All Industry News articles – Page 50

  • Young's Seafood

    Further US growth for Young’s


    UK brand Young’s Seafood Limited has announced Young’s USA will undergo increased distribution, new products and extensions to its existing lines.

  • Donald Trump

    Trump Ocean policy criticised


    The Trump Administration in the US has issued a new executive order which rescinds and replaces the previous Administration’s national policy for the ‘Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes.’

  • Peckam fish

    Fish mislabelling a threat to marine conservation


    Scientists have found widespread mislabelling, poor trading practices and neglect for endangered species are threatening fish stocks after DNA-testing seafood products sold across the world.

  • News

    Russia could significantly increase crab production this year


    Russia may significantly increase its volume of crab production this year, with the aim of boosting supplies to the domestic market, according to recent statements by some leading Russian crab producers and senior officials at the Federal Fisheries Agency, reports Eugene Gerden.

  • Fishing in Ghana

    Ghana’s small-scale industry propose reforms


    Ghana’s small-scale fishers, fish traders and processors have come together to present ten key points they feel should be included in the country’s fisheries law reforms.

  • US-Chinese co-operation nets IUU driftnetter

    US-Chinese co-operation nets IUU driftnetter


    A fishing vessel intercepted in international waters 860 nautical miles east of Japan was found to have eighty tons of salmon and a drift net measuring more than five miles long on board.

  • Fish in ice

    Improved antimicrobial protection


    A new water treatment product is able to capture advanced oxidation technology in a cube of ice and provide continue antimicrobial protection while thawing.

  • Sagar and Jamie

    Scottish students win UK Chef competition


    Two young chefs from West College Scotland have been crowned national champions at the 2018 UK Young Seafood Chef of the Year competition.

  • A.S Fiskevegn ropes

    AS Fiskevegn protests Mustad takeover threat


    AS Fiskevegn is calling for a reversal of Mustad Autoline’s purchase of Vetrhus Holding AS, which own 50% of the shares in AS Fiskevegn, claiming it is “not suitable” for one of its main competitors to be its owner.

  • Battle rages to ban electric beaming

    Battle rages to ban electric beaming


    Marine environmental NGO Bloom has lodged a formal complaint to the European Commission that the Dutch authorities gave large subsidies of EU money to enable the Dutch beam trawl fleet to switch to electric pulse fishing that it did not declare, reports Tim Oliver.

  • Loch Fyne Oysters

    Top award for Loch Fyne Oysters


    Seafood producer Loch Fyne Oysters has celebrated its 40th year of trading by scooping the top prize in the ‘Fish and Seafood’ category of the Scotland Food & Drink Excellence Awards 2018.

  • Tuna fishing

    Indonesia supply chain commit to MSC tuna


    A joint agreement has been ratified between the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) and 14 buyers, brands and retailers that have made a commitment to preferentially source Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)-certified one-by-one tuna over non-certified tuna from Indonesia’s tuna fisheries.

  • Dobroflot vessel

    Money-saving IoT fuel monitoring solution


    Russian fishing fleet operator Dobroflot Corporate Group plans to deploy an IoT solution for smart fuel monitoring that help optimise fuel consumption and analyse weather and vessel position to save up to 10% of fuel costs and help prevent unauthorised fuel usage.

  • pink snapper

    Gascoyne Snapper temporary ban


    The Western Australian state government is prohibiting commercial, charter and recreational fishers from catching pink snapper from 1 June to 31 August to protect stocks.

  • Lerwick

    2017 Scottish fishing haul worth GB£559m


    Scottish-registered fishing vessels landed 464,000 tonnes of sea fish and shellfish with a value of GB£559m in 2017, representing an increase of 10,600t (2%) and GB£2.6m (

  • Tuna

    IOTC coastal states reject EU allocation proposal


    Coastal states at a recent Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) meeting have rejected an EU proposal for 85% of the future allocation to be based on historical catches – regardless of which waters the fish were caught in.

  • Thiraphong Chansiri

    Thai Union Group wins big in Best Managed Companies survey


    Thai Union Group PCL has won major awards in several Thailand categories in the 18th Asia’s Best Managed Companies survey by FinanceAsia.

  • Bluefin tuna season 2018

    Bluefin tuna season 2018: EU determined to maintain control standards and guarantee recovery trend in eastern bluefin tuna stock


    The period 26th May to 24th June marks the season when purse seiners are allowed to fish for bluefin tuna, and the European Commission has reiterated its committed to fully implement international control measures for this species.

  • Illegal catch seized near Saibai Island

    Illegal catch seized near Saibai Island


    Papua New Guinean (PNG) nationals have been returned to PNG after they were found in the Torres Strait with a catch of mud crabs suspected to have been taken illegally from Australian waters near Saibai Island, according to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and the Australian Border Force.

  • Lerwick

    Positive outlook for Shetland fishing industry


    There''s a positive future ahead for the Shetland fishing industry, with multi-million-pound investment in the white fish and pelagic sectors reflecting renewed confidence.