All Industry News articles – Page 92

  • Yaleo has grown quickly to become one of the world’s leading tilapia aquaculture firms

    New Aller Aqua factory in Zambia


    Aller Aqua has partnered with Yaleo Limited to construct a new fish feed factory in Zambia.

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    Next Generation Marine Power


    The ‘Next Generation Marine Power & Propulsion’ conference will focus on viable solutions for vessels of all sizes at Grand Harbour, Southampton from 26 to 28 April 2016.

  • Oceana claims that swordfish are still being illegally fished in the Mediterranean despite the establishment of a register of authorised vessels

    Italian register not enough in fight against illegal fishing


    Oceana welcomes the establishment of an official register of Italian vessels authorised to catch Mediterranean swordfish but warns that much more is needed to secure the recovery of this long overfished stock.

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    New director of scientific affairs at NFI


    Margaret Malkoski is joining the National Fisheries Institute (NFI) as its new director of scientific affairs.

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    Carrefour Italy collaborates with MSC


    Carrefour Italy has committed to supply its customers with seafood products carrying the blue Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label.

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    Investment for Xelect


    Xelect limited and the EOS Technology Investment Syndicate have announced the completion of an equity investment round.

  • Ocean conditions are thought to be affecting the quality and abudance of capelin, an important prey for northwest Atlantic salmon

    Ocean conditions affect salmon prey


    Changes in ocean conditions in the northwest Atlantic have altered the food web, changing the quantity and quality of important prey species, according to a recent study on salmon foraging.

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    Sea Value joins the IPNLF


    Thai tuna processor, Sea Value PLC, has become the newest member of the International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF).

  • FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva, and Cuban Ambassador to the UN Agencies in Rome, Alba Soto Pimentel

    Agreement on Port State Measures close to coming into force


    Cuba’s accession to the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing means that adherence is needed by just one more party before coming into force.

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    Letter to the Editor


    The Pew Charitable Trusts has written a Letter to the Editor in response to the article ‘Europeche rejects claims that EC plan will lead to overfishing’ published on 16 March.

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    Thai Union to acquire 40% of Avanti Frozen Foods


    Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (TU) has entered into a joint venture agreement to acquire a 40% equity stake of Avanti Feeds Limited’s wholly owned shrimp processing unit, Avanti Frozen Foods Private Limited India.

  • Kitty Simonds, Council executive director (centre), presents Claire Poumele, Council member and American Samoa Port Administration director, with a cheque to support development of a longline vessel dock in Pago Pago Harbour

    Western Pacific Fishery Council recommendations


    The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council has recommended a suite of management decisions and recommendations for the near and offshore fisheries of American Samoa, Hawaii and Guam.

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    Thai Union welcomes new labour initiative


    Thai Union PCL (TU) has welcomed a new initiative on ‘Combatting Unacceptable Forms of Work in the Thai Fishing and Seafood Industry’.

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    100% camera coverage achieved in NZ fishery


    New Zealand’s Snapper 1 trawl fleet of 15 vessels has achieved 100% camera coverage.

  • It is essential that the fishmeal resource is used in the most efficient ways possible, according to Dr Leo Nankervis

    Skretting announces fishmeal-free breakthrough


    Skretting has unveiled salmon feed formulations made completely fishmeal-free, which also deliver equal performance levels of fish growth and health.

  • The EU Fisheries Control Agency will help detect migrant boats. ©European Union/Frontex

    EFCA to help detect migrant boats


    The European Parliament''s Fisheries Committee has empowered the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) to use the data provided by its ship reporting systems to detect vessels carrying migrants.

  • The High Seas Alliance will attend a UN conference to discuss protecting marine life

    States gather for UN conference to protect oceans


    States gathering at the United Nations (UN) in New York on 28 March will begin work towards an agreement to protect life in the ocean, closing some of the legal loopholes that remain.

  • The first Canadian Atlantic cod stock has been MSC certified. © Hans Hillewaert/CC BY-SA 4.0

    First Canadian Atlantic cod stock certified


    The Canada Newfoundland 3Ps cod fishery has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification, becoming the country’s first Atlantic cod fishery to do so.

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    Seafish estimates most UK fishing fleets remained profitable in 2014


    According to the latest fleet economic performance data, most of the UK’s fishing fleets remained profitable in 2014 and a similar performance is forecasted for 2015.

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    Seafish advice on monitoring glaze levels


    Seafish is aiming to establish an agreed method of monitoring glaze levels on packaged seafood by meeting with industry experts, key stakeholders and national government.