All Industry News articles – Page 86

  • The 'Sustainable seafood and responsible investment' report has been published by Aviva Investors and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership

    Improved sustainability needed to protect global supply


    A new report says that investors must do more to push seafood companies to adopt progressive policies that enhance the sustainability of fishing and fish farming and reduce the potential for environmental and human rights abuses.

  • The volume of global wild seafood catch that is MSC certified has almost doubled since 2010. Credit: MSC/James Morgan

    Sustainable catch doubled since 2010


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has published a new report which shows how effective management and improvements made by MSC certified fisheries are delivering measurable, positive impacts in the oceans.

  • The Saildrone research platform is equipped with technologies to collect oceanographic data. Credit: Saildrone Inc.

    NOAA and partners chart new territory


    NOAA Research and NOAA Fisheries have teamed up with academic and private sector partners to test innovative technologies that, if successful, will enable researchers to gather information in areas of the ocean virtually off limits to standard research vessels.

  • News

    Illegal vessels apprehended in the Coral Sea


    Two fishing vessels were apprehended on Thursday in waters off north Queensland for suspected illegal fishing in Australian waters.

  • One project will improve the suitability of cusk and Atlantic cod bycatch discarded in the Gulf of Maine lobster trap fishery. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA grants will improve fishing opportunities


    NOAA is recommending more than $11 million in funding for 50 projects across the United States.

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    PSMA comes into force this weekend


    The international Port State Measures Agreement will come into force on Sunday 5 June, following its ratification by 29 States and the European Union.

  • Pipe from salmon pens is being upcycled to create pontoons

    Decommissioned salmon pens upcycled


    Marine Harvest Scotland has recycled more than a kilometre of flotation pipe from old salmon pens over the last four years, for use in the construction of marine access pontoons for its farm sites.

  • News

    Oceana calls for greater transparency


    The website has revealed that 22,085 EU vessels have operated in non-EU waters since 2008, but Oceana says that the lack of official data on those operating in Africa under private agreements is alarming.

  • The Dragon’s Den’ style event was held to find new and innovative packaging ideas

    ‘Dragon’s Den’ style event seeks new packaging design


    Young’s Seafood Limited has hosted a Dragon’s Den’ style event to find the best new, innovative packaging ideas that could transform the future of seafood.

  • MSC certified Scottish haddock supplies improve with new certification Photo: @SeafoodScottish

    Increased supply of MSC certified Scottish haddock


    Members of the Scottish Seafood Association (SSA) have worked together to increase the supply of MSC certified Scottish seafood throughout the UK supply chain.

  • New England fishermen will be using cameras to record discards. Photo: Lauren Owens

    US fishery to implement electronic monitoring


    This year, for the first time, up to 20 participating fishermen from across New England will use digital cameras rather than human monitors to document discards of groundfish, such as cod, haddock and flounder, on commercial fishing trips.

  • NOAA Fisheries has released it new economic report. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA releases fishing report for 2014


    According to a new economic report released by NOAA Fisheries, commercial and recreational saltwater fishing in the United States generated more than $214 billion in sales and supported 1.83 million jobs in 2014.

  • News

    Ireland announces €4.3m for processing and aquaculture


    Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, has announced the award of €4.3 million in grants to 51 seafood enterprises under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Operational Programme for the seafood sector.

  • Concept design of the new Earthrace vessel

    New vessel to help fight illegal fishing


    New Zealand campaign group, Earthrace Conservation, has unveiled concept designs of its new 60m trimaran to be used for conservation missions around the world.

  • News

    New SFP fishery improvement projects rating system


    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has announced a new evaluation tool and grading system for fishery improvement projects (FIPs).

  • The Holmsgarth North jetty under construction - work at Lerwick port to benefit the fishing sector is forging ahead

    Lerwick fishing projects moving ahead


    The first part of Lerwick Port Authority’s current three-phase development programme will significantly upgrade facilities for the important fishing industry at the Shetland port – with the second phase due for completion in the autumn.

  • Aramark will expand its MSC certification to 16 Canadian universities and colleges

    Aramark expands MSC certification to Canadian universities and colleges


    Aramark has announced that it has achieved MSC Chain of Custody certification, this allows it to source and serve wild-caught seafood that is sustainable and traceable to a certified fishery.

  • Some of the illegally caught sea cucumbers (beche de mer) found on the PNG fishing vessel

    Illegal fishers convicted


    Fishers from Papua New Guinea have pleaded guilty and been convicted for commercial fishing inside the Torres Strait Protected Zone.

  • An agreement has been signed to halt expansion of Arctic fishing in a move which Greenpeace believes will help protect vulnerable species such as the polar bear

    Global brands say no to Arctic fishing


    Global brands alongside the Norwegian Fishing Vessel Owners Association, Fiskebåt, Russian fishing giant, Karat and Europe’s largest processor of frozen fish, Espersen, have agreed to halt further expansion of cod fishing into the previously frozen Northern Barents Sea.

  • Scientists predict economic losses for the sector at Europêche meeting

    Economic losses predicted from discard ban


    Europêche organised a meeting in the European Parliament on 24 May to discuss the economic impact of landing obligations and the discard ban.