All Industry News articles – Page 72

  • Deeper WASSP

    Deeper widescan sounder from WASSP


    The New Zealand-based manufacturer of multibeam technology, WASSP Ltd, has released its new F3L, a low frequency wideband 80 kHz system.

  • EuropecheBirds

    Disappointment as EU Commission declines to alter Birds and Habitats directives


    Europêche and EAPO, the representative bodies of the EU fishing sector, have expressed their frustration at the decision taken by the College of Commissioners recognising that, following a “fitness check”, the European Birds and Habitats Directives remain relevant and fit for purpose.

  • Bluwave's George Stavrinos, left, with Fisheries Minister, Joe Francis

    Rock lobster trial for the local market


    Western Australia Fisheries Minister Joe Francis has announced a plan to make rock lobster more accessible to the locals following a visit to the Bluwave processing facilities in Fremantle.

  • A new House of Lords report says that the industry must be consulted during port-Brexit negotiations

    Post-Brexit risks and opportunities report


    The House of Lords European Union Committee has published a report outlining the risks and opportunities of Brexit for the UK fishing industry.

  • News

    Pingtan back in profit


    Pingtan Marine Enterprise expects financial results for Q4 to end losses for six consecutive previous quarters.

  • Höfrungur III

    Strike cuts trip short


    HB Grandi’s freezer trawler Höfrungur III docked in Reykjavík yesterday after a 19 day trip. According to skipper Haraldur Árnason, the trip was cut short due to the seamen’s strike that started at 2000 on Wednesday.

  • toothfish

    Toothfish regulation controversy


    A failure by countries to voluntarily submit data on Atlantic and Patagonian toothfish catch risked catches being declared products of illegal fishing, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) in Australia said, reports Munyaradzi Makoni.

  • Fishing below depth of 800m to become illegal

    MEPs vote to end deep-sea trawling


    European Parliament has banned fishing below a depth of 800m in the North-East Atlantic to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems of the deep-sea bed.

  • The 2017 catch limits have been set

    EU ministers set 2017 catch limits


    EU ministers have reached an agreement on fishing opportunities for 2017 in the Atlantic, North Sea and Black Sea, following discussions at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 12 and 13 December.

  • The trawler's original axial MAN NA34/K unit was replaced with a modern, radial MAN TCR20 turbocharger

    Quick fix for North Sea trawler


    MAN Diesel & Turbo has carried out a quick fix turbocharger retrofit on a North Sea trawler taking just five weeks from first enquiry to commissioning.

  • World Tuna Day Ratified by the United Nations General Assembly

    World Tuna Day ratified


    The United Nations General Assembly has ratified the annual celebration of World Tuna Day, to become a globally recognised event.

  • WCPFC 13 saw the adoption of an observer safety measure

    Positive outcomes from WCPFC 13


    Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) says many positive outcomes were achieved at the 13th Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission annual meeting in Fiji, including adoption of the observer safety measure.

  • News

    Ministers called on to decide TACs and 2017 quotas


    EAPO and Europêche have sent a joint position paper of observations and relevant recommendations for about 25 stocks to the Council of Fisheries Ministers.

  • Orange Roughy

    Orange roughy furore


    It has been a turbulent few days with NGOs piling in to slam the MSC’s decision to certify the New Zealand orange roughy fishery as sustainable.

  • Job Senior

    Dutch fleet says no to discard ban


    Based in Tholen in the south of Holland Job Schot and his family run the Belgian-flagged Eurocutter Job Senior Z-201. he’s an unlikely activist, but the apparently unending burdens being placed on the fishing industry have turned him and many others like him into protestors with a cause to fight.

  • Pingtan currently operates 135 fishing vessels

    Pingtan longliners head for the Pacific


    Pingtan Marine Enterprise is set to deploy four tuna longline vessels to fish in the international waters of the Pacific Ocean

  • ENL launched its third generation multibeam sounder in October

    Sounder technology receives R&D grant


    New Zealand based ENL Group, has received a NZD$15m R&D growth grant to assist with ongoing investment in its globally recognised WASSP Multibeam Sounder.

  • Northern Bluefin

    FFA slams lack of action on northern bluefin


    Commenting at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission annual meeting taking place this week, Ludwig Kumoru of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) and others have slammed the refusal of distant water fishing nations address the impending collapse of northern Pacific bluefin.

  • This vessel was seized from Ocean Reef marina under Operation Bagana

    Western Australia tough on poachers


    Fisheries and Marine Officers are targeting people interfering with the lobster pots of others, following the mass migration of rock lobsters commencing along Western Australia’s west coast.

  • A new partnership starts between the EU and the Cook Islands

    Cook Islands strike deal with EU


    Fishing operations for EU vessels in the Cook Islands'' fishing areas has been given the go ahead. This follows the Cook Islands and the EU agreeing on all elements of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement.