new funding partners.

  • The Korean government has been condemned for failing to tackle an incidence of IUU fishing Photo: CCAMLR

    Korea fails to tackle IUU fishing


    International and Korean non-governmental organisations (NGO) have condemned the Korean government for mishandling a case of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing that occurred in the Antarctic.

  • Good progress was made at the latest annual meeting of the SPRFMO

    ‘Good progress’ made at SPRFMO annual meeting


    The seventh annual meeting of the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO), hosted by the European Union in The Hague, has concluded with good progress made on fisheries issues, compliance and the fight against illegal fishing.

  • Sea Harvest bid for Mareterram

    Sea Harvest bid for Mareterram


    The board of Fremantle-based agribusiness, Mareterram Limited has announced that it has entered into a binding bid implementation agreement (BIA) with Sea Harvest Group. Currently the largest shareholder in Mareterram, Sea Harvest has proposed an all cash takeover, in an offer conditional on achieving a 90% shareholding.

  • MEP John Proctor warns of turbulent times ahead for the UK fishing industry Photo: Allott and Associates

    Turbulent times for UK fishing, warns MEP


    The UK fishing industry faces challenges if the European Union’s new sustainable fishing policy enforces its strict landing obligations while Brexit fails to reinstate Britain as an ‘independent coastal state’ warns John Procter, MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber.

  • MINSA has expressed disappointment that its MSC certification has been suspended

    Disappointment over MSC mackerel suspension


    A group of northern European mackerel fishing organisations has expressed disappointment that Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification of the North East Atlantic fishery will be suspended due to concerns over stock levels.

  • The FAO has published its third assessment of marine fisheries discards Photo: FAO

    FAO publishes latest report on discards


    A recent assessment of global marine fisheries discards by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) has estimated that more than nine million tonnes of catch is discarded annually, of which almost half is from bottom trawls.

  • Europêche has welcomed an EU-Morocco agreement Photo: Europêche

    Europêche welcomes EU-Morocco agreement


    Europêche, the organisation representing European Union fishermen, has welcomed a move by the European Parliament (EP) to conclude the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and Morocco.

  • The MSC has released a list of topics to be discussed as part of its Fisheries Standard Review Photo: MSC

    MSC confirms topics for standards review


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has confirmed the list of 16 topics to be scrutinised in the next stage of its Fisheries Standard Review.

  • Caspian countries extend sturgeon moratorium

    Caspian countries extend sturgeon moratorium


    Nations bordering the Caspian Sea have agreed to extend the moratorium on commercial fishing for sturgeon, agreed at the Commission for the Conservation, Sustainable Use of Marine Resources and Management of Joint Stocks, held in Baku.

  • The EC has plans to mitigate a no-deal Brexit

    EC proposals to mitigate ‘no-deal’ Brexit


    Amid continued uncertainty in the UK, the European Commission has adopted two legislative proposals to help mitigate the impact of a no-deal Brexit on EU fisheries.

  • Nofir is collecting discarded fishing gear for recycling Photo: Nofir

    From Antarctic waste to new products


    Norwegian company, Nofir, has collected 24 tonnes of old fishing equipment from Antarctica, in a bid to rid the world’s oceans of lost and discarded gear.

  • Killybegs Harbour

    Call for Brexit deal to protect Irish access


    The Killybegs Fishermen’s Organisation (KFO) has called for a suite of mitigation measures for fisheries to be spelled out clearly by the Irish Government in the event of a hard Brexit.

  • SEASL has marked a key milestone in its improvement project Photo: TANAKA Juuyoh

    SEASL marks FIP milestone


    The Seafood Exporters’ Association of Sri Lanka (SEASL) has been awarded the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Good Alternative rating, marking a key milestone in its Blue Swimming Crab Fishery Improvement Project (FIP).

  • Seafish has produced a guide to help businesses prepare for Brexit

    Seafish produces Brexit guide


    Seafish, the public body that supports the UK seafood industry, has released a guide to help seafood businesses prepare for Brexit.

  • New EU rules will limit where larger ships can be recycled

    New EU rules limit where ships are recycled


    New European Union regulations have reduced the number of shipyards available for the recycling of large sea-going vessels, in a bid to make the practice safer and more sustainable.

  • More than half of mahi-mahi is sourced in a sustainable way according to the SFP Photo: Orangelioncat

    Over half of mahi-mahi sustainable, says SFP


    More than half of the world’s mahi-mahi products are already being sourced in a sustainable or improving manner, according to the latest sector report from Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP).

  • MEP has opened its first international branch in Moçambique Photo: MEP

    MEP opens Moçambique branch


    Environmental consultant MacAlister Elliott & Partners (MEP) is opening its first international branch in Moçambique.

  • Hercules Hydraulics have been appointed a UK distributor of TMA winches Photo: TMA

    Hercules to distribute TMA winches


    Devon-based Hercules Hydraulics has been appointed as a UK distributor by Italian hydraulic winch manufacturer, TMA.