Latest News – Page 116

  • NFFO.1509-Mike-Cohen-crop-

    NFFO appoints new deputy CEO


    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) has appointed its former chair, Mike Cohen, as new deputy chief executive.

  • NSC.r8uhlxfst0t4ros8rlw4_mainimage

    Seafood plays key role in boosting Norwegian exports


    Seafood exports are expected to play a big part in Norway’s goal of increasing exports, excluding oil and gas, by 50% by 2030.

  • European Commission proposal

    Atlantic, Kattegat and Skagerrak opportunities


    The European Commission has published its proposal for the catches of fish stocks in the Atlantic Ocean, Kattegat and Skagerrak.

  • Cod is Iceland’s single most valuable species, accounting for 49% of 2020’s seafood export value

    Source of inspiration


    Iceland is well positioned to offer the United Kingdom a lot more than just its favourite whitefish

  • Babord Group is about to make Arctic char better known and more widely available

    Arctic char – niche species ready to go mainstream


    There are ambitious plans to bring what is currently a niche farmed species to greater prominence as Arctic char production is about to be stepped up by Norwegian Fish Farms working with seafood producer Babord Group.

  • OSH Oyster Spat In Hand

    Orkney Shellfish Hatchery’s first stock of flat oyster spat released


    Orkney Shellfish Hatchery has released its first stock of native flat oysters into the ocean, following the sale of native oyster spat to a local restoration project.

  • ScSeafood.Mia Tait, 18, International Fish CannersSC

    Recruitment drive for Scottish seafood processing


    Scotland’s seafood industry has launched a new campaign to help find candidates to fill numerous vacancies across the processing sector, particularly in the busy run up to Christmas.

  • FFA.The Regional Fisheries Surveillance Centre  Photo credit FFA

    Surveillance of Pacific to tackle IUU fishing a success


    One of the largest fisheries surveillance operations in the world has come to a successful close today following 12 days of international co-operation to target illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in the Pacific Ocean.

  • The new trawler for Baffin Fisheries is scheduled to be delivered in early 2024. Illustr: Skipsteknisk

    Skipsteknisk secures Canadian design contracts


    Norwegian naval architect Skipsteknisk has confirmed two new design contracts for Canadian fishing companies, in addition to an ongoing build due for delivery in 2022.

  • Canadian patrol aircraft overflying a fishing vessel and a carrier vessel on the high seas of the North Pacific Ocean. Photo: DFO

    Canada wraps up Operation North Pacific Guard


    Canadian fishery officers have now completed their involvement in Operation North Pacific Guard, an annual international law enforcement operation in the high seas of the North Pacific with Canada’s counterparts from the United States, Korea and Japan.

  • Minister of Fisheries Kristján Thór Júlíusson signs off the regulation for the 2021-22 capelin season

    Gearing up for capelin


    Iceland’s pelagic sector is looking forward to what is hoped will be the largest capelin season for a couple of decades

  • GSA.Taprobane

    Shrimp producer awarded Sri Lanka’s first BAP certification


    Taprobane Seafood Group has become the first Sri Lankan company certified to offer three-star Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) shrimp.

  • BIM.AqStudio.pv-141021-aqua-2

    Harnessing the power of start-ups in Irish aquaculture


    Start-ups from a range of industries including engineering, IT and farming have taken part in a programme aimed at promoting innovation in Irish aquaculture.

  • Celebrating WA’s latest MSC certified fishery are WAFIC chairman Murray Criddle, Hamish Ch’ng of Far West Scallops, Fisheries Minister Don Punch and Geoff McGowan of McBoats Seafood. Photo: WAFIC

    First Australian scallop fishery to get blue tick


    The Abrolhos Island and Mid-West scallop trawl fishery has achieved MSC certification, the first scallop fishery in Australia and the eleventh fishery in Western Australia (WA) to gain certification.

  • Saputi II

    Qikiqtaaluk design near completion


    Qikiqtaaluk Fisheries Corporation (QFC) is investing in a replacement vessel for the 1987-built Saputi.

  • sanford-processing-facility

    Sanford strengthens digital capabilities with Innova


    Innova software is up and running at the first Sanford site in New Zealand, helping the fish processing leader increase the flexibility and efficiency of its business.

  • Design

    A wealth of ship design experience


    “We provide clients with the highest standard of marine design and engineering, and the company’s portfolio includes many projects from zero-emissions passenger ferries and ro-pax, cruise vessels, container ships, offshore vessels to yachts – and in particular fishing vessels,” said Natalia Jarocka of Nelton’s sales department.

  • Design

    Fjölbreytt reynsla við skipahönnun


    „Hjá okkur fá viðskiptavinir okkar skipahönnun og verkfræðiþjónustu í fremstu röð og meðal verkefna okkar hafa verið skip af ýmsu tagi, allt frá farþegaferjum án kolefnislosunar og ekjuferjum, skemmtiferðaskipum, gámaflutningaskipum og útsjávarskipum til skemmtisnekkja – og sérstaklega veiðiskip,“ segir Natalia Jaocka frá söludeild Neltons.

  • Sparrow

    Sparrow breakthrough with groundfish fleet


    The Injector trawl doors manufactured by Mørenot and used around the world have been a real success with the Icelandic fleet, according to Mørenot Ísland’s sales manager Björn Jóhannsson, who has sold Injector doors to most leading fishing companies over the last few years.

  • Sparrow

    Sparrow-hlerarnir sanna sig í botnveiðum


    Injector toghlerarnir sem Mørenot framleiðir og notaðir eru víða um heim hafa vakið mikla lukku á íslenska flotanum, að því er Björn Jóhannsson, sölustjóri Mørenot Ísland, segir. Hann hefur selt flestum helstu útgerðarfyrirtækjum Íslands slíka hlera á síðustu árum.