Latest News – Page 119

  • NOAA Fisheries is moving to electronically submitted trip reports Photo: NOAA Fisheries

    NOAA Fisheries moves reporting online


    NOAA Fisheries is moving away from paper vessel trip reporting requirements in the Greater Atlantic Region.

  • Carsoe-Intech 071021 SC

    Carsoe acquires outstanding shares in Intech


    Carsoe has acquired all outstanding shares in Intech, consolidating the two companies’ seafood activities and tray denesting technology at Carsoe and Intech respectively.

  • NOAA.electronic-reporting-fishermen-tablet

    NOAA Fisheries moves reporting online


    NOAA Fisheries is moving away from paper vessel trip reporting requirements in the Greater Atlantic Region

  • seafood workers

    Industry fails on human rights


    Seafood companies are not doing enough to protect human rights, new research has found.

  • workers

    Industry fails on human rights


    Seafood companies are not doing enough to protect human rights, new research has found.

  • Brunvoll1.Nordic Prince.OL20029

    Customised propulsion technology


    Over the last year the company has provided sophisticated systems to new fishing vessls such as pelagic trawler/purse seiner Odd Lundberg, built at Karstensen in Denmark for its Norwegian owners. Odd Lundberg was fitted with an innovative two-step reduction gear, allowing operating patterns to be optimised and resulting in significant fuel savings.

  • Brunvoll1.Nordic Prince.OL20029

    Sérframleidd knúningstækni


    Undanfarið ár hefur fyrirtækið séð um að háþróuð kerfi í ný fiskiskip, svo sem uppsjávartogarann og nótaskipið Odd Lundberg sem var byggt fyrir Norðmenn hjá Karstensen í Danmörku. Í Odd Lundberg var settur upp tveggja þrepa niðurfærslugír, sem gerir áhöfninni mögulegt að ná sem mestu út úr starfseminni og spara eldsneyti verulega.

  • Napa argues that a dispute involving blue whiting quotas is leading to over-fishing

    North Atlantic blue whiting FIP


    A collective of retailers and supply chain businesses has launched a ‘policy fisheries improvement project (FIP)’ to help secure the sustainable management of blue whiting in the North Atlantic.

  • Sealaska is refining its business to focus on chilled seafood Photo: AG Seafood

    Alaska corporation eyes Iceland


    A corporation owned by First Peoples in Alaska is planning to acquire equity in two Icelandic seafood companies as part of its drive to manage the oceans sustainably.

  • Cod quotas are unnecessarily low, argues the SFA Photo: SFA

    Cod fishing at risk from quota cut


    Fishermen face going out of business if politicians insist on driving down cod quotas next year at a time when the stock is abundant in the North Sea, says the chair of Shetland Fishermen’s Association, James Anderson.

  • Gareth Hammond, VAKI area manager at MSD Animal Health UK Photo: VAKI

    VAKI recognised for innovation at Aqua Nor


    After being shortlisted as one of three finalists in June, VAKI has been recognised at this year’s Aqua Nor event.

  • Jón Birgir Gunnarsson, director of sales and marketing at Valka Photo: Valka

    Valka fish processing system for Hardanger


    Valka is to supply a fish processing system capable of handling 140 salmon per minute for Hardanger Fiskeforedling.

  • Researchers are helping shellfish growers take a proactive approach to spotting disease Photo: SAIC

    Researchers use PCR testing for shellfish


    Aquaculture researchers in Scotland are developing a PCR test that will help detect a range of diseases and biofouling species affecting oysters and mussels.

  • ​UK Innovation Fund wants ideas

    ​UK Innovation Fund wants ideas


    Applications are now open for a third round of funding from the UK Seafood Innovation Fund. Continuing to support a sustainable future for the UK seafood, the programme seeks ideas from innovators looking to introduce novel and practical solutions into the sector. The programme has also announced £1.5m of follow-on ...

  • Quality and yield take priority

    Quality and yield take priority


    Hraðfrystihúsið (HG) and Marel have signed a significant contract for a FleXicut system to increase automation, quality, throughput and yield.

  • The first ever trawl survey of Lebanese waters is underway Photo: GFCM

    First ever trawl survey of Lebanese waters


    For the first time ever, a scientific survey on fisheries resources will be carried out to discover what lies at the bottom of the sea in Lebanon.

  • Pescanova is expanding its online shop to the whole of mainland Spain Photo: Pescanova

    Pescanova expands online shop in Spain


    Seafood brand, Pescanova, is expanding its online shop, offering its most exclusive products to the whole of mainland Spain.

  • Armon returns to UK fishing market

    Armon returns to UK fishing market


    With the delivery of vivier crabber Frank Henry to its owners in southern England, Astilleros Armon celebrates the 26th vessel built at the yard for the UK and Irish fishing fleets, reports Phil Lockley./p>

  • Ready for second stage of investment quotas

    Ready for second stage of investment quotas


    Leading Russian fish producers have supported the recently announced state plans for the expansion of the existing programme of investment quotas, reports Eugene Gerden.

  • Vónin introduces smart trawl door technology

    Vónin introduces smart trawl door technology


    Pelagic vessels Høgaberg and Tróndur í Gøtu have been putting the new Twister trawl doors developed by Vónin through their paces for the last few months.