All Industry News articles – Page 82

  • The FRV 7417 will feature a Silent-A/F/R Class notation

    Damen fishery vessel for Angola


    Damen Shipyards Group has received an order for a state-of-the-art, 74m fishery research vessel from the Angolan Ministry of Fisheries.

  • 78% felt the industry was portrayed unfairly during the EU referendum

    UK fishing industry feels misled after Brexit vote


    According to new research from Stormline, UK fishing industry members felt that they were unfairly portrayed and misled during, and after, the EU referendum.

  • The second trawler ‘Akurey’ is due to be launched in August

    HB Grandi trawler set for launch


    Work on the three new fresher trawlers for HB Grandi is making steady progress at the Celiktrans yard in Turkey, with the second vessel ‘Akurey’ due to be launched in August.

  • Electra from Baltic Workboats has been delivered to Stockholm University

    New research vessel for Stockholm University


    A new scientific research vessel has been delivered by Baltic Workboats to Stockholm University in Sweden.

  • News

    Commonwealth Scallop Fishery now open


    The Commonwealth Scallop Fishery in Bass Strait opened last week with a catch limit of 3,000 tonnes for the season - the highest the fishery has seen in six years.

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    Oz Deep Sea Crab fishery gets MSC certified


    Western Australia’s Deep Sea Crab fishery is the latest of the state’s 47 commercial fisheries to gain Marine Stewardship Council certification for sustainable management.

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    Cermaq launches iFarm


    Cermaq has made a huge stride towards individual-based farming with the launch of its iFarm.

  • The Marine Antiquities Scheme app home page

    Marine Antiquities Scheme to record underwater finds


    The Marine Antiquities Scheme (MAS) is being launched today to help protect the UK’s marine heritage by encouraging the recording of archaeological and historical objects found by marine users in English and Welsh waters.

  • Orange roughy. Credit: Stephen McGowan, Australian Maritime College, 2006/Marine Photobank

    CSIRO conducts orange roughy research


    Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) scientists have been conducting research off eastern Tasmania to measure the amount of orange roughy stock, to ensure that sustainable commercial catch limits continue to be set for the stock.

  • News

    MSC seeks input on labour practice requirements


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) will be consulting stakeholders on a number of options aimed at providing the market with greater assurance that MSC certified fisheries and supply chain companies meet internationally accepted norms for labour practices.

  • Matorka's new farm

    Funding for Icelandic Arctic char farm


    Aqua-Spark, the first investment fund focused exclusively on sustainable aquaculture, has announced its first investment of 2016.

  • GAA’s new director of strategic engagements

    Melanie Siggs joins GAA


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) has appointed Melanie Siggs are its new director of strategic engagements.

  • ME Certification delivered a series of training seminars to business partner Control Union in Cambodia

    Delivering MSC certification in the Asia-Pacific region


    ME Certification has delivered a series of training seminars to business partner Control Union in Cambodia, to ensure that there is a local team of well trained professionals ready to assist fisheries throughout Asia and the Pacific to become Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified.

  • News

    Overcoming the challenges of the discard ban


    A dynamic panel session was held at the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) by Environmental Defence Fund Europe.

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    Input sought on catfish grade standards


    Stakeholders are being invited to provide information to assist in the development of voluntary U.S. Standards for Grades of Catfish and Catfish Products.

  • Pew is calling for a two-year moratorium on commercial fishing of Pacific bluefin tuna. Credit: Marco Care/Marine Photobank

    Pew calls for fishing moratorium on Pacific bluefin


    The Pew Charitable Trusts has called for a two-year moratorium on commercial fishing of Pacific bluefin tuna, after this year’s stock assessment has shown that the population is at just 2.6% of its historic size.

  • Swordfish auction. Credit: José Antonio Gil Martínez/CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Action needed for Mediterranean swordfish


    Scientists from the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) met recently in Casablanca, Morocco to assess stock levels of swordfish in the Mediterranean Sea.

  • Professor Mike Elliott

    The end of North Sea cod and haddock fishing?


    According to a marine expert at the University of Hull, fishermen may no longer be able to catch cod and haddock off the shores of Britain in the next century.

  • JCS Fish has achieved certification to the British Retail Consortium (BRC)

    BRC A Grade for JCS Fish


    UK salmon specialist, JCS Fish, has achieved certification to the British Retail Consortium (BRC) A Grade – an international ''gold standard'' for safety and quality standards.

  • News

    New ISSF participating companies


    PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia (ATI), British tuna firm Lovering Foods, and French company Thunnus Overseas Group (TOG) have all participated in the conservation efforts of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF).