All Industry News articles – Page 85

  • Members of the ATLAS consortium at the project launch

    Biggest Atlantic deep-sea ecosystem assessment begins


    The European Commission’s Horizon 2020 funding programme is supporting the largest and most ambitious assessment of deep-sea Atlantic ecosystems ever undertaken through a €9m project.

  • Dr Lida Pet-Soede joins IPNLF's team of seven Trustees

    Lida Pet-Soede joins IPNLF Board of Trustees


    The International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF) has welcomed Dr Lida Pet-Soede, of the environmental consulting firm PT Hatfield Indonesia, to its Board of Trustees.

  • News

    Spanish hypermarket becomes SFP retail partner


    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has announced a new partnership with Alcampo, one of Spain’s largest hypermarket chains.

  • DoF Malaysia and WorldFish sign research agreement Photo: Jeya Jeevan/WorldFish

    Malaysia and WorldFish establish new research committee


    The Malaysian Department of Fisheries (DoF) and WorldFish have signed an agreement to establish the Technical Committee on Research Collaboration.

  • exactEarth and DigitalGlobe are joining forces to help combat IUU fishing

    New partnership to combat IUU fishing


    Maritime data and surveillance specialist, exactEarth and satellite image company, DigitalGlobe, have joined forces to help the commercial fishing industry combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

  • News

    Oceana calls on EC to redouble efforts to recover fish stocks


    Oceana has called on the EU and its Member States to immediately redouble EU-wide efforts to curb this year’s slowdown in the number of fish stocks that are caught at sustainable levels.

  • News

    Rogue fishers should be refused insurance


    New research from the University of British Columbia (UBC) finds that rogue fishing vessels are able to secure insurance, including those that have been flagged by international watchdogs for unlawful activity.

  • The aim of the project is to enhance community capacity and develop sustainable fisheries in Pathiu Bay, Thailand

    Project launched to support Thai coastal communities


    Thai Union Group PCL has partnered with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to enhance community capacity and develop sustainable fisheries in Pathiu Bay, Chumphon Province, Thailand.

  • NEF has argued against Nigel Farage saying that the EU is helping UK fisheries

    NEF disagrees with Farage over Brexit


    A new statement from the New Economics Foundation (NEF) argues that the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is helping UK fisheries.

  • FADs typically consist of bamboo rafts with buoys attached

    New biodegradable FADs to be tested


    A new pilot to test biodegradable FADs will take place in the Indian Ocean, with the aim of reducing the impact on the ecosystem.

  • News

    Legislative amendments may result in bankruptcy


    The Russian government has finally approved a package of amendments to the federal law ‘On Fishing’, which may result in a significant change to the balance of powers in the Russian fishing market, reports Eugene Gerden.

  • AFC has been awarded FoS certification for its Antarctic krill

    Antarctic krill fishery FoS certified


    Ukrainian company AFC Prydunays''ka Niva has obtained the Friend of the Sea certification for Antarctic krill.

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    PNA: US rule attempts to evade conservation measure


    The chief executive of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement has said that a new US government fishing regulation that went into effect in May violates a conservation measure for high seas fishing approved last year by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)

  • Consumption of fishery and aquaculture products in the EU increasing

    EU imports increase by one billion a year


    Demand for fishery and aquaculture products in the EU is strong, with consumption per capita increasing, according to the latest Monthly Highlights from European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA).

  • Graham Doswell is World Animal Protection UK’s new Sea Change Champion

    Sea Change Champion


    A small scale fisherman from Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK, has won World Animal Protection UK’s Sea Change Champion Award, for tackling the problem of ghost fishing gear.

  • News

    Fish processing market worth $222.71bn by 2021


    A new report has projected that the fish processing market will reach US$222.71bn in terms of value, at a compound annual growth of 3.8% from 2016 to 2021 and 37,194.98 KT in terms of volume by 2021, at a compound annual growth of 2.2% from 2016 to 2021.

  • News

    Invasive species solution wins Fishackathon 2016


    The global winner of the third annual Fishackathon has been awarded to Team Akubic from Taiwan, for their Great Lakes Savior which seeks to control populations of the invasive Asian carp.

  • Skipjack tuna. Credit: iStock

    MSC certification for skipjack and yellowfin tuna


    The Tri Marine Western and Central Pacific skipjack and yellowfin tuna fishery has achieved MSC certification for free school tuna caught using its purse seine vessels.

  • Greenpeace has countered claims that leaving the EU will benefit the UK's fishing industry

    Greenpeace rebuts Brexit fishing claims


    Greenpeace has weighed in on the Brexit debate after David Cameron and Boris Johnson clashed over the impact of the European Union on the UK’s fishing industry.

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    Combatting negative consumer perceptions


    A workshop being hosted by Seafish at the end of June hopes to educate the seafood industry on the importance of having a Social License to Operate (SLO), and how it affects the industry in the eyes of the public.