All Industry News articles – Page 88

  • News

    Eday salmon farm doubles capacity


    Eday salmon farm, in the North of Orkney, has announced that it has completed a major expansion works.

  • It is unnecessary to increase seafood portion sizes

    Portion sizes out of control


    People, usually without realising it, are eating more than their forebears did, and food manufacturers are being blamed for increasing product sizes and therefore urging people to eat more than they need, to the detriment of their health.

  • Mackerel has won back its certified sustainable status

    Mackerel back to being sustainable


    An international coalition of mackerel fishermen has won MSC certification back for their North East Atlantic mackerel catches.

  • News

    Guidance on fish labelling


    Seafish, the UK industry authority on seafood, has been working with Food Standards Scotland and Marine Scotland to produce guidance aimed at helping the fishing industry comply with European regulations on fish traceability.

  • News

    Better cooperation could increase Pacific revenues


    Better management of tuna fisheries can help Pacific Island countries gain as much as US$344 million per year in additional sustainable revenues and create 7,500 to 15,000 jobs by 2040, according to a new World Bank report.

  • News

    Marine Harvest first quarter results


    Marine Harvest released its earnings and results for the first quarter of 2016 on Wednesday 11 May.

  • News

    Chilean salmon industry disputes


    The Chillean salmon industry is still cut off from its main markets as fishermen walked out on talks with the government.

  • Seafish is helping to support business sign up to the RFS

    Seafish RFS support courses


    Seafish, the industry authority on seafood, has developed a new course to support businesses interested in the roll out of the new Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS) to the UK fleet.

  • Trials of a new prawn trawl on board Amity II have seen an encouraging reduction in the volume of unwanted catch

    New trawl design reduces unwanted catches


    Preliminary fishing trials using a new design of prawn trawl developed to reduce unwanted bycatches of fish have produced encouraging results.

  • News

    Thai Union performance


    The Thai Union (TU) has announced its 2016 first quarter performance statistics, which shows a promising start to the year.

  • Now all canned tuna sold in Waitrose supermarkets will be responsibly caught

    Waitrose to stock only sustainable canned tuna


    Waitrose has become the first UK supermarket to set a deadline to ensure that all the branded canned tuna it sells will be sourced using more sustainable fishing methods by the end of next year.

  • News

    Tweet #HealthySeas to Donate


    Intasave Oceans has launched its new tweet to donate #HealthySeas campaign which aims to bring in funds for its Healthy Seas, Happy People fundraising programme.

  • Consumers recognise that fish oil supplements are not as beneficial to health as eating the real thing, according to a US survey

    Fish or supplements? Consumers know which is best


    Consumers recognise there are more health benefits to be gained from eating fish and seafood compared with taking fish oil supplements, according to a recent survey in the United States.

  • News

    Western Australia invests in new multi-species shellfish hatchery


    Support for Western Australia’s emerging aquaculture industry has been reaffirmed with in the Liberal National Government’s 2016-17 state budget.

  • Susi Pudjiastuti, Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

    Indonesia underlines commitment to eliminating IUU fishing


    Indonesia’s Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Susi Pudjiastuti, will emphasise the government’s commitment to ending IUU fishing in Indonesian waters and beyond, in her keynote address to the combined 2nd Bali Tuna Conference (BTC) and the 5th International Coastal Tuna Business Forum (ICTBF).

  • The EC has adopted a proposal to improve the working conditions for fisheries workers. Credit: Jean-Pierre Bazard/CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    EC proposal to improve working conditions


    The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive which aims at improving the working conditions for workers in the fishing sector.

  • News

    EU and Canada cooperate to fight illegal fishing


    The EU and Canada signed a Joint Declaration on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing last week, sending a strong message of zero tolerance towards such criminal activities.

  • Caroline Bennett, founder of Sole of Discretion, outside the fisheries complex in Plymouth’s Sutton Harbour

    New ethical fishmonger in Plymouth


    Sole of Discretion has launched its ethical fishmonger business at Plymouth Fisheries, the second largest fresh fish market in England based within a large, purpose-built complex in Sutton Harbour.

  • Harvesting shrimp from the ponds, Indonesia

    New Indonesia-UK partnership


    The partnership between the Republic of Indonesia and the United Kingdom has been strengthened further, following an agreement to work together to deliver a package of marine and fisheries initiatives.

  • Devil rays are among the oceans’ most vulnerable animals

    Protecting sharks and rays


    Conservationists have welcomed news that 50 countries have joined efforts to list devil rays, threshers, and silky sharks under Appendix II the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).