All Industry News articles – Page 78

  • News

    Marine monuments designation statement


    The Seafood Harvesters of America have released a statement on the Administration’s Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument designation.

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    Online tool to monitor commercial fishing


    Oceana, SkyTruth and Google have launched a new online technology platform that allows anyone in the world free access to monitor and track the activities of the large commercial fishing vessels in near real-time.

  • News

    First BAP certified sea bass farm


    Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) has added its first BAP-certified sea bass farm to the programme.

  • The structure combines living accommodation for the crew with ships supplying feed and other requirements

    Offshore fish farming gathers momentum


    The first major offshore fish farm for the Norwegian company Ocean Farming is being developed by Global Maritime Consultancy and Engineering and is scheduled for installation early next year off Norway.

  • Blue Harvest continues to strive into scallops market

    Scallops business acquisition


    Blue Harvest Fisheries has acquired High Liner Food’s scallop and processing facility in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

  • News

    EU adopts new conservation measures


    The European Commission has adopted two regulations that will facilitate two Member States to comply with European environmental legislation to protect natural environments.

  • News

    ICES Annual Science Conference 2016 to be held in Latvia


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) will hold its Annual Science Conference (ASC) in the Latvian capital, Riga, for the very first time.

  • Quentin Bates is the new editor of World Fishing & Aquaculture

    Quentin Bates takes over as WF&A editor


    Mercator Media Ltd has appointed Quentin Bates as the new editor of World Fishing & Aquaculture.

  • News

    PNA Ministers Meeting on tuna


    Ministers and officials from eight Pacific islands met in Kiribati in July at the annual PNA Ministers Meeting to address conservation and business management issues for the multi-billion dollar western and central Pacific tuna fishery.

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    Union gives ‘guarded’ welcome to plans to tackle slavery


    New UK government plans to tackle substandard working conditions at sea by enforcing the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act came into force on 8 August.

  • John Burton, chairman of IPNLF, at the FIS launch

    IPLNF launches FIS for one-by-one tuna


    The International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) has launched a new Fisheries Information System (FIS) for one-by-one tuna fisheries in the Maldives.

  • IFFO commissioned scientists to quantify the potential volume of future global raw material supply

    Increase in raw material from marine ingredient byproducts


    University of Stirling scientists have used models of current and future fisheries and aquaculture production to provide estimates for the future availability of raw material for marine ingredients.

  • Twin JCB engines have been chosen to power the MV Triploid

    Othniel Oysters chooses Twin JCB power


    Othniel Oysters has chosen twin JCB engines to power a new workboat.

  • Over the last decade the cod stock in the North Sea has seen significant improvements

    MSC for Danish North Sea cod fishery


    The Danish North Sea cod fishery has achieved MSC certification recognising that cod caught by members of the Danish Fishermen Producer Organisation (DFPO) meets the MSC’s robust requirements for sustainability.

  • News

    Icelandic Group sells Spanish subsidiary


    Icelandic Group has signed an agreement to sell its Spanish subsidiary, Icelandic Ibérica, to Solo seafood ehf.

  • The new purse seiner/trawler will be the world's first fishing vessel with the Wärtsilä 31 engine

    Wärtsilä 31 engine to power new fishing vessel


    The Wärtsilä 31 engine, recognised by Guinness World Records as being the world''s most efficient 4-stroke diesel engine, has been chosen as the main engine for a new purse seiner/trawler being built by the Danish shipbuilder Karstensen Shipyard.

  • L-R: Mike Park (Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association), Ian Gatt (Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association), Rt Hon David Jones MP (Minister of State for Brexit), John Anderson (Scottish Fishermen’s Organisation), Simon Collins (Shetland Fi...

    Campaign for fishing to be at heart of Brexit


    Scottish fishing industry leaders have launched the start of their campaign to ensure that fishing forms a fundamental part of the forthcoming Brexit negotiations.

  • Blue North is a Skipsteknisk design

    Blue North’s Humane Harvest


    The Dakota Creek Industries yard at Anacortes in Washington has delivered a new longliner to Seattle fishing company Blue North.

  • The EU has thrown its weight against tackling illegal fishing off West Africa

    Tackling illegal fishing in Western Africa


    A four-day campaign co-funded by the EU against illegal fishing off the West Africa Coast has shown concrete results in tackling illegal fishing in Western Africa.

  • Belle Carnell was launched last year

    Clearwater invests in Canadian clam fleet


    Clearwater Seafoods Incorporated is investing around $70m in a new and innovative vessel for its Canadian clam fleet.